I am using a first linux command to get all the files in the folder /../sasdata/ and recursively and it works fine.
Then I use a command like this one below, to get all possible path where the files is hosted, but when it takes to much time, the response value is not obtained
%macro doit(dir=);
libname dest1 base "/..._Data_Retention/data";
/*proc printto log='/.../Temp/Alain/logfiles/sasfiles_log.txt' new;*/
filename oscmd1 pipe "ls -Rla --time-style=long-iso ~ &dir. | awk '{printf ""%-10s %-10s %10s %20s %12s %s %s\n"", $1, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, substr($0,index($0,""/""),500)}'";
Data dest1.sasfiles1 ;
format fname $50. ;
infile oscmd1 dsd LRECL=32000 TRUNCOVER firstobs=2;
permissions $ 1-12
owner $ 12-24
group $ 26-35
fsize $ 36-54
cr_dt $ 55-67
time $ 68-74
filepath $ 75-500
data sasfiles2;
format create_date create_date2 yymmdd10. create_time tod5.;
length cfname $100. fname $50.;
set dest1.sasfiles1;
where owner eq 'dwhprd1' and find(filepath,'prm')> 0 and find(filepath, '_ab_') =0 and find(filepath, 'raw') =0 and find(filepath, '_d') =0 and find(filepath, 'dat') =0
and find(filepath,'test')= 0 and find(filepath,'after')= 0 and find(filepath,'Test')= 0 and find(filepath,'zip')= 0 and find(filepath,'prmccl') = 0
and find(filepath,'tst001mc')= 0 and find(filepath,'prmmichele')= 0 and find(filepath,'_old')= 0 and find(filepath,'gcna_prm_src')= 0
and find(filepath,'histo')= 0 and find(filepath,'all')= 0 and find(filepath,'atl')= 0 and find(filepath,'before')= 0 and find(filepath,'war')= 0
and find(filepath,'log')= 0 and find(filepath,'lst')= 0 and find(filepath,'cmay25p')= 0 and find(filepath,'conprjc')= 0 and find(filepath,'conprjh')= 0
and find(filepath,'pasprjc')= 0 and find(filepath,'cyc1')= 0 and find(filepath,'eco')= 0 and find(filepath,'igroup')= 0 and find(filepath,'ont_ont')= 0
and find(filepath,'pas')= 0 and find(filepath,'prji')= 0 and find(filepath,'uapr')= 0 and find(filepath,'wst')= 0 and find(filepath,'ukp')= 0
and find(filepath,'dev')= 0 and find(filepath,'ykp')= 0 and find(filepath,'cmcle')= 0 and find(filepath,'nhfld')= 0 and find(filepath,'bad')= 0
and find(filepath,'abw2')= 0 and find(filepath,'bcclm')= 0 and find(filepath,'covid')= 0 and find(filepath,'prj')= 0 and find(filepath,'west')= 0
and find(filepath,'tsv')= 0 and find(filepath,'octv')= 0 and find(filepath,'wcauto')= 0 and find(filepath,'sept2017')= 0 and find(filepath,'novtst2017')= 0 ;
fname = scan(scan(filepath,-1,''),1,'.');
proc sql;
create table sasfile as
select owner,
sum(filesize) format = SIZEKMG6.2 as totalfsize
from sasfiles2
group by fname;
data sasfile;
rownum = _n_;
set sasfile /*(firstobs=1 obs=2)*/;
data want ;
length fvar $1000;
set sasfile;
fvar = cat("find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname ",' "',strip(cfname),'"'," -newermt ",strip(cr_dt)," ! "," -newermt ",strip(cr_dt2), " 2>/dev/null");
/****** Capturing the linux output to a sas data set *****/
data sasfiles;
set want;
infile dummy pipe filevar=fvar dsd LRECL=32000 TRUNCOVER end=done;
do until (done);
input response $400.;
%exit: %mend doit;
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>/dev/null"
NOTE: 1 record was read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
21 The SAS System 20:38 Wednesday, October 30, 2024
The maximum record length was 80.
NOTE: 1 record was read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 89.
The maximum record length was 89.
NOTE: 1 record was read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 80.
How can we solve that issue ?
So the main error is in the approach. Trying to find the directory that a file lives in is going to be impossible because the same filename can appear multiple times in the same directory.
I doubt you need more file attributes than what the %DIRTREE() macro can get from the SAS functions.
