I wish to store a module defined in proc iml in file definition.sas and later load it by including the file.
definition.sas looks like this:
proc iml;
start f_w_submit(x,y);
create plotting var {x y}; append; close plotting;
proc sgplot data=plotting;
series x=x y=y / markers;
call delete("plotting");
finish f_w_submit;
store module=_all_;
Then in another file I wish to use
%include "C:\definition.sas";
proc iml;
load module=(f_w_submit);
/* Use the function f_w_submit*/
But this does not work. I get a warning saying
WARNING: Module F_W_SUBMIT definition is left incomplete.
and the function is neither compiled nor stored. If I comment out the submit block, everything works fine. What am I doing wrong?
I am on SAS 9.2. with SAS/IML 9.22.