Team Name | INSAIX |
Track | IoT |
Use Case | To perform automated machine diagnostic for motorized machine through supervised learning |
Technology | SAS VDMML |
Region | AP |
Team lead | Goh Kai Woon |
Team members | Koh Ye Sheng |
Social media handles | |
Is your team interested in participating in an interview? | Y |
Optional: Expand on your technology expertise |
Are you looking for additional teammates. It is a very interesting project, and I would like to contribute. I have experience with SAS Viya, SAS EG and Python. I work in Data Analytics, Data presentation and Machine learning field. Please let me know if there is an opportunity for me. Email @
Thank you
Are you looking for any additional teammates.I find the project you are working on is interesting and exciting .I would love to join you team if there is any vacancy,Together we can contribute to the community and grow.
Thanks Srinivas Gupta
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