Hi all
I am trying to do a fixed effect and random effect estimation for some panel data, and I thought proc panel would be the best procedure to use. However when I am using the procedure, the data statement does not turn blue, as it should and as it does when I am using the proc reg statement. This is shown below:
When I am running this code I get the error:
ERROR 22-322: Expecting a name.
55 model y = x1 x2 /fixone;
ERROR: Variable NAME not found.
56 run;
To me it seems like it does not read the data statement, which is why it cannot find the variable and gives the error.
Why can't SAS read the statement and how can I use this fixed effect estimation with proc panel? Or is there an even easier way than this (I have a lot of observations).
Best regards
No, the syntax not highlighting correctly is annoying but has no effect on the code.
Post your full log please, there's an error but I suspect it may be earlier on in your code.
Thanks for the quick reply.
The full log is here:
NOTE: Copyright (c) 2002-2012 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.
NOTE: SAS (r) Proprietary Software 9.4 (TS1M4)
Licensed to CAMPUS - KBH. UNI. WNDW - 64BIT, Site 70087676.
NOTE: This session is executing on the X64_10HOME platform.
NOTE: Updated analytical products:
SAS/ETS 14.2
SAS/OR 14.2
SAS/IML 14.2
SAS/QC 14.2
NOTE: Additional host information:
X64_10HOME WIN 10.0.14393 Workstation
NOTE: SAS initialization used:
real time 0.71 seconds
cpu time 0.59 seconds
1 PROC IMPORT OUT= work.density DATAFILE= "C:\Users\bruger\OneDrive\KU\10. semester\Urban
1 ! Economics\Area\density"
2 DBMS=xlsx replace;
3 SHEET="dens";
5 RUN;
NOTE: The import data set has 588 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: WORK.DENSITY data set was successfully created.
NOTE: PROCEDURE IMPORT used (Total process time):
real time 0.06 seconds
cpu time 0.04 seconds
7 libname out "C:\Users\bruger\OneDrive\KU\10. semester\Urban Economics\Area";
NOTE: Libref OUT was successfully assigned as follows:
Engine: V9
Physical Name: C:\Users\bruger\OneDrive\KU\10. semester\Urban Economics\Area
8 data out.density;
9 set density;
10 run;
NOTE: There were 588 observations read from the data set WORK.DENSITY.
NOTE: The data set OUT.DENSITY has 588 observations and 4 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.01 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
12 PROC IMPORT OUT= work.house DATAFILE= "C:\Users\bruger\OneDrive\KU\10. semester\Urban
12 ! Economics\Area\density"
13 DBMS=xlsx replace;
14 SHEET="house";
16 RUN;
NOTE: The import data set has 588 observations and 3 variables.
NOTE: WORK.HOUSE data set was successfully created.
NOTE: PROCEDURE IMPORT used (Total process time):
real time 0.03 seconds
cpu time 0.03 seconds
18 libname out "C:\Users\bruger\OneDrive\KU\10. semester\Urban Economics\Area";
NOTE: Libref OUT was successfully assigned as follows:
Engine: V9
Physical Name: C:\Users\bruger\OneDrive\KU\10. semester\Urban Economics\Area
19 data out.house;
20 set house;
21 run;
NOTE: There were 588 observations read from the data set WORK.HOUSE.
NOTE: The data set OUT.HOUSE has 588 observations and 3 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
24 proc reg data=density;
NOTE: Writing HTML Body file: sashtml.htm
25 model y = beko empdens;
26 run;
NOTE: PROCEDURE REG used (Total process time):
real time 2.20 seconds
cpu time 0.51 seconds
28 proc panel data=density;
29 id year;
ERROR 22-322: Expecting a name.
30 model y = empdens /fixone;
ERROR: Variable NAME not found.
31 run;
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
NOTE: PROCEDURE PANEL used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
The log does not show an error before the proc panel code.
Try the following section of code. I think it's an error in your ID statement. Do you have duplicates where you shouldn't?
