Dear community,
I am trying to adapt the date conversion function [1] to use regular expressions:
proc fcmp outlib=work.functions.conversions; /*[1]*/
function datecdash2sdtm(indate $) $; /*[2]*/
length outdate $10; /*[3]*/
cdash_date_regex = prxparse("/(UN|\d{1,2}) (\w{3}) (\d{4})/");
/* if indate ne ' ' then*/
if prxmatch(cdash_date_regex, indate) then
yyyy = prxposn(cdash_date_regex, 3, indate);
mmm = prxposn(cdash_date_regex, 2, indate);
dd = prxposn(cdash_date_regex, 1, indate);
/*yyyy = substr(indate, 8, 4); *//*[4]*/
/* mmm = upcase(substr(indate, 4, 3));*/
/* dd = substr(indate, 1, 2);*/
/* if year not missing */
if notdigit(yyyy) = 0 then
mm = put(mmm, $month.); /*[6]*/
/* if month not missing */
if mm ne ' ' then
/* if day not missing */
if notdigit(dd) = 0 then
outdate = yyyy || '-' || strip(mm) || '-' || dd; /*[7]*/
end; /* if notdigit(dd) = 0 */
else outdate = yyyy || '-' || strip(mm);
end; /* if mm ne ' ' */
else outdate = yyyy;
end; /* if notdigit(yyyy) = 0 */
else outdate = ' ';
end; /* if indate ne ' ' */
else outdate = ' ';
return(outdate); /*[8]*/
endsub; /*[9]*/
Unfortunately the function is not working and produces empty output. If I try to just parse the dates in plain data step
data mh_crf;
set ecrf.mh1b ecrf.mh1a;
MHSTDTC = datecdash2sdtm(MHTRSTDAT);
MHENDTC = datecdash2sdtm(MHTRENDAT);
cdash_date_regex = prxparse("/(UN|\d{1,2}) (\w{3}) (\d{4})/");
if prxmatch(cdash_date_regex, MHTRENDAT) then
yyyy = prxposn(cdash_date_regex, 3, MHTRENDAT);
mmm = prxposn(cdash_date_regex, 2, MHTRENDAT);
dd = prxposn(cdash_date_regex, 1, MHTRENDAT);
then yyyy, mmm and dd variables are populated as expected. Are there any particular things one needs to keep in mind when mixing proc fcmp with regular expressions? Thank you!
It turns out that spaces were causing notdigit conditions to no longer be satisfied. Here is the working code:
proc fcmp outlib=work.functions.conversions; /*[1]*/
function datecdash2sdtm(indate $) $; /*[2]*/
length outdate $10; /*[3]*/
cdash_date_regex = prxparse("/(UN|\d{1,2}) (\w{3}) (\d{4})/");
if prxmatch(cdash_date_regex, indate) then
yyyy = prxposn(cdash_date_regex, 3, indate); /*[4]*/
mmm = prxposn(cdash_date_regex, 2, indate);
dd = prxposn(cdash_date_regex, 1, indate);
/* if year not missing */
if notdigit(strip(yyyy)) = 0 then
mm = put(mmm, $month.); /*[6]*/
/* if month not missing */
if mm ne ' ' then
/* if day not missing */
if notdigit(strip(dd)) = 0 then
dd = put(input(dd, 2.), z2.);
outdate = catx("-", yyyy, mm, dd); /*[7]*/
end; /* if notdigit(dd) = 0 */
else outdate = catx("-", yyyy, mm);
end; /* if mm ne ' ' */
else outdate = strip(yyyy);
end; /* if notdigit(yyyy) = 0 */
else outdate = ' ';
end; /* if indate ne ' ' */
else outdate = ' ';
return(outdate); /*[8]*/
endsub; /*[9]*/
It turns out that spaces were causing notdigit conditions to no longer be satisfied. Here is the working code:
proc fcmp outlib=work.functions.conversions; /*[1]*/
function datecdash2sdtm(indate $) $; /*[2]*/
length outdate $10; /*[3]*/
cdash_date_regex = prxparse("/(UN|\d{1,2}) (\w{3}) (\d{4})/");
if prxmatch(cdash_date_regex, indate) then
yyyy = prxposn(cdash_date_regex, 3, indate); /*[4]*/
mmm = prxposn(cdash_date_regex, 2, indate);
dd = prxposn(cdash_date_regex, 1, indate);
/* if year not missing */
if notdigit(strip(yyyy)) = 0 then
mm = put(mmm, $month.); /*[6]*/
/* if month not missing */
if mm ne ' ' then
/* if day not missing */
if notdigit(strip(dd)) = 0 then
dd = put(input(dd, 2.), z2.);
outdate = catx("-", yyyy, mm, dd); /*[7]*/
end; /* if notdigit(dd) = 0 */
else outdate = catx("-", yyyy, mm);
end; /* if mm ne ' ' */
else outdate = strip(yyyy);
end; /* if notdigit(yyyy) = 0 */
else outdate = ' ';
end; /* if indate ne ' ' */
else outdate = ' ';
return(outdate); /*[8]*/
endsub; /*[9]*/
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