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Quartz | Level 8

Hi Experts,


I am trying to create a daily incremental code for Impala tables in SAS with Proc Append. But if I execute proc append twice or multiple time so the data gets appended multiple time.


How can I avoide this replication of data. Or else, is there any way to overwrite or update the data in impala table using sas.

Please help.



Ammonite | Level 13

Assuming you have SAS/ACCESS to Impala there are lots of ways - you can use a data step merge to update existing records and add any new ones at the same time, Proc SQL Union to append, data step Update statement etc.

Super User

I use two different ways to avoid duplicate data:


- set a variable that identifies a group of new records. This can be an infile name, a date, or similar. While concatenating (I do not use proc append), observations with the same values as those that are to be appended are excluded from the master dataset.

- identify a unique key (this may be one or more variables). After appending/concatenating, do a proc sort with nodupkey.

Quartz | Level 8

hi KurtBremser....could you please share a sample code for the first scenario.

Super User

A piece of blueprint code might look like this:

%let infile1=/shared/data/data_20170913.dat;
%let outlib=out;
%let masterfile=my_dataset;

data infile;
infile "&infile1";
  indata $
todays_file = "&infile1";

data &outlib..&masterfile._new;
  &outlib..&masterfile (where=(todays_file ne "&infile1"))

proc datasets library=&outlib nolist;
delete &masterfile;
change &masterfile._new=&masterfile;

Note that I do the "append" in a separate step. That way I can wrap the final proc datasets into a macro that checks for &syscc=0, to prevent replacing the master dataset if anything went wrong.

Also note that this is a SAS-only solution; you may have to check your options with the administrators of the Impala DBMS.


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