Is there a way to calculate 5 day rolling beta ie., returns relative to market return using Proc expand ? See data below - Ret is the individual stock return and mkt_ret is the market return
data temp;
input DAT1 mmddyy11. ID $ RET MKT_RET ;
9/1/2016 AA 0.0001 0.0001
9/2/2016 AA 0.000279 -0.002973
9/6/2016 AA -0.006091 0.000146
9/7/2016 AA 0.026914 0.002228
9/8/2016 AA 0.023175 0.025139
9/9/2016 AA -0.021908 -0.014465
9/12/2016 AA -0.023251 0.015054
9/13/2016 AA -0.034177 0.000588
9/14/2016 AA -0.032881 -0.010008
9/15/2016 AA 0.005656 0.003787
9/1/2016 ADM 0.0001 0.0001
9/2/2016 ADM 0.000023 -0.002973
9/6/2016 ADM 0.000094 0.000146
9/7/2016 ADM 0.000023 0.002228
9/8/2016 ADM 0.000023 0.025139
9/9/2016 ADM 0.000023 -0.014465
9/12/2016 ADM 0.00007 0.015054
9/13/2016 ADM 0.000023 0.000588
9/14/2016 ADM 0.000023 -0.010008
9/15/2016 ADM 0.000023 0.003787
If not, any do loop macros with proc reg would also be helpful.
I don't think it does, but you may be able to calculate the components.
I wrote the code to calculate regression coefficient for a row. Using an array this could be modified accordingly.
Plus this method for calculating rolling values will help
data temp; input DAT1 : mmddyy11. ID $ RET MKT_RET ; format dat1 date9.; cards; 9/1/2016 AA 0.0001 0.0001 9/2/2016 AA 0.000279 -0.002973 9/6/2016 AA -0.006091 0.000146 9/7/2016 AA 0.026914 0.002228 9/8/2016 AA 0.023175 0.025139 9/9/2016 AA -0.021908 -0.014465 9/12/2016 AA -0.023251 0.015054 9/13/2016 AA -0.034177 0.000588 9/14/2016 AA -0.032881 -0.010008 9/15/2016 AA 0.005656 0.003787 9/1/2016 ADM 0.0001 0.0001 9/2/2016 ADM 0.000023 -0.002973 9/6/2016 ADM 0.000094 0.000146 9/7/2016 ADM 0.000023 0.002228 9/8/2016 ADM 0.000023 0.025139 9/9/2016 ADM 0.000023 -0.014465 9/12/2016 ADM 0.00007 0.015054 9/13/2016 ADM 0.000023 0.000588 9/14/2016 ADM 0.000023 -0.010008 9/15/2016 ADM 0.000023 0.003787 ; run; proc sql; create table x as select id,count(*) as count from temp group by id; quit; data key; set x; do start=1 to count-4; end=start+4;output; end; run; data temp; set temp; by id; if first.id then n=0; n+1; run; %macro reg(id,start,end); proc reg data=temp(where=(id="&id" and n between &start and &end)) outest=outest noprint; model RET=MKT_RET; quit; data outest; set outest; length id $ 40; id="&id";start=&start;end=&end; run; proc append base=want data=outest force;run; %mend; data _null_; set key; call execute(cats('%reg(',id,',',start,',',end,')')); run;
I think this would technically do it, wasn't sure which was x and which was y for the regression.
I checked that this is error free but did not check if it was doing the correct calculation required.
I checked this and it works as expected. If you're window is longer change the numbers to reflect this.
data want;
set temp;
by id;
array _r(0:4) _temporary_;
array _m(0:4) _Temporary_;
if first.id then
call missing(of _r(*));
call missing(of _m(*));
_r(mod(_n_, 5))=ret;
_m(mod(_n_, 5))=mkt_ret;
if count>4 then
xbar=mean(of _r(*));
ybar=mean(of _m(*));
do i=0 to dim(_r)-1;
num=sum(num, (_r(i)-xbar)*(_m(i)-ybar));
den=sum(den, (_r(i)-xbar)**2);
You can run the R packages below using IML
If nothing else you can use R to check your SAS code
I am out of my comfort zone, it has been a long time since i worked with financial data.
Does not exactly answer your question but you should be able to replicate
easily in SAS and check against R. Looks like what you are asking
inspired by
also see
also check
Note you can move tha data to SAS from R if you want
ACAD.Open ACAD.High ACAD.Low ACAD.Close ACAD.Volume ACAD.Adjusted
2016-12-16 25.72 26.51 25.65 25.98 2089500 25.98
2016-12-19 26.15 26.46 25.30 25.43 1144400 25.43
2016-12-20 29.26 30.14 27.26 28.57 18508600 28.57
2016-12-21 28.46 28.95 27.42 27.46 3964600 27.46
2016-12-22 27.44 28.40 27.09 27.67 2036800 27.67
2016-12-23 27.63 29.98 27.51 29.75 3467900 29.75
SPY.Open SPY.High SPY.Low SPY.Close SPY.Volume SPY.Adjusted
2016-12-16 226.01 226.08 224.67 225.04 156420200 225.04
2016-12-19 225.25 226.02 225.08 225.53 90341100 225.53
2016-12-20 226.15 226.57 225.88 226.40 89838800 226.40
2016-12-21 226.25 226.45 225.77 225.77 67909000 225.77
2016-12-22 225.60 225.74 224.92 225.38 56219100 225.38
2016-12-23 225.43 225.72 225.21 225.71 36251400 225.71
WANT (slope of 36 months adjusted month-end close lags 2:37?)
Beta calculated for 36 months of adjusted month-end close
(Intercept) r(spy)[2:37]
0.08600758 2.62416671
r<-function(x) {m<-to.monthly(x[,6])[,4];diff(m)/lag(m)}
start_date <- "2012-7-01";
acad <- getSymbols("ACAD", from = start_date, auto.assign = F);
spy <- getSymbols("SPY", from = start_date, auto.assign = F);
r<-function(x) {m<-to.monthly(x[,6])[,4];diff(m)/lag(m)};
> library(PerformanceAnalytics);library(quantmod);start_date <- "2012-7-01";
acad <- getSymbols("ACAD", from = start_date, auto.assign = F);spy <- getSymbols("SPY", from =
start_date, auto.assign = F);r<-function(x) {m<-to.monthly(x[,6])[,4];diff(m)/lag(m)};
(Intercept) r(spy)[2:37]
0.08600758 2.62416671
PROC EXPAND only generates some univariate rolling statistics, but you would also need (1) rolling sums-of-cross-products, and (2) a process to invert the rolling SSCP matrix to generate the beta coefficient. For five-day rolling windows, it's just better (both faster and smipler) to make data sets with 5 day windows, as in:
data need / view=need;
/* Generate WID - windows id number */
merge have (keep=id)
have (firstobs=5 keep=id rename=(id=id5);
if id^=lag(id) then wid=0; /* same as a first.id check */
wid+1; /* about to write 5 more records, increment wid */
if id^=id5 then wid=.; /* Too near end of this stock ticker to have a complete window */
/* Now, for each WID, read and write 5 obs */
set have; if wid>0 then output;
set have (firstobs=2); if wid>0 then output;
set have (firstobs=3); if wid>0 then output;
set have (firstobs=4); if wid>0 then output;
set have (firstobs=5); if wid>0 then output;
proc reg data=need;
by id wid;
model .... ;
Thanks all, was very useful & informative
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