Thx guys
I'm now working on the append by using proc SQL as follow, anything wrong with the code? Sorry I'm like an ignorant and many thx for yr great help to a very beginner like myself, many thx:
proc sql;
Insert into SASUSER.IMPW0046 (Batch, Call_List_Type, BOCID, District_Code, Branch, Transaction_Time, Staff,
Customer_Type, English_Name, Chinese_Name, Gender, Age, Home_Tel_No, Mobile_Tel_No, PBS_Class, System_Code,
TRAN_DESC, Call_Date_Time_ADD, Contact_Status, Result, Language, Attempt, [Need Reply], Agent_ID, Status, Q1, Q2,
Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q15, Q16, Q12, Q7, Q8, Q9, Q10, Q13, Q14, Q11, Q20, Q21, Q22, Q28, Q29, Q23, Q24, Q25, Q26,
Q27, Q50, Q51, Q50_other, Q1a_other, CIN, [Customer Key], 2010 as [year], 10 as [month])
select Batch, [Call_List_Type/ Machine_Type] as Call_List_Type, "" as BOCID, District_Code, Branch, Transaction_Time, Staff,
Customer_Type, English_Name, Chinese_Name, Gender, Age, Home_Tel_No, Mobile_Tel_No, PBS_Class, System_Code,
TRAN_DESC, Call_Date_Time_ADD, Contact_Status, "" as Result, "" as Language, Attempt, "" as [Need Reply], Agent_ID,"" as Status, Q1, Q2,
Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6, Q15, Q16, Q12, Q7, Q8, Q9, Q10, Q13, Q14, Q11, Q20, Q21, Q22, Q28, Q29, Q23, Q24, Q25, Q26,
Q27, Q50, Q51, Q50_other, Q1a_other, CIN, [Customer Key], 2010 as [year], 10 as [month]
from SASUSER.IMPW3134;