I'm trying to use the PROC CPANEL method in the SAS Viya Learner environment and keep receiving a LIBREF error. Could someone help point me in the right direction? I'm use to using SAS Studio for Academics so this is a new environment for me.
/* Generated Code (IMPORT) */ /* Source File: EmpiricalPaperData.csv */ /* Source Path: /shared/home/X@X.edu/casuser/EmpiricalPaperData.csv */ /* Code generated on: Jul 8, 2023, 5:41:06 PM */ proc sql; %if %sysfunc(exist(WORK.paper1)) %then %do; drop table WORK.paper1; %end; %if %sysfunc(exist(WORK.paper1,VIEW)) %then %do; drop view WORK.paper1; %end; quit; FILENAME REFFILE DISK '/shared/home/X@X.edu/casuser/EmpiricalPaperData.csv'; PROC IMPORT DATAFILE=REFFILE DBMS=CSV OUT=WORK.paper1; GETNAMES=YES; RUN; PROC CONTENTS DATA=WORK.paper1; RUN; proc sort data=WORK.paper1 out=WORK.paper1; by CountryCode time; run; data WORK.paper1 (drop=VAR17 VAR18 VAR19); set WORK.paper1; /*Regional Dummies*/ dSA = 0; if Region="South Asia" then dSA=1; dECA = 0; if Region="Europe & C" then dECA=1; dMENA = 0; if Region="Middle Eas" then dMENA=1; dSSA = 0; if Region="Sub-Sahara" then dSSA=1; dLAC = 0; if Region="Latin Amer" then dLAC=1; dEAP = 0; if Region="East Asia" then dEAP=1; /*Income Group Dummies*/ dLI = 0; if IncomeGroup="Low income" then dLI=1; dLMI = 0; if IncomeGroup="Lower midd" then dLMI=1; dUMI = 0; if IncomeGroup="Upper midd" then dUMI=1; /*global variables*/ lgdp = log(gdp); loda = log(oda); lpop = log(pop); run; proc sort data=WORK.paper1 out=WORK.paper1; by CountryCode time; run; proc cpanel data=WORK.paper1; id CountryCode time; model PovIndex = lgdp loda curhealth_expn educ_expn goveffect / pooled cluster robust hccme=0; run;
211 proc cpanel data=WORK.paper1; 212 id CountryCode time; 213 model PovIndex = lgdp loda curhealth_expn educ_expn goveffect / pooled cluster robust hccme=0; 214 run; ERROR: The data set WORK.PAPER1 must use a CAS engine libref. NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors. NOTE: PROCEDURE CPANEL used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds
Thank you!
Your input data set WORK.paper1 is not uploaded in-memory (in a CAS library).
"WORK" is an on-disk location.
If you use PROC PANEL (SAS/ETS) it will work.
PROC CPANEL (SAS Econometrics) is the distributed computing equivalent of PROC PANEL.
For PROC CPANEL the input data should be in a CAS Library (and not a classical V9 base on-disk library).
Data in a CAS library are distributed to different worker nodes (and different threads on these worker nodes).
SAS Viya has two compute engines :
PROC PANEL will run on SPRE (single-threaded).
PROC CPANEL will run on CAS (parallel computing).
If you absolutely want to use PROC CPANEL (instead of PROC PANEL), you can try this:
( PROC CPANEL has a few more features than PROC PANEL and on big data it will work faster )
cas mySession sessopts=(caslib=casuser timeout=1800 locale="en_US");
caslib _all_ assign;
/* Load SAS data set from a Base engine library (library.tableName) into */
/* the specified caslib ("myCaslib") and save as "targetTableName". */
proc casutil;
load data=WORK.paper1 outcaslib="casuser"
run; QUIT;
PROC CPANEL data=casuser.paper1_in_memory ...;
/* end of program */
Good luck,
Your input data set WORK.paper1 is not uploaded in-memory (in a CAS library).
"WORK" is an on-disk location.
If you use PROC PANEL (SAS/ETS) it will work.
PROC CPANEL (SAS Econometrics) is the distributed computing equivalent of PROC PANEL.
For PROC CPANEL the input data should be in a CAS Library (and not a classical V9 base on-disk library).
Data in a CAS library are distributed to different worker nodes (and different threads on these worker nodes).
SAS Viya has two compute engines :
PROC PANEL will run on SPRE (single-threaded).
PROC CPANEL will run on CAS (parallel computing).
If you absolutely want to use PROC CPANEL (instead of PROC PANEL), you can try this:
( PROC CPANEL has a few more features than PROC PANEL and on big data it will work faster )
cas mySession sessopts=(caslib=casuser timeout=1800 locale="en_US");
caslib _all_ assign;
/* Load SAS data set from a Base engine library (library.tableName) into */
/* the specified caslib ("myCaslib") and save as "targetTableName". */
proc casutil;
load data=WORK.paper1 outcaslib="casuser"
run; QUIT;
PROC CPANEL data=casuser.paper1_in_memory ...;
/* end of program */
Good luck,
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