But if you do then the LS command WILL tell you the path. The lines that end with colon have the path for the files that follow. You just need to read it and remember it.
>ls -lR | egrep -e ':$|csv' .: -r--r--r-- 1 xxxxxx group1 20502 Nov 16 2023 csv2ds.sas -rw-r--r-- 1 xxxxxx group1 9395 Jul 2 2008 csvfile.sas -rw-r--r-- 1 xxxxxx group1 3749 Oct 22 2021 csv_na.sas -rw-rw-r-- 1 xxxxxx group1 2096 Jun 12 2021 csv_vnext.sas -r--r--r-- 1 xxxxxx group1 4550 Nov 7 2023 safe_ds2csv.sas ./draft: -rw-rw-r-- 1 xxxxxx group1 14953 Oct 7 2008 csvfile.sas -rw-rw-r-- 1 xxxxxx group1 5964 Jul 24 2006 isam.csv -rw-rw-r-- 1 xxxxxx group1 743 Jul 29 2014 sas2csv.sas ./draft/RCS: ./RCS: -r--r--r-- 1 xxxxxx group1 31049 Nov 16 2023 csv2ds.sas,v -r--r--r-- 1 xxxxxx group1 9545 Jul 2 2008 csvfile.sas,v -r--r--r-- 1 xxxxxx group1 3897 Oct 22 2021 csv_na.sas,v -r--r--r-- 1 xxxxxx group1 5770 Nov 7 2023 safe_ds2csv.sas,v
So something along the lines of :
filename ls temp;
options parmcards=ls;
-r--r--r-- 1 user1 group1 20502 2023-11-16 10:38 csv2ds.sas
-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 group1 9395 2008-07-02 11:49 csvfile.sas
-rw-r--r-- 1 user1 group1 3749 2021-10-22 13:42 csv_na.sas
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user1 group1 2096 2021-06-12 11:45 csv_vnext.sas
-r--r--r-- 1 user1 group1 4550 2023-11-07 18:55 safe_ds2csv.sas
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user1 group1 14953 2008-10-07 13:05 csvfile.sas
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user1 group1 5964 2006-07-24 12:17 isam.csv
-rw-rw-r-- 1 user1 group1 743 2014-07-29 20:42 sas2csv.sas
-r--r--r-- 1 user1 group1 31049 2023-11-16 10:39 csv2ds.sas,v
-r--r--r-- 1 user1 group1 9545 2008-07-02 11:48 csvfile.sas,v
-r--r--r-- 1 user1 group1 3897 2021-10-22 13:42 csv_na.sas,v
-r--r--r-- 1 user1 group1 5770 2023-11-07 18:56 safe_ds2csv.sas,v
data files;
length permission $11 links 8 user group $32 size date time 8 filename path $200;
retain path;
infile ls truncover;
input @;
if ':'=char(_infile_,length(_Infile_)) then do;
path = substr(_infile_,1,length(_infile_)-1);
input permission links user group size date :yymmdd. time :time. filename $char200.;
format date yymmdd10. time tod5. ;
proc print;
Save the one line that the your Unix command returned. Or just print it to the log.
data _null_;
infile oscmd1 ;
input ;
put _infile_;
Then look at it and figure out what went wrong.
After you fix that so it returns more information then fix your SAS code.
Why did you tell INFILE to use the DSD option to parse the line at commas and then tell the INPUT statement to read fixed positions on the line? Which style line (or lines) did your program produce.
You could also just skip using the Unix command and use the available SAS functions. Take a look at: https://github.com/sasutils/macros/blob/master/dirtree.sas
Instead of
so you also catch error messages in response.
"2>" means "send the output from output stream 2 somewhere else". Output stream 2 is always stderr, the standard error output.
"&1" is the "address" of output stream 1, which is stdout (standard output), where programs send all their normal output.
"/dev/null" is a virtual file in the UNIX filesystem. Anything sent to it is discarded, and nothing can be read from it (if you use it as input to a program, it will immediately receive an end-of-file).
So, "2>&1" means "please reroute anything sent to stderr to stdout". Since a FILENAME PIPE will only read from stdout, this is the way to catch error or diagnostic messages. Your original code sent all diagnostics to the "bit bucket".
This log is NOT from your code, but from some macro with issues.
Run the posted DATA step only, and post the log from that.
Remove the %MACRO and %MEND statement. Leave the statements in between.
