What is the Proc IML equivalent of break/continue statments found in other languages, such as MATLAB and Python?
Well, kinda. @dougc's code works if you are in a module but in open code it is invalid. The doc says "The GOTO statement must be inside a module or DO group. These statements must be able to resolve the referenced label within the current unit of statements." What that means is that you can't jump out of a do loop unless the GOTO statement and label are both within some larger nested DO/END block that you submit, like this:
/* BREAK: exit loop immediately */
count = 0;
do i = 1 to 1000;
roll = sample(die, 1); /* roll die 1 time */
if roll = 6 then goto BREAK;
count = count + 1;
/* other statements */
print count "rolls before rolling a 6";
Personally, I do not recommend jumping outside of a loop. I think the DO UNTIL syntax is clearer and easier to read.
In the SAS DATA step, you can use the LEAVE and CONTINUE statements.
DO loops in SAS/IML do not support those statements. However, you can use a DO UNTIL loop to break out of a loop when a certain condition is met. You can use a GOTO/LABEL statement to jump to the end of a loop and continue with the next iteration when a certain condition is met. Here is an example of each construct:
/* simulate the roll of a six-sided die */
proc iml;
call randseed(54321);
die = 1:6;
/* BREAK: Exit loop when a condition is true */
done = 0; /* set flag to FALSE */
do i = 1 to 1000 until(done);
roll = sample(die, 1); /* roll die 1 time */
if roll = 6 then done = 1;
print i " rolls until roll = " roll;
/* CONTINUE: Skip the body and go to the next iteration
when a condition is true */
count = 0;
do i = 1 to 1000;
roll = sample(die, 1); /* roll die 1 time */
if roll = 6 then goto CONTINUE;
count = count + 1;
print count " rolls were not 6";
You can also use a modification of Rick's CONTINUE example to break out of a loop immediately. This would only be important if you had other code in the loop that you didn't want to execute
/* BREAK: exit loop immediately */ count = 0; do i = 1 to 1000; roll = sample(die, 1); /* roll die 1 time */ if roll = 6 then goto BREAK; count = count + 1; /* other statements */ end; BREAK: print count "rolls before rolling a 6";
Well, kinda. @dougc's code works if you are in a module but in open code it is invalid. The doc says "The GOTO statement must be inside a module or DO group. These statements must be able to resolve the referenced label within the current unit of statements." What that means is that you can't jump out of a do loop unless the GOTO statement and label are both within some larger nested DO/END block that you submit, like this:
/* BREAK: exit loop immediately */
count = 0;
do i = 1 to 1000;
roll = sample(die, 1); /* roll die 1 time */
if roll = 6 then goto BREAK;
count = count + 1;
/* other statements */
print count "rolls before rolling a 6";
Personally, I do not recommend jumping outside of a loop. I think the DO UNTIL syntax is clearer and easier to read.
That was the trick I was looking for. Nice!
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