I'm new to this concept and I was wondering if you could help me.
I have successfully used PROC HTTP to call data from a website. the problem is that I'm only able to call single Portfolio id each time (this is how the API is set up).
I was wondering if you could help me change this code to use hypothetical Table A column B values (all 150+ values) to feed into the below code as portfolio ids and eventually create a table with results from using these portfolio ids.
%let AccessKey =/*Enter Token id Here*/;
%let Portfoli_id =/*Enter Portfolio id Here*/;
proc http
method="GET" out=FS;
"Authorization"="Bearer &AccessKey.";
libname PP Json fileref=FS;
proc contents data=PP._all_;
Really appreciate your help!
I've done something similar for posting to an API one at a time. Instead of using %let to set your variables, use data null with call symputx. You'll need a count variable to know how many times to loop. Use that count number to know which observation in your dataset to grab. Hope this is helpful.
/*After the dataset is created, figure out the count you'll need to loop through*/
data _null_;
call symputx('cnt',&sysnobs.);
/*compile APILoop macro*/
%macro APILoop();
%do i=1 %to &cnt.;
/*Create needed variables you'll pass into the loop - one at a time*/
data _null_;
set table_A (firstobs=&i. obs=&i.);
call symputx('AccessKey',AccessKey);
call symputx('Portfoli_id',Portfoli_id);
/*Now you have the variables created to put into your proc http*/
proc http;
/*insert code here*/
/*Run Loop*/
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