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Calcite | Level 5
We recently renewed are license but unfortunately we no longer have the capability to use PROC SHEWHART (example below). I am striking out on finding a comparable alternative to this procedure. It is a program that runs once per month, so necessary that it is as close as possible to the original programming language. Thank you in advance! proc shewhart DATA=DPROJECT; WHERE LOC="&LOC"; SYMBOL V=DOT C=BLACK; IRchart RATE*MM/ALLLABEL=(RATE)ALLN SIGMAS=2 CCONNECT=BLUE CINFILL=CXDEDDED CFRAME=RED CFRAMELAB=WHITE NOHLABEL NOLIMITSLEGEND NOCHART2 UCLLABEL='High Zone' LCLLABEL='Low Zone' WLIMITS=1 NAME='LINE' HEIGHT=3 FONT=SWISS; SYMBOL W=3; TITLE H=3 F=SWISSB 'INCIDENT RATE PER 100 ADP'; TITLE2 COLOR=RED F=SWISSB H=2 "&LOCNAME"; FOOTNOTE; FORMAT MM MO_YR.; run;

Accepted Solutions
Diamond | Level 26

There is no real substitute for PROC SHEWHART.


You could use PROC SGPLOT to plot the data points and limits (you would have to calculate the limits prior to running PROC SGPLOT), but it would take a lot of programming to do all the testing that PROC SHEWHART does and then replicate this on the plot.

Paige Miller

View solution in original post

Diamond | Level 26

There is no real substitute for PROC SHEWHART.


You could use PROC SGPLOT to plot the data points and limits (you would have to calculate the limits prior to running PROC SGPLOT), but it would take a lot of programming to do all the testing that PROC SHEWHART does and then replicate this on the plot.

Paige Miller
Calcite | Level 5

Thank you for your quick response.  I had suspected as much, but hoped someone out there had found a simple solution.



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