I'm not sure what you mean by "change the first line". It is a macro thus, if it is written correctly, you shouldn't have to change any of its lines.
After running it, you actually get it to work by calling the macro as described in the text file.
I don't have the time or expertise to review the macro code, but I did run it. To get it to run, I had to add a line to the macro, namely a run; statement just before the %mend.
Similarly, the text file appears to have some errors in it (e.g., it indicate calling the macro with a TO variable rather than the T0 variable that is used in the macro).
I got it to work with the following call:
%ROCPOWER(T1=.90, T2=.70, T0=.70, R=.41, N=100, PERCENT=.50, ORDINAL=1)
> I am unable to use the macro %ROCPOWER, which I need
> to compute the power of a diagnostic tool.
> I downloaded it from
> All I do is changing the first line as requested in
> the help file
> (http://www.bio.ri.ccf.org/doc/rocpower_help.txt) and
> then running the program. I just get the log of the
> procedure but no output.
> Using SAS v9.1.
> Any thoughts?
> Message was edited by: Iron_grief