PROC SUMMARY should be able to do this as well.
Something like
proc summary data=have nway; class IDNumber Date; format date monyy.; var value; output out=want mean=meanvalue; run;
if yo like a report you can use the tabulate procedure followed by a transpose:
proc tabulate data=one out=two;
class idnumber month;
table idnumber, month*value*mean;
var value;
proc transpose data=two out=three;
by idnumber;
id month;
var value_Mean;
Thank you for the response this is working perfectly thank you, clearly I was failing as I was using the wrong procedure !!
Last question if I may, if I wanted the same table but summed instead of mean would it be this
proc tabulate data=ZFinal out=Output;
class FDAccountNumber Month;
table FDAccountNumber, Month*Amount;
var Amount;
PROC SUMMARY should be able to do this as well.
Something like
proc summary data=have nway; class IDNumber Date; format date monyy.; var value; output out=want mean=meanvalue; run;
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