If you want nice formatting (colors and fonts), you can use either:
1) HTML-based methods: ODS HTML, ODS HTML3, ODS MSOFFICE2K all of which create HTML files that Excel can open. However, with HTML-based methods, you are limited to your output being put in one worksheet in one workbook, because Excel treates 1 HTML file as 1 Worksheet.
2) XML-based methods: Starting in Office 2002/2003, Microsoft announced the specification for Spreadsheet Markup Language XML. SAS and ODS can create that type of XML file with the ODS TAGSETS.EXCELXP destination. One advantage of this method is that you can create multiple worksheets in one workbook using TAGSETS.EXCELXP.
There have been lots of forum postings about using both of these methods. If you search though the forums or the support.sas.com web site, you can find lots of examples. Here's a place to start:
This PDF file discusses the 2 basic methods outlined above and some advanced methods, too (such as using SAS/IntrNet, etc).