If i have run the same code for 4000 Rec there is no error if i run the same for 400000 (4lac) Rec i am getting this error's:
ERROR: The text expression length (65548) exceeds maximum length (65534). The text expression has be
en truncated to 65534
NOTE: Line generated by the macro variable "RECODES".
608 hhold eq 165961 then hhold=161860; i
ERROR: The text expression length (65546) exceeds maximum length (65534). The text expression has be
en truncated to 65534
ERROR: DATA STEP Component Object failure. Aborted during the COMPILATION phase.
ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order.
608 key=_house{i}; call missing(hhold); rc=ha.find();
if rc=0 then do;
608 ! found=1; &recodes. leave; end; end;
if not found then do;
608 ! n+1;
ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: !, !!, &, *, **, +, -, /, ;, <, <=, <>,
=, >, ><, >=, AND, EQ, GE, GT,
IN, LE, LT, MAX, MIN, NE, NG, NL, NOTIN, OR, ^=, |, ||, ~=.
ERROR: The text expression length (65546) exceeds maximum length (65534). The text expression has be
en truncated to 65534
---------------------------------- Error-3----------------
hhold=n; &recodes. end; do j=1 to dim(_house);
if not
608 ! missing(_house{j}) then do; key=_house{j}; ha.replace();
608 ! output; end;
ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: !, !!, &, *, **, +, -, /, ;, <, <=, <>,
=, >, ><, >=, AND, EQ, GE, GT,
IN, LE, LT, MAX, MIN, NE, NG, NL, NOTIN, OR, ^=, |, ||, ~=.
ERROR: DATA STEP Component Object failure. Aborted during the COMPILATION phase.
ERROR: The length of the value of the macro variable RECODES (1992851) exceeds the maximum length (6
5534). The value has been
truncated to 65534 characters.
Then I'll have to revise the code. Using a macro variable won't work as you apparently have so many reverses that it exceeds the maximum allowable length for a macro variable.
The following version doesn't have the macro variable limitation:
data have;
infile cards truncover;
input (pan1 add1 pan2 pan3) (: $40.);
aaa bbb ccc ddd
qqq rrr www aaa
rrr ppp mmm lll
uuu zzz ffff ppp
p l m n
m aaa . .
a b c .
jjjj eee rrr ooo
. . . .
e f . .
a e . .
g h . .
i j k .
i j k a
sss www . .
. . . eee
%macro findthem;
proc datasets library=work nowarn;
delete recodes;
filename recode temp;
%let stopthis=0;
/*Assign initial household numbers*/
data for_recodes (keep=start hhold);
if _n_ eq 1 then do;
declare hash ha(hashexp: 16);
set have;
array _house{*} $ 40 pan1--pan3;
do i=1 to dim(_house);
call missing(hhold);
if rc=0 then do;
if not found then do;
do j=1 to dim(_house);
if not missing(_house{j}) then do;
%do %while (&stopthis eq 0);
/*Test for invalid assignments*/
proc sort data=for_recodes out=test nodupkey;
by start hhold;
data test2 (drop=n);
set test end=eof;
by start;
if not(first.start and last.start) then do;
if eof and n lt 1 then do;
call symput('stopthis',1);
%if &stopthis eq 0 %then %do;
proc append base=recodes data=test2 force;
proc sql noprint;
create table extra as
select hhold as first,
min(hhold) as second
from recodes
group by start
data _null_;
set extra;
file recode;
length recode $80;
recode=catx(" ","if hhold eq",first,
"then hhold=",second,";");
put recode;
/*Correct identified discrepancies*/
data for_recodes (keep=start hhold);
if _n_ eq 1 then do;
declare hash ha(hashexp: 16);
set have;
array _house{*} $ 40 pan1--pan3;
do i=1 to dim(_house);
call missing(hhold);
if rc=0 then do;
%include recode;
if not found then do;
%include recode;
do j=1 to dim(_house);
if not missing(_house{j}) then do;
/*Get Final Dataset*/
data want (keep=pan1 pan2 pan3 add1 household);
if _n_ eq 1 then do;
declare hash ha(hashexp: 16);
set have;
array _house{*} $ 40 pan1--pan3;
do i=1 to dim(_house);
call missing(hhold);
if rc=0 then do;
%include recode;
if not found then do;
%include recode;
do j=1 to dim(_house);
if not missing(_house{j}) then do;
%mend findthem;
WARNING: Physical file does not exist, /sas_data/saswork/SAS_work/#LN00267.
ERROR: Cannot open %INCLUDE file RECODE.