I was able to replicate the issue with duplicates in my ID variable.
proc sort data=density;
by year;
proc panel data=density;
model y = empdens / fixone;
id year;
If that doesn't work, let me know what happens if you run the following:
data a;
length state $ 2;
input state $ year d t s y rd rt rs;
label d = 'Per Capita Demand Deposits'
t = 'Per Capita Time Deposits'
s = 'Per Capita S & L Association Shares'
y = 'Permanent Per Capita Personal Income'
rd = 'Service Charge on Demand Deposits'
rt = 'Interest on Time Deposits'
rs = 'Interest on S & L Association Shares';
CA 1949 6.2785 6.1924 4.4998 7.2056 -1.0700 0.1080 1.0664
CA 1950 6.4019 6.2106 4.6821 7.2889 -1.0106 0.1501 1.0767
CA 1951 6.5058 6.2729 4.8598 7.3827 -1.0024 0.4008 1.1291
CA 1952 6.4785 6.2729 5.0039 7.4000 -0.9970 0.4492 1.1227
CA 1953 6.4118 6.2538 5.1761 7.4200 -0.8916 0.4662 1.2110
CA 1954 6.4520 6.2971 5.3613 7.4478 -0.6951 0.4756 1.1924
CA 1955 6.4998 6.3081 5.5452 7.4838 -0.7012 0.4929 1.2387
CA 1956 6.5162 6.2897 5.7236 7.5380 -0.6292 0.5636 1.2638
CA 1957 6.4646 6.3733 5.8579 7.5822 -0.4620 0.9712 1.3686
CA 1958 6.5191 6.4552 6.0331 7.6178 -0.4050 0.9712 1.3818
CA 1959 6.5709 6.4661 6.2025 7.6797 -0.4095 0.9738 1.3980
DC 1949 6.7499 5.4806 5.8230 7.3796 -1.3432 -0.3916 1.0307
DC 1950 6.9207 5.5413 5.9454 7.4804 -1.3205 -0.4125 1.0567
DC 1951 7.0775 5.6131 6.1420 7.6094 -1.3243 -0.3901 1.1006
DC 1952 6.9810 5.5452 6.2166 7.5606 -1.3205 -0.3161 1.0902
DC 1953 6.9117 5.5530 6.2971 7.5262 -1.2483 -0.1244 1.1102
DC 1954 6.9508 5.7203 6.4394 7.5326 -1.1777 0.4055 1.1259
DC 1955 6.9726 5.7961 6.5820 7.5658 -1.1457 0.4081 1.1559
DC 1956 6.9679 5.7991 6.6670 7.5761 -1.1332 0.4688 1.1787
DC 1957 7.0211 5.9687 6.8002 7.6425 -1.0613 0.8024 1.2143
DC 1958 7.0867 6.0799 6.9197 7.6704 -1.0217 0.7419 1.2404
DC 1959 7.0630 6.0014 7.0291 7.6811 -0.8723 0.8510 1.3156
FL 1949 6.0113 4.8363 4.6347 6.9315 -1.0385 -0.0954 0.8390
FL 1950 6.0707 4.8283 4.7274 6.9147 -1.0729 -0.0440 0.8446
FL 1951 6.1506 4.8903 4.9345 6.9735 -1.0936 0.0020 0.8871
FL 1952 6.1527 4.8828 5.1180 6.9735 -1.1147 0.0507 0.9466
FL 1953 6.1399 4.9273 5.2983 7.0370 -1.0385 0.1115 0.9651
FL 1954 6.1420 4.9416 5.5094 7.0361 -0.9835 0.2374 1.0547
FL 1955 6.3008 5.0814 5.8111 7.1747 -0.9729 0.2919 1.0585
FL 1956 6.3404 5.1120 5.9480 7.1997 -0.9188 0.3961 1.1092
FL 1957 6.2748 5.3660 6.0355 7.2320 -0.8052 0.8838 1.2054
FL 1958 6.2785 5.4806 6.1026 7.2506 -0.6972 0.8973 1.2099
FL 1959 6.2577 5.4596 6.2344 7.2841 -0.6482 0.9119 1.2740
IL 1949 6.7370 5.8749 4.7536 7.2896 -1.9449 -0.1602 0.9179
IL 1950 6.7569 5.8348 4.8363 7.2917 -1.9241 -0.1661 0.8953
IL 1951 6.7878 5.8141 4.9698 7.3492 -1.9173 -0.0661 0.8957
IL 1952 6.8178 5.9402 5.1648 7.4073 -1.9379 0.0573 0.9431
IL 1953 6.8123 5.9814 5.3423 7.4448 -1.8971 0.0871 0.9944
IL 1954 6.8330 6.0259 5.5334 7.4816 -1.8079 0.1222 1.0109
IL 1955 6.8448 6.0259 5.6904 7.5038 -1.7603 0.1319 1.0217
IL 1956 6.8501 6.0568 5.8579 7.5575 -1.6983 0.3031 1.0757
IL 1957 6.8013 6.0913 5.9713 7.5909 -1.5945 0.4874 1.1490
IL 1958 6.8233 6.1399 6.0958 7.6014 -1.5418 0.5522 1.2244
IL 1959 6.7731 6.1633 6.1924 7.6183 -1.4653 0.7198 1.2519
NY 1949 7.2226 5.6021 4.2047 7.3079 -2.1893 -0.3754 0.7415
NY 1950 7.2478 5.5645 4.2627 7.3232 -2.1286 -0.3230 0.7333