Remove the call to the macro they defined.
At the top add a %LET statement to assign a value to the DIR macro variable.
Then run the code.
The program failed again. I wonder if it is not the time that is an issue, because it seems to failed always at the same obseration. I have try to get the response with a separate piece of code and it tooks many minutes before getting an anwser. Could it be the time to get a reponse after the pipe that is too long. If so, how to solve that?
filename oscmd2 pipe ' find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.mdf.0.0.0.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 ! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>/dev/null';
Data sasfiles3 ;
infile oscmd2 dsd LRECL=32000 TRUNCOVER ;
length information $200.;
input information $ char200.;
/************** log file **************************/
1 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
1 ;*';*";*/;quit;run;
3 %LET _CLIENTTASKLABEL='Programme 5';
4 %LET _CLIENTPROCESSFLOWNAME='Flux de processus';
14 %macro HTML5AccessibleGraphSupported;
15 %if %_SAS_VERCOMP_FV(9,4,4, 0,0,0) >= 0 %then ACCESSIBLE_GRAPH;
16 %mend;
20 %HTML5AccessibleGraphSupported
21 ENCODING='utf-8'
23 STYLESHEET=(URL="file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/SASHome/x86/SASEnterpriseGuide/8/Styles/HTMLBlue.css")
26 GPATH=&sasworklocation
27 ;
NOTE: Writing HTML5(EGHTML) Body file: EGHTML
29 options mprint mlogic source2;
31 %let dir=/dwh_actuariat/sasdata/;
32 libname dest1 base "/finsys/bicoe/BICOE/CR_SR_Prj/LEGO_3730_Data_Retention/data";
NOTE: Libref DEST1 was successfully assigned as follows:
Engine: BASE
Physical Name: /finsys/bicoe/BICOE/CR_SR_Prj/LEGO_3730_Data_Retention/data
34 /*proc printto log='/finsys/bicoe/Temp/Alain/logfiles/sasfiles_log.txt' new;*/
35 /*run;*/
37 filename oscmd1 pipe "ls -Rla --time-style=long-iso ~ &dir. | awk '{printf ""%-10s %-10s %10s %20s %12s %s %s\n"", $1,
37 ! $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, substr($0,index($0,""/""),500)}'";
WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro S not resolved.
WARNING: Apparent invocation of macro S not resolved.
39 Data dest1.sasfiles1 ;
40 format fname $50. ;
41 infile oscmd1 dsd LRECL=32000 TRUNCOVER firstobs=2;
42 input
44 permissions $ 1-12
45 owner $ 12-24
46 group $ 26-35
47 fsize $ 36-54
48 cr_dt $ 55-67
49 time $ 68-74
50 filepath $ 75-500
51 ;
2 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
52 run;
NOTE: Variable fname is uninitialized.
NOTE: The infile OSCMD1 is:
Pipe command="ls -Rla --time-style=long-iso ~ /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ | awk '{printf "%-10s %-10s %10s %20s %12s %s %s\n",
$1, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, substr($0,index($0,"/"),500)}'"
NOTE: 1242521 records were read from the infile OSCMD1.
The minimum record length was 30.
The maximum record length was 586.
NOTE: The data set DEST1.SASFILES1 has 1242521 observations and 8 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set DEST1.SASFILES1 decreased size by 70.32 percent.
