Have you ever noticed that sometimes a SAS editor displays a statement in red, which indicates that the color-coder does not recognize that statement? You look it up in the doc and---sure enough!---the statement is valid! You submit the code and---sure enough!---the program runs!
Help SAS improve its editor by telling the developers what valid statement are displayed in red. Respond to this message and state
the name of the procedure and the statement that is displayed in red. A valid example would also be helpful.
To get started, here's one I found:
proc univariate data=sashelp.cars;
var mpg_highway;
cdfplot mpg_highway;
I will "like" responses for which the color-coding is wrong in the latest release of SAS (currently 9.4m4).
TBH they should rip the "Enhanced Editor" out and put a proper IDE in its place, EE was version 8.
The topic of this thread is reporting issues with the color-coder (enhanced editor, Enterprise Guide, or SAS Studio). Please open a separate thread if you want to discuss editors, GUIs. IDEs, or other topics.
I had misremembered this topic as a request for examples of any erroneous color codes in the editor interface.
It's just for unjustified RED's, but now that I've asked for and received the location of this topic (thanks Rick), here's an incorrect blue in windows enhanced editor 9.4 TSm3 (but not in sas/studio 3.6)
proc tabulate data=sashelp.class weight ;
"weight" is not an option on the proc tabulate statement, but is shown in blue in the editor. (There is a separate WEIGHT statement for proc tabulate).
Thanks, Mark. I think this is because WEIGHT is a valid keyword for the VARDEF= option. The color-coding algorithm seems to be overzealous for TABULATE, SUMMARY, and MEANS. It also displays DF, N, and WDF in blue:
proc summary data=sashelp.class vardef=weight; /* or N or DF or WDF */
Ah yes. thx.
Might not be relevant here, but the 'where' statement in proc freq is now showing up as red in Enterprise Guide 7.1
The Convert Statement of PROC EXPAND is red in my editor
proc expand data=somedata out=someotherdata;
by var1;
id var2;
convert var3=lead_var3 / transformout=(lead 1);
proc reg data=sp4r.bodyfat;
model weight = height neck chest;
store mymod;
store in red in my editor. Sas 9.4
Please tell me how to solve this problem, thanks.
The incorrect colour coding in your SAS editor is a bug that can only be corrected by SAS. The code will still run correctly.
That is a different issue. If you want help with that I suggest you open a new post.
/*partial snippet of code within ods tagsets.excelXP file="x.xml"*/
ods tagsets.ExcelXP options(sheet_name='Volag');
proc print data=clean noobs;
where volag =' ' and (fy= &fy and _trimester=&tri);
var case_nbr Last_Name First_Name dob Date_arrival year_arrival screening_date Agency_Name ;
title 'Please update in the database. These are either missing or incorrect.';
format screening_date mmddyy8.;
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