What is the best way (formula only) to show an increment by 5%. So for example cost = 23, what is the best formaula to use to also show 4 increments by 5%. So cost1 = cost + cost * 0.05 and cost2 = cost + cost*0.1 .. etc... Thanks
data have;
array c{*} cost1-cost4;
do i=1 to 4;
math 101
cost(1)= cost(1.04)
These can also vary slightly depending on when increases are, extra payments and all sorts of variations.
Anyways, there's a whole scheme of SAS finance functions that accomplishes these:
SAS(R) 9.2 Language Reference: Dictionary, Fourth Edition
EDIT: I assumed a 4% increase for some reason, you can replace that with the relevant amount.
Yes, but I was hoping to see it in a loop.
A formula is a part of one assignment with one result.
To get 4 answers you need 4 assignnents
Except for a CALL routine like CALL SCAN which derives 3 results in one statement. But to write your own call routine involves more than one statement.
So, what does your request mean.
Cost1 = cost * ( 1+ rate/100) ;
Cost2 = cost1*( 1+ rate/100) ;
Cost3 = cost2*( 1+ rate/100) ;
where rate is 5 for 5%
then what does your data look like and what do you want the output to look like?
I am trying to see losses based on different cost scenarios so part of a larger formula , cost would be shoiwng as cost1, cost2, cost3, etc..
for example Losses = cost + fees + interest. I want to see the Losses scenarios if Cost incremented by 5% .. and I want to see it for 4 scenarios.
I don't understand
data have;
array c{*} cost1-cost4;
do i=1 to 4;
Thank you ..
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