WARNING: Physical file does not exist, /sas_data/saswork/SAS_work/#LN00267.
ERROR: Cannot open %INCLUDE file RECODE.
Hi Art Now i am getting this Error
Did you change something in the code? The error is indicating that SAS can't find a file and that looks like an odd location for it to be looking.
It works fine for me. Given the above error, I would simply hardcode the file then. Change the line:
filename recode temp;
filename recode "/sas_data/recode.sas";
or some location where you know that you have write permission
Are u on a Unix box? I found the following section of the documentation that describes how you have to use pathnames when using include on a Unix box: http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/hostunx/61879/HTML/default/viewer.htm#specpath.htm
I finally find another way to promote efficiency.
I believe it will fast a lot.
Please let me know how fast it will be .
data test; input ( pan1 pan2 pan3 add1 ) ($); datalines; aaa bbb ccc ddd qqq rrr www aaa rrr ppp mmm lll uuu zzz ffff ppp p l m n . . . . jjjj eee rrr ooo . . . . sss www . . . . . eee ; run; data want(keep=pan1 pan2 pan3 add1 household); declare hash ha(hashexp : 20); declare hiter hi('ha'); ha.definekey('count'); ha.definedata('count','pan1','pan2','pan3','add1'); ha.definedone(); declare hash _ha(hashexp: 20); _ha.definekey('key'); _ha.definedata('_household'); _ha.definedone(); do until(last); set test end=last; count+1; ha.add(); end; length key $ 40; array h{4} $ 40 pan1 pan2 pan3 add1; _rc=hi.first(); do while(_rc eq 0); household+1;_household=household; n=0; do i=1 to 4; if not missing(h{i}) then do; key=h{i}; _ha.replace();end; else n+1; end; if n eq 4 then do;output; return;end; do until(x=1); x=1; rc=hi.first(); do while(rc=0); if found then rx=ha.remove(key : _count); found=0; do j=1 to 4; key=h{j};rcc=_ha.check(); if rcc =0 then found=1; end; if found then do; do k=1 to 4; if not missing(h{k}) then do; key=h{k};_ha.replace();end; end; x=0; _count=count; output; end; rc=hi.next(); end; end; _rc=hi.first(); end; run;
Message was edited by: xia keshan
Hi Ksharp Thqs for your help actually i have run on 30000 obs for the dataset Test but the final dataset wnat has only 269 obs only....
Sorry. The code above is wrong, but it is correct if you do not care the missing obs(i.e. all these four vaules are missing.)
If you do not care the missing obs, the code above is the fastest.
The following code is fixed, But not as efficient as the code above.
data test; input ( pan1 pan2 pan3 add1 ) ($); datalines; aaa bbb ccc ddd qqq rrr www aaa rrr ppp mmm lll uuu zzz ffff ppp p l m n jjjj eee rrr ooo . . . . sss www . . . . . eee ; run; data want(keep=pan1 pan2 pan3 add1 household); if _n_ eq 1 then do; declare hash ha(hashexp : 20,ordered: 'a'); declare hiter hi('ha'); ha.definekey('count'); ha.definedata('count','pan1','pan2','pan3','add1'); ha.definedone(); declare hash _ha(hashexp: 20); _ha.definekey('key'); _ha.definedata('_household'); _ha.definedone(); do until(last); set test end=last; count+1; ha.add(); end; end; length key $ 40; array h{4} $ 40 pan1 pan2 pan3 add1; set test; count=_n_; _rc=ha.check(); if _rc eq 0 then do; household+1;_household=household; n=0; do i=1 to 4; if not missing(h{i}) then do; key=h{i}; _ha.replace();end; else n+1; end; do until(x=1); x=1; rc=hi.first(); do while(rc=0); if found then rx=ha.remove(key : _count); found=0; do j=1 to 4; key=h{j};rcc=_ha.check(); if rcc =0 then found=1; end; if found then do; do k=1 to 4; if not missing(h{k}) then do; key=h{k};_ha.replace();end; end; output;x=0; _count=count;flag=1; end; rc=hi.next(); end; end; if n=4 and not flag then output; else if n=4 and flag then do; household+1;output;end; end; run;
Message was edited by: xia keshan
data test; input ( pan1 pan2 pan3 add1 ) ($); datalines; aaa bbb ccc ddd qqq rrr www aaa rrr ppp mmm lll . . . . . . . . uuu zzz ffff ppp . . . . p l m n jjjj eee rrr ooo . . . . sss www . . . . . eee ; run; data want(keep=pan1 pan2 pan3 add1 household); if _n_ eq 1 then do; declare hash ha(hashexp : 20,ordered: 'a'); declare hiter hi('ha'); ha.definekey('count'); ha.definedata('count','pan1','pan2','pan3','add1'); ha.definedone(); declare hash _ha(hashexp: 20); _ha.definekey('key'); _ha.definedata('_household'); _ha.definedone(); do until(last); set test end=last; count+1; ha.add(); end; end; length key $ 40; array h{4} $ 40 pan1 pan2 pan3 add1; set test; count=_n_; _rc=ha.check(); if _rc eq 0 then do; household+1;_household=household; n=0; do i=1 to 4; if not missing(h{i}) then do; key=h{i}; _ha.replace();end; else n+1; end; do until(x=1); x=1; rc=hi.first(); do while(rc=0); if found then rx=ha.remove(key : _count); found=0; do j=1 to 4; key=h{j};rcc=_ha.check(); if rcc =0 then found=1; end; if found then do; do k=1 to 4; if not missing(h{k}) then do; key=h{k};_ha.replace();end; end; output;x=0; _count=count; end; rc=hi.next(); end; end; if n=4 then output; end; run;
Hi Ksharp i have cheked the codes but not working for Missing values i have checked the 3 codes above u have posted....