Compressed is 775 pages; un-compressed would require 2611 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 7:53.04
cpu time 1.70 seconds
54 data sasfiles2;
55 format create_date create_date2 yymmdd10. create_time tod5.;
56 length cfname $100. fname $50.;
57 set dest1.sasfiles1;
59 where owner eq 'dwhprd1' and find(filepath,'prm')> 0 and find(filepath, '_ab_') =0 and find(filepath, 'raw') =0 and
59 ! find(filepath, '_d') =0 and find(filepath, 'dat') =0
60 and find(filepath,'test')= 0 and find(filepath,'after')= 0 and find(filepath,'Test')= 0 and
60 ! find(filepath,'zip')= 0 and find(filepath,'prmccl') = 0
61 and find(filepath,'tst001mc')= 0 and find(filepath,'prmmichele')= 0 and find(filepath,'_old')= 0
61 ! and find(filepath,'gcna_prm_src')= 0
62 and find(filepath,'histo')= 0 and find(filepath,'all')= 0 and find(filepath,'atl')= 0 and
62 ! find(filepath,'before')= 0 and find(filepath,'war')= 0
63 and find(filepath,'log')= 0 and find(filepath,'lst')= 0 and find(filepath,'cmay25p')= 0 and
63 ! find(filepath,'conprjc')= 0 and find(filepath,'conprjh')= 0
64 and find(filepath,'pasprjc')= 0 and find(filepath,'cyc1')= 0 and find(filepath,'eco')= 0 and
64 ! find(filepath,'igroup')= 0 and find(filepath,'ont_ont')= 0
65 and find(filepath,'pas')= 0 and find(filepath,'prji')= 0 and find(filepath,'uapr')= 0 and
65 ! find(filepath,'wst')= 0 and find(filepath,'ukp')= 0
66 and find(filepath,'dev')= 0 and find(filepath,'ykp')= 0 and find(filepath,'cmcle')= 0 and
66 ! find(filepath,'nhfld')= 0 and find(filepath,'bad')= 0
67 and find(filepath,'abw2')= 0 and find(filepath,'bcclm')= 0 and find(filepath,'covid')= 0 and
67 ! find(filepath,'prj')= 0 and find(filepath,'west')= 0
68 and find(filepath,'tsv')= 0 and find(filepath,'octv')= 0 and find(filepath,'wcauto')= 0 and
68 ! find(filepath,'sept2017')= 0 and find(filepath,'novtst2017')= 0 ;
69 filesize=input(fsize,8.);
70 fname = scan(scan(filepath,-1,''),1,'.');
71 cfname=scan(filepath,-1,'');
72 create_date=input(cr_dt,yymmdd10.);
73 create_date2=intnx('day',create_date,1);
74 create_time=input(time,time.);
75 cr_dt2=put(create_date2,yymmdd10.);
76 run;
NOTE: There were 61257 observations read from the data set DEST1.SASFILES1.
WHERE (owner='dwhprd1') and (FIND(filepath, 'prm')>0) and (FIND(filepath, '_ab_')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'raw')=0) and
(FIND(filepath, '_d')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'dat')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'test')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'after')=0) and
(FIND(filepath, 'Test')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'zip')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'prmccl')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'tst001mc')=0)
3 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
and (FIND(filepath, 'prmmichele')=0) and (FIND(filepath, '_old')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'gcna_prm_src')=0) and
(FIND(filepath, 'histo')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'all')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'atl')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'before')=0) and
(FIND(filepath, 'war')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'log')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'lst')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'cmay25p')=0) and
(FIND(filepath, 'conprjc')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'conprjh')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'pasprjc')=0) and (FIND(filepath,
'cyc1')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'eco')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'igroup')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'ont_ont')=0) and
(FIND(filepath, 'pas')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'prji')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'uapr')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'wst')=0) and
(FIND(filepath, 'ukp')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'dev')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'ykp')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'cmcle')=0) and
(FIND(filepath, 'nhfld')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'bad')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'abw2')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'bcclm')=0) and
(FIND(filepath, 'covid')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'prj')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'west')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'tsv')=0) and
(FIND(filepath, 'octv')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'wcauto')=0) and (FIND(filepath, 'sept2017')=0) and (FIND(filepath,
NOTE: The data set WORK.SASFILES2 has 61257 observations and 14 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.SASFILES2 decreased size by 58.28 percent.
Compressed is 68 pages; un-compressed would require 163 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 3.32 seconds
cpu time 3.30 seconds
78 proc sql;
79 create table sasfile as
80 select owner,
81 group,
82 permissions,
83 cfname,
84 fname,
85 cr_dt,
86 cr_dt2,
87 create_date,
88 create_date2,
89 create_time,
90 sum(filesize) format = SIZEKMG6.2 as totalfsize
92 from sasfiles2
93 group by fname;
NOTE: The query requires remerging summary statistics back with the original data.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.SASFILE decreased size by 29.82 percent.
Compressed is 40 pages; un-compressed would require 57 pages.
NOTE: Table WORK.SASFILE created, with 61257 rows and 11 columns.
94 quit;
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
real time 1.78 seconds
cpu time 1.81 seconds
96 data sasfile;
97 rownum = _n_;
98 set sasfile (firstobs=1 obs=200);
99 run;
NOTE: There were 200 observations read from the data set WORK.SASFILE.
NOTE: The data set WORK.SASFILE has 200 observations and 12 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.SASFILE increased size by 100.00 percent.
