After some guidance as to how best to get started. I will have a dataset similar to below where I will have approximately 200 date fields and 100 IDs:
ID | date_id | another_date_id | yet_another_date_id |
1 | 01/01/2019 | 02/01/2019 | 05/01/2019 |
2 | 02/01/2019 | 05/01/2019 | 06/01/2019 |
I am wanting to know if there is a simpler way to do logical calculations.
e.g. if yet_another_date_id > all other date_ids without typing them all out?
Is there any pattern to the names? If so, this is easier. If not, you can create a list of the variable names if you include all date variables.
So it depends....
if another_date > max(of date_id--yet_another_date_id) then flag=1;
The question is how to define that list after the OF.
Here is a reference that illustrates how to refer to variables and datasets in a short cut list:
@ChrisTurtle wrote:
After some guidance as to how best to get started. I will have a dataset similar to below where I will have approximately 200 date fields and 100 IDs:
ID date_id another_date_id yet_another_date_id 1 01/01/2019 02/01/2019 05/01/2019 2 02/01/2019 05/01/2019 06/01/2019
I am wanting to know if there is a simpler way to do logical calculations.
e.g. if yet_another_date_id > all other date_ids without typing them all out?
I'd approach in this way. This assumes all date columns are named with suffix "date_id":
data have;
input id (date_id another_date_id comparison_date_id) (:date9.);
format date_id another_date_id comparison_date_id mmddyy10.;
1 01apr2020 02apr2020 03apr2020
2 01mar2020 15jan2020 10sep2020
3 01apr2020 02apr2020 03apr2020
4 01apr2020 02apr2020 31mar2020
*Get date cols into a macro variable for later array reference;
proc sql noprint;
name into :datecols
separated by " "
from dictionary.columns
libname='WORK' and
memname='HAVE' and
upcase(name) like '%DATE_ID' and
upcase(name) <> 'COMPARISON_DATE_ID'
data want;
set have;
array dates &datecols;
do over dates; /*Define array to search over*/
if comparison_date_id > dates then do; /*do comparison*/
flag=1; /*if TRUE then flag*/
leave; /*leave loop on first TRUE*/
Once again, the advantage of a long dataset format comes into play:
proc transpose data=have out=long name=datename;
by id;
var _numeric_;
data want;
flag = 1;
do until (;
long (
where=(datename = "yet_another_date_id")
long (where=(datename ne "yet_another_date_id"))
by id;
if _ref < col1 then flag = 0;
do until (;
set long;
by id;
if flag then output;
drop _:;
Now you need only write one "variable name".
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