NY 1951 7.2506 5.5334 4.4427 7.3563 -2.1286 -0.2294 0.7966
NY 1952 7.2591 5.6058 4.6250 7.4140 -2.1203 0.0488 0.8899
NY 1953 7.2406 5.6904 4.7707 7.4639 -2.0099 0.2159 0.9070
NY 1954 7.2549 5.7621 4.9053 7.4967 -1.9310 0.2971 0.9322
NY 1955 7.2661 5.7462 5.0039 7.5000 -1.9241 0.3407 0.9764
NY 1956 7.2556 5.8260 5.1240 7.5580 -1.7838 0.5619 1.0203
NY 1957 7.2745 5.9915 5.2417 7.6372 -1.6660 0.8024 1.0842
NY 1958 7.2814 6.1137 5.3279 7.6592 -1.6503 0.8587 1.1227
NY 1959 7.2563 6.1181 5.4072 7.6948 -1.5945 0.9247 1.1703
TX 1949 6.3509 4.2341 3.5835 6.9027 -1.9038 -0.1755 1.0134
TX 1950 6.4520 4.2627 3.7377 6.9584 -1.9173 -0.1791 1.0080
TX 1951 6.5206 4.3438 3.8918 7.0510 -1.9105 -0.2083 1.0364
TX 1952 6.5043 4.4308 4.0604 7.0699 -1.9173 0.0677 1.0578
TX 1953 6.5013 4.5951 4.2905 7.1131 -1.8326 0.1570 1.1256
TX 1954 6.5624 4.7622 4.5218 7.1585 -1.7037 0.2837 1.1291
TX 1955 6.5820 4.8442 4.7095 7.1967 -1.6555 0.3133 1.1220
TX 1956 6.5624 4.8828 4.8203 7.2138 -1.5702 0.4344 1.1210
TX 1957 6.5147 5.0689 4.9698 7.2556 -1.3863 0.7519 1.2490
TX 1958 6.5737 5.3033 5.1059 7.2841 -1.2801 0.8069 1.2276
TX 1959 6.5554 5.3519 5.2781 7.3265 -1.1940 0.8899 1.3005
WA 1949 6.0355 5.3033 4.4998 7.0440 -1.0272 -0.0651 0.7266
WA 1950 6.2166 5.3753 4.6913 7.1884 -1.0189 -0.0274 0.8016
WA 1951 6.2634 5.3936 4.8520 7.2675 -1.0079 0.0383 0.8616
WA 1952 6.2519 5.4381 4.9698 7.3005 -0.9650 0.2662 0.9373
WA 1953 6.2146 5.4596 5.1591 7.3337 -0.8819 0.2942 1.0466
WA 1954 6.2860 5.5094 5.3613 7.3790 -0.7319 0.2986 1.0526
WA 1955 6.3008 5.5835 5.5053 7.4079 -0.6368 0.5710 1.0671
WA 1956 6.2634 5.5910 5.5722 7.4122 -0.5327 0.5761 1.1023
WA 1957 6.2025 5.6595 5.6525 7.4448 -0.3842 0.8385 1.1793
WA 1958 6.2558 5.7333 5.7621 7.4697 -0.3341 0.8338 1.1957
WA 1959 6.2442 5.7557 5.8435 7.5005 -0.3147 0.9143 1.2548
proc sort data=a;
by state year;
proc panel data=a;
model t = y rd rt rs / fixone;
id state year;
Thank you so much!
Your code is working perfectly. I guess the problem is I only used "year" in the id statement. When I am using year and another variable it is working.
Thanks for the help.
I would report this to SAS tech support, it should be more clear and the error is definitely not clear when it could identify that their is an issue with the ID statement.
Not sure if SAS can tweak the error generator to give a better error message, but the documentation clearly shows that you need to give two variable names on the ID statement.
The ID statement is used to specify variables in the input data set that identify the cross section and time period for each observation.
When an ID statement is used, the PANEL procedure verifies that the input data set is sorted by the cross section ID variable and by the time series ID variable within each cross section. The PANEL procedure also verifies that the time series ID values are the same for all cross sections.
To make sure the input data set is correctly sorted, use PROC SORT to sort the input data set with a BY statement with the variables listed exactly as they are listed in the ID statement, as shown in the following statements:
proc sort data=a; by csid tsid; run; proc panel data=a; id csid tsid; ... etc. ... run;
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