Hi guys
I would like to plot four lactation curves on the same graph by pr, (PR) is a categorical number. which is represented observations that came from year one, two, three and four.
in my dataset, I have PR 1, 2, 3, and 4.
this code that I have plottered all the PRS in one curve,
How can I change this code to plot all the lactations in one place?
proc nlin data = ALLfd method = marquardt;
parms A = 15 B = -0.19 C = 0.0012 ;
by pr ;
AXIS1 ORDER = (5 TO 45 BY 5 );
model TEST_DAY_milk_kg = A * Time **b * exp(-C*Time);
output out = Fit predicted = pred ;
symbol1 interpol= join value = star color= black;
symbol2 interpol = none value = none color = red;
proc sort data=fit;
by time;
proc gplot data=fit;
plot pred*time TEST_DAY_milk_kg*time/overlay VAXIS = AXIS1;
Kind regards
You haven't provided an image of what you want, but try this:
proc sgplot data=fit;
series y=pred x=ttime / group=pr;
series y=TEST_DAY_milk_kg x=time / group=pr;
You haven't provided an image of what you want, but try this:
proc sgplot data=fit;
series y=pred x=ttime / group=pr;
series y=TEST_DAY_milk_kg x=time / group=pr;
proc nlin data = fdfdfd method = marquardt;
parms A = 15 B = -0.19 C = 0.0012 ;
by pr ;
AXIS1 ORDER = (0 TO 1 BY 0.1 );
model TEST_DAY_fat_kg = A * Time **b * exp(-C*Time);
output out = Fit predicted = pred ;
symbol1 interpol= none value = star color= black;
symbol2 interpol = none value = none color = red;
proc sort data=fit; by time;
proc sgplot data=fit;
series y=pred x=time / group=pr;
Hi Pick_SAS
this code has done everything that I was looking for except this code can not appear my request, it is only present the default programme numbers.
What do you think the issue is?
AXIS1 ORDER = (0 TO 1 BY 0.1 );
To change the ticks on the X axis, use the XAXIS statement:
proc sgplot data=fit;
series y=pred x=time / group=pr;
xaxis values=(0 to 1 by 0.1);
Here is a link to the documentation of PROC SGPLOT. You can also search for questions online, such as
change ticks "proc sgplot" site:sas.com
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