Compressed is 2 pages; un-compressed would require 1 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
4 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
real time 0.02 seconds
cpu time 0.03 seconds
102 data want ;
103 length fvar $1000;
104 set sasfile;
105 fvar = cat("find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname ",' "',strip(cfname),'"'," -newermt ",strip(cr_dt)," ! "," -newermt
105 ! ",strip(cr_dt2), " 2>&1");
106 infile dummy pipe filevar=fvar dsd LRECL=32000 TRUNCOVER end=done;
107 do until (done);
108 input response $400.;
109 output;
110 end;
111 run;
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2001.dpf.000109f0.4.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2001.idxpolicyseq.000109f0.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2001.dpf.000109f0.1.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2001.dpf.000109f0.3.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2001.dpf.000109f0.2.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2001.mdf.0.0.0.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 ! -newermt
2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2001.dpf.000109f0.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2001.dpf.000109f0.5.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
5 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2001.dpf.000109f0.6.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2001.hbxpolicyseq.000109f0.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2002.dpf.00010a0e.3.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2002.mdf.0.0.0.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 ! -newermt
2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2002.dpf.00010a0e.5.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2002.idxpolicyseq.00010a0e.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2002.dpf.00010a0e.2.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2002.dpf.00010a0e.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2002.hbxpolicyseq.00010a0e.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2002.dpf.00010a0e.4.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2002.dpf.00010a0e.1.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2002.dpf.00010a0e.6.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
6 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2003.hbxpolicyseq.00010a2c.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2003.dpf.00010a2c.3.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2003.dpf.00010a2c.4.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2003.dpf.00010a2c.2.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2003.dpf.00010a2c.5.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2003.mdf.0.0.0.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 ! -newermt
2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2003.idxpolicyseq.00010a2c.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2003.dpf.00010a2c.1.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2003.dpf.00010a2c.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2003.dpf.00010a2c.6.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2004.hbxpolicyseq.00010a4a.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
7 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2004.dpf.00010a4a.2.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2004.dpf.00010a4a.3.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2004.dpf.00010a4a.5.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2004.mdf.0.0.0.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 ! -newermt
2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2004.idxpolicyseq.00010a4a.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2004.dpf.00010a4a.7.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2004.dpf.00010a4a.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2004.dpf.00010a4a.6.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2004.dpf.00010a4a.1.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2004.dpf.00010a4a.4.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2005.dpf.00010a68.4.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2005.dpf.00010a68.1.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
8 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2005.idxpolicyseq.00010a68.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2005.dpf.00010a68.7.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2005.mdf.0.0.0.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 ! -newermt
2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2005.dpf.00010a68.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2005.hbxpolicyseq.00010a68.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2005.dpf.00010a68.2.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2005.dpf.00010a68.5.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2005.dpf.00010a68.3.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2005.dpf.00010a68.8.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2005.dpf.00010a68.6.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2006.hbxpolicyseq.00010a86.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
9 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2006.mdf.0.0.0.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 ! -newermt
2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2006.dpf.00010a86.3.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2006.dpf.00010a86.4.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2006.dpf.00010a86.6.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2006.dpf.00010a86.9.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2006.dpf.00010a86.5.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2006.dpf.00010a86.7.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2006.dpf.00010a86.1.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2006.dpf.00010a86.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2006.dpf.00010a86.8.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2006.idxpolicyseq.00010a86.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2006.dpf.00010a86.2.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
10 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2007.dpf.00010aa4.8.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2007.dpf.00010aa4.4.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2007.dpf.00010aa4.7.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2007.mdf.0.0.0.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 ! -newermt
2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2007.dpf.00010aa4.6.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2007.idxpolicyseq.00010aa4.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2007.dpf.00010aa4.9.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2007.dpf.00010aa4.5.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2007.hbxpolicyseq.00010aa4.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2007.dpf.00010aa4.2.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2007.dpf.00010aa4.1.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2007.dpf.00010aa4.3.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
11 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2007.dpf.00010aa4.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2008.mdf.0.0.0.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 ! -newermt
2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2008.dpf.00010ac2.4.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2008.dpf.00010ac2.10.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2008.dpf.00010ac2.3.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2008.dpf.00010ac2.7.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2008.dpf.00010ac2.8.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2008.dpf.00010ac2.9.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2008.idxpolicyseq.00010ac2.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2008.hbxpolicyseq.00