Finally had some free time to work on this a bit. The attached code uses hash objects to eliminate sorting. It uses a very simple macro to loop and propagate group changes until no more group id needs to be changed. This loop until consistent is what makes this capable of navigating the data structure regardless of how deeply nested it needs to go.
The limitation of the code is machine limit: amount of available memory to hold the hash table. Other than that, it should be able to tackle very large data sets.
With this input data:
aa bb cc dd
ee ff gg hh
ii jj kk ll
aa ff gg dd
mm oo pp
pp rr rr ss
tt uu vv ww
xx yy zz dd
xx z1
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
11 12
13 14
15 16
1 3
5 7
9 11
13 15
1 5
9 13
1 9
It generates this which is correct by visual inspection:
k1 | k2 | k3 | k4 | grp |
aa | bb | cc | dd | 1 |
ee | ff | gg | hh | 1 |
ii | jj | kk | ll | 3 |
aa | ff | gg | dd | 1 |
mm | oo | pp | 4 | |
pp | rr | rr | ss | 4 |
. | ||||
tt | uu | vv | ww | 6 |
xx | yy | zz | dd | 1 |
xx | z1 | 1 | ||
1 | 2 | 7 | ||
3 | 4 | 7 | ||
5 | 6 | 7 | ||
7 | 8 | 7 | ||
9 | 10 | 7 | ||
11 | 12 | 7 | ||
13 | 14 | 7 | ||
15 | 16 | 7 | ||
1 | 3 | 7 | ||
5 | 7 | 7 | ||
9 | 11 | 7 | ||
13 | 15 | 7 | ||
1 | 5 | 7 | ||
9 | 13 | 7 | ||
1 | 9 | 7 |
The OP will need to modify the names and length statements to adapt to the situation, but that should be relatively easy to do.
Modifying it to handle different number of key columns is also easy.
For true householding where it is "same value within same column" as opposed to this problem of "same value in any of the key columns" is also very easily derived by tweaking this code a tiny bit.
From my initial testing it appears to work, but the OP wasn't able to run a pure hash solution previously, which is why I posted an alternative. However, as I'm still learning to use hash, I do have one question. In the final step _key comes up as uninitialized. Can you explain?
The _key is uninitialized message is a precaution from the data step compiler. I think it's saying at the point where it's compiling the hash object, that variable isn't initialized yet, so it's spitting out a note. It's easily avoided by assigning a value to the variable earlier in the code prior to the declare hash, then it's happy. With this code, it is initialized later so the code runs fine. But the message is disturbing to see in the log. I was just being lazy and only wanted to illustrate the concept, so I didn't clean the code and make it water tight... etc.
Hi i am getting this ERROR:
478 do _i = 1 to 4;
479 grps[_i] = .;
480 if keys[_i] ^= ' ' then if hh.find(key: keys[_i])=0 then grps[_i] = _grp;
* Fetch existing grps;
481 end;
483 mingrp = min(of grps
ERROR: Argument length greater than length of key variable _key at line 480 column 36.
ERROR: Keys and data must be specified in the same order and have the same types as given in DefineK
ey/DefineData at line 480
column 36.
ERROR: DATA STEP Component Object failure. Aborted during the EXECUTION phase.
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