Are you, by any chance, trying to create DEFINE.PDF or DEFINE.XML for CDISC? If so, I believe that you're on the wrong track in trying to store the SAS Format catalog in XML. The XMLTYPE of CDISCODM is -not- meant to be used in a manner such as you show.
It was my understanding that the CDISC related tagset templates for use with the XML Libname engine were really meant to be used "behind" the scenes either by PROC CDISC, by the SAS CDISC viewer or by the new CDISC toolkit and possibly by DI Studio.
For more information about CDISC and overall data standards, refer to:
For more information about the new CDISC toolkit, refer to:
https://www.sas.com/industry/pharma/cdisc/ (where it says:
SAS recommends using the SAS Clinical Standards Toolkit to create define.xml instead of PROC CDISC. The toolkit is in active development with several additional releases planned. PROC CDISC is maintenance only – no new features will be added.