how would I read two strangers below as 2 separate variable?
"SAS Enterprise Guide_SASApp - Workspace Server_70784B87-149E-AE47-BCE0-B331CF4E6EFF"
"SAS Enterprise Guide_SASApp - Workspace Server_123456jsdjh-12rfg-grr-BCE0-DSLKFMLKDS" "/SAS/WORKSPACE/SERVER/DIR/ -noterminal -noxcmd -netencryptalgorithm AES -metaserver -metaport 123456 -metarepository Foundation -locale en_US -objectserver -objectserverparms ""delayconn protocol=bridge 6.852563 4700 0 -1 0 0 1894 0 0 0 32 -1 0 0 0 515049 4 -1 "" "default" 9 1 "" "" 0 1441792 0 "" "" "" "" 0 "" 15 "" -1 "/userid" "" "" "" -1 "" "" 16 "" 1511905439 "" "" 0 0 -1 0 362496 "select[type == any] order[r15s:pg] " "" -1 "" -1 0 "" 0 0 "" 2508 "" 0 "" 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 ""
@sas_9 wrote:
how would I read two strangers below as 2 separate variable?
What is a "stranger" in this context?
@sas_9 How would your desired result look like?
so VARIABLE1 and VARIABLE2 should look like (2 variables with one observation)
"SAS Enterprise Guide_SASApp - Workspace Server_70784B87-149E-AE47-BCE0-B331CF4E6EFF"
"SAS Enterprise Guide_SASApp - Workspace Server_123456jsdjh-12rfg-grr-BCE0-DSLKFMLKDS" "/SAS/WORKSPACE/SERVER/DIR/ -noterminal -noxcmd -netencryptalgorithm AES -metaserver -metaport 123456 -metarepository Foundation -locale en_US -objectserver -objectserverparms ""delayconn protocol=bridge 6.852563 4700 0 -1 0 0 1894 0 0 0 32 -1 0 0 0 515049 4 -1 "" "default" 9 1 "" "" 0 1441792 0 "" "" "" "" 0 "" 15 "" -1 "/userid" "" "" "" -1 "" "" 16 "" 1511905439 "" "" 0 0 -1 0 362496 "select[type == any] order[r15sg] " "" -1 "" -1 0 "" 0 0 "" 2508 "" 0 "" 0.000000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 ""
Thank you -
It wouldn't be a problem to post code for the data you've provided. But is this a representative sample?
Could we use an empty line as delimiter? Or the string "SAS Enterprise Guide ?
Ideally attach a text file with some more sample data for us to better understand what we're dealing with.
@sas_9 Not knowing what you want to do but as this looks like log: Have you already checked out what the SAS Environment Manager could do for you?
Thanks Patrick - infect i am reading one log file which has user executed job details and in that file (each value is separated by space) there are two long strings which i want to represent appropriately (sample attached). File has character strings In quotation mark. However, here, first string contains all in one quotation mark but second string is really long string which contains multiple quotation mark + different sign in between (like - / '@', etc..) but all the time it ends with like -> -METAPASS 74785249857DSJVBSDJHB"
I am not that familiar with SAS EVM but this would be a big plus for me whenever user stats require, Thank you.
The following code works for the sample you've posted.
data sample;
infile 'c:\temp\log-file.txt' truncover lrecl=1300;
input ;
length var1 $200 var2 $1000;
retain _prxid 0;
if _n_=1 then
if prxmatch(_prxid,strip(_infile_)) then
call prxposn(_prxid, 1, _pos, _len);
call prxposn(_prxid, 2, _pos, _len);
There aren't any end-of-line indicators in your sample data but not sure if this is just because you've only posted a single "record".
Shouldn't you have any end-of-line indicators in your log file then reading the data would need to be a bit different (data stream).
Thanks Patrick. All lines in log file start with "JOB_<USERID>" and ends with that huge string which has -METAPASS 86896JKJHGJUHVBHB (-METAPASS and encrypted password), so that is a start and end point for each record.
attaching full log file with 2 records as an example,
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