I'm trying do multilevel regression and poststratification based on this paper: http://aje.oxfordjournals.org/content/179/8/1025.short
I stuck the model prediction step now. I found their lecture note online (online note: http://www.cste2.org/webinars/webinarpdfs/GeospatialDataMethods82313.pdf) and try to modify it because I focused on county-level not census track block.
My codes as following:
proc GLIMMIX data=brfss.b12c_sr noclprint;
class FIPS_C state Ragegrp sex Rrace4
Rrurality2 ad_mean;
model MH (EVENT='1') =
Rrurality2 ad_mean
/dist=binary solution;
random state fips_c(state) / solution;
weight rw;
ods output
%MACRO SIMU(outcome=, year=);
%do i=1 %to 1000;
data temp1; set beta&year._&outcome;
keep fips_c pop p;
*summarize obesity by block (or county, or congressional district);
proc sql;
create table temp2 as
select distinct fips_c, sum(pop) as pop, (sum(p*pop)/sum(pop))*100 as &outcome
from temp1
group by fips_C;
proc append base=temp3 data=temp2 force;run;
However, it shows error:
ERROR: There were 1 unclosed %DO statements. The macro SIMU will not be compiled.
ERROR: A dummy macro will be compiled.
Does anyone ever done it before or know how should I modify it? Thank you so much!
The error message states that your DO block started with statement
%do i=1 %to 1000;
is never terminated by a %end; statement. I guess it should be inserted just before %MEND;
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