You need to repost this in the Statistical forum. There are readers there that may be able to help.
My first thought is that a residual in a logistic regression is going to be bounded on the probability scale, so you probably want to plot using something like:
proc glimmix plots=(ResidualPanel(marginal)
ResidualPanel(unpack conditional);
This will give the residuals both using the random effect predictors (conditional) and averaging over the random effects (marginal). I don't know if influence statistics (Cook's D, DFFITS) are available for GLIMMIX.
I have one question about the variable ID--does it refer to an individual deer, and if so are there repeated observations on that animal? Then some spatial modeling might be in order as well, or grouping variances by animal, or, well, a whole bundle of things, but probably not relevant to your question about the plots.
Good luck,