I have the dataset as below (at the bottom) - I have put the first 3 patients but my total dataset is over 1000 .
I would like to calculate the mean for STL0-STL24 and 95% CI for each subjid3. I would like to calculate mean for nlr0 to nlr24 and 95%CI for each subjid3.
How do I create a macro and loop to achieve this?
Thanks in advance,
subjid3 | STL0 | STL6 | STL12 | STL18 | STL24 | nlr0 | nlr6 | nlr12 | nlr18 | nlr24 | TRT |
1 | 113 | 137 | 155 | . | . | 2 | 1.5 | 1.25 | . | . | 0 |
2 | 225 | 194 | 188 | 205 | . | 6 | 3 | 3.4 | 7 | . | 1 |
3 | 336 | 306 | . | 260 | . | 2 | 1.7 | . | 1.9 | . | 1 |
data want;
set have;
mean_stl = mean(of stl0--stl24);
std_STL = std(of stl0--stl24);
CILB_STL = mean_stl - 1.96*std_stl;
No loops or arrays. SAS loops through each line in the data set automatically anyways. You can use the inline functions such as MEAN, STD to get the values. See a quick (untested) example above. If you're still having issues please post back and include your full code and log.
@lavienrose1 wrote:
I have the dataset as below (at the bottom) - I have put the first 3 patients but my total dataset is over 1000 .
I would like to calculate the mean for STL0-STL24 and 95% CI for each subjid3. I would like to calculate mean for nlr0 to nlr24 and 95%CI for each subjid3.
How do I create a macro and loop to achieve this?
Thanks in advance,
subjid3 STL0 STL6 STL12 STL18 STL24 nlr0 nlr6 nlr12 nlr18 nlr24 TRT 1 113 137 155 . . 2 1.5 1.25 . . 0 2 225 194 188 205 . 6 3 3.4 7 . 1 3 336 306 . 260 . 2 1.7 . 1.9 . 1
No macros or loops needed. Look up the MEAN and STD functions in SAS help.
the mean for each subject? assuming that's not what you meant, see eg proc univariate
data want;
set have;
mean_stl = mean(of stl0--stl24);
std_STL = std(of stl0--stl24);
CILB_STL = mean_stl - 1.96*std_stl;
No loops or arrays. SAS loops through each line in the data set automatically anyways. You can use the inline functions such as MEAN, STD to get the values. See a quick (untested) example above. If you're still having issues please post back and include your full code and log.
@lavienrose1 wrote:
I have the dataset as below (at the bottom) - I have put the first 3 patients but my total dataset is over 1000 .
I would like to calculate the mean for STL0-STL24 and 95% CI for each subjid3. I would like to calculate mean for nlr0 to nlr24 and 95%CI for each subjid3.
How do I create a macro and loop to achieve this?
Thanks in advance,
subjid3 STL0 STL6 STL12 STL18 STL24 nlr0 nlr6 nlr12 nlr18 nlr24 TRT 1 113 137 155 . . 2 1.5 1.25 . . 0 2 225 194 188 205 . 6 3 3.4 7 . 1 3 336 306 . 260 . 2 1.7 . 1.9 . 1
Thanks for your help - very much appreciated and solved my problem perfectly! (and more simply!)
Many many thanks!!
Hi Reeza,
Can I ask, if I wanted to find the mean by column ie STL0 (113 + 225 + 336 /3) for each of the columns, stratified by TRT....how do I go about that??
Thanks in advance
That is best done using a summary procedure such as PROC MEANS.
You can run the example below, which summarizes the data using two different output formats.
*Create summary statistics for a dataset by a 'grouping' variable and store it in a dataset;
*Generate sample fake data;
data have;
input ID feature1 feature2 feature3;
1 7.72 5.43 4.35
1 5.54 2.25 8.22
1 4.43 6.75 2.22
1 3.22 3.21 7.31
2 6.72 2.86 6.11
2 5.89 4.25 5.25
2 3.43 7.30 8.21
2 1.22 3.55 6.55
*Create summary data;
proc means data=have noprint;
by id;
var feature1-feature3;
output out=want median= var= mean= /autoname;
*Show for display;
proc print data=want;
*First done here:https://communities.sas.com/t5/General-SAS-Programming/Getting-creating-new-summary-variables-longitudinal-data/m-p/347940/highlight/false#M44842;
*Another way to present data is as follows;
proc means data=have stackods nway n min max mean median std p5 p95;
by id;
var feature1-feature3;
ods output summary=want2;
*Show for display;
proc print data=want2;
@lavienrose1 wrote:
Hi Reeza,
Can I ask, if I wanted to find the mean by column ie STL0 (113 + 225 + 336 /3) for each of the columns, stratified by TRT....how do I go about that??
Thanks in advance
Thanks very much Reeza - you've been wonderfully helpful. Much appreciated.
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