Hello! I am new to SAS macro and would appreciate your help.
I have the following code that I would like to put into Macro to be able to run with different parameters.
DATA myData;
set myData;
ratio1 = freq1/N1;
ratio2 = freq2/N2;
ratio1 = '% Label 1'
ratio2 = '% Label 2'
I would like to create a macro function that has the following parameters:
1) Data set
2) Array of Labels (Label 1, Label 2...) with the dynamic length
So, I would like to be able to do something like:
%MACRO calculateRatio (dataSet, lbls);
DATA &dataSet;
set &dataSet;
%do i=1 %to %dim(lbls);
ratio&i =freq&i/N&i ;
%do i=1 %to %dim(lbls);
ratio&i = %:_&&lbls&i;
%MEND calculateRatio;
%ARRAY (lbls, VALUES=Label1 Label2);
%calculateRatio (myData, lbls);
Till now – no luck. I also tried %DO_OVER(lbls,PHRASE=ratio?_I_ = ?) but keep getting tons of syntax errors. The code doesn't work and I am afraid I am doing something basically wrong. The help is highly appreciated!
Pass the list of labels as a single parameter that is delimited by some character.
%macro calculateRatio (inds,outds, labels);
%local i ;
data &outds;
set &indst;
%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&labels,|));
ratio&i =freq&i/N&i ;
label ratio&i = %sysfunc(quote(%qscan(&labels,&i,|)));
%mend calculateRatio;
You are confusing and combining ARRAY commands with MACRO commands, can't be done.
You need to use MACRO commands when you are performing macro functions. The fact that loops can be EITHER arrays or macros doesn't mean you can use array command as macro commands. There is no %dim macro command, dim is an array command. The code below assumes in &lbls you have a delimiter of backslash to separate the labels.
%MACRO calculateRatio (dataSet, lbls);
DATA &dataSet;
set &dataSet;
%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(%superq(lbls),\));
ratio&i =freq&i/N&i ;
%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(%superq(lbls),\));
ratio&i = "%str(%%) %scan(&lbls,&i,\)"
%MEND calculateRatio;
%calculateRatio(myData,Label 1\Label 2)
Pass the list of labels as a single parameter that is delimited by some character.
%macro calculateRatio (inds,outds, labels);
%local i ;
data &outds;
set &indst;
%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&labels,|));
ratio&i =freq&i/N&i ;
label ratio&i = %sysfunc(quote(%qscan(&labels,&i,|)));
%mend calculateRatio;
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