I'm a student and for a school project, i need to compute many loglikelihood of a logit model based on Spector and Mazzeo's article, and this in order to produce a 3D plot.
So for this i created a sequence of parameters and i try to compute log likelihood for each couple of parameters and used a loop for this.
But programe refuses to execute at 28th iteration and i don't understand why.
Here is my code :
data spector;
input grade const tuce gpa ;
0 1 20 2.66
0 1 22 2.89
0 1 24 3.28
0 1 12 2.92
0 1 17 2.86
0 1 17 2.76
0 1 21 2.87
0 1 25 3.03
0 1 20 2.63
0 1 23 3.32
0 1 23 3.57
0 1 26 3.53
0 1 19 2.74
0 1 25 2.75
0 1 19 2.83
0 1 23 3.12
0 1 22 2.06
0 1 14 2.89
0 1 26 3.51
0 1 24 2.67
0 1 21 3.10
1 1 21 4.00
1 1 29 3.92
1 1 25 3.26
1 1 25 3.16
1 1 28 3.62
1 1 24 3.54
1 1 27 2.83
1 1 17 3.39
1 1 21 3.65
1 1 23 4.00
1 1 19 2.39
use spector;
read all var{const tuce gpa} into X;
read all var{grade} into Y ;
close spector;
print X Y ;
N = nrow(X);
*step 1 : beta sequence ;
print nX2, nX3;
*step 2 : beta occurence;
print rX2, rX3;
*step 3 sort;
call sort(rX3);
print rX3;
*step 4 concat;
ntheta = nrow(theta);
print theta ntheta;
*step 5 compute loglikelihood for each sequence of beta;
*Compute log likelihood of the sample;
do j=1 to 49;
XB = X*(theta`)[,j];
expXB = exp(XB);
P = expXB/(1+expXB);
logli1 = (Y#log(P))[+] ;
a = 1-Y;
logli2 = (log(b##a))[+];
logli = logli1 + logli2 ;
logln = logln//logli ;
print logln;
I know that " b##a " is not a good way but it's the only one i've found.
Someone can help me please ?
Thank you in advance for helping.
The error seems to indicate that you are trying to evaluate the LOG function for an invalid parameter. Note that if P=0 then LOG(P) is undefined and if P=1 then LOG(1-P) is undefined. In your case, I think you are running into the P=1 problem for certain values of j.
I don't completely understand what you are doing, but it looks like you are evaluating the logistic log-likelihood function for linear combinations of the variables for a grid of (X2, X3) coffficients. For some values of j, the value of XB is so large that logistic(XB) is numerically equal to 1. Try using a more restricted range of coefficients, such as
log(a * b) = log(a) + log(b).
log(a ## b) = b * log(a)
Avoid the multiplication or exponentiation followed by log to keep the numbers smaller and more manageable.
Log(a ## b) might overflow whereas b * log(a) will be better behaved.
Thanks, Rick. I corrected my typos.
Warren's advice is good, although he meant to write that
log(a # b) = log(a) + log(b)
log(a ## b) = b # log(a)
Here are some articles for you to read:
Yes i read this somewhere in the forum.
But in writting my log as " b*log(a) " there is an error of compute.
332 logli2 = (a*log(b))[+];
ERROR: (execution) Matrices do not conform to the operation.
operation : * at line 332 column 16
operands : a, _TEM1001
a 32 rows 1 col (numeric)
_TEM1001 32 rows 1 col (numeric)
statement : ASSIGN at line 332 column 5
There are no error when i write " a#log(b) " and out of the loop
XB = X*(theta`)[,1];
expXB = exp(XB);
P = expXB/(1+expXB);
logli1 = (Y#log(P))[+] ;
a = 1-Y;
logli2 = (a#log(b))[+]; /* HERE */
logli = logli1 + logli2 ;
logln = logln//logli ;
But when i want to implemant this in a loop there is a problem
345 do j=1 to 49;
346 XB = X*(theta`)[,j];
347 expXB = exp(XB);
348 P = expXB/(1+expXB);
349 logli1 = (Y#log(P))[+] ;
350 b=1-P;
351 a = 1-Y;
352 logli2 = (a#log(b))[+];
354 logli = logli1 + logli2 ;
355 logln = logln//logli ;
356 end;
ERROR: (execution) Invalid argument to function.
count : number of occurrences is 2
operation : LOG at line 352 column 20
operands : b
b 32 rows 1 col (numeric)
statement : ASSIGN at line 352 column 5
Moreover, my loop is ok for a less number of iteration (13)
429 do j=1 to 13; /*13 iterations OK*/
430 XB = X*(theta`)[,j];
431 expXB = exp(XB);
432 P = expXB/(1+expXB);
433 logli1 = (Y#log(P))[+] ;
434 b=1-P;
435 a = 1-Y;
436 logli2 = (a#log(b))[+];
438 logli = logli1 + logli2 ;
439 logln = logln//logli ;
440 end;
And with 14 iterations : problems
441 do j=1 to 14; /* 14 iterations PROBLEMS */
442 XB = X*(theta`)[,j];
443 expXB = exp(XB);
444 P = expXB/(1+expXB);
445 logli1 = (Y#log(P))[+] ;
446 b=1-P;
447 a = 1-Y;
448 logli2 = (a#log(b))[+];
450 logli = logli1 + logli2 ;
451 logln = logln//logli ;
452 end;
ERROR: (execution) Invalid argument to function.
count : number of occurrences is 2
operation : LOG at line 448 column 20
operands : b
b 32 rows 1 col (numeric)
statement : ASSIGN at line 448 column 5
So i don't understand where is the problem, and this is problematic because after i would like to compute more of 160 000 loglikelihood for my 3D plot in order to obtain a smoother graph.
The error seems to indicate that you are trying to evaluate the LOG function for an invalid parameter. Note that if P=0 then LOG(P) is undefined and if P=1 then LOG(1-P) is undefined. In your case, I think you are running into the P=1 problem for certain values of j.
I don't completely understand what you are doing, but it looks like you are evaluating the logistic log-likelihood function for linear combinations of the variables for a grid of (X2, X3) coffficients. For some values of j, the value of XB is so large that logistic(XB) is numerically equal to 1. Try using a more restricted range of coefficients, such as
Thanks for your response, the problems was this. The X*B hit 1 so the log equal 0 and compute was impossible.
Thank you for your help too., we won the first prize at school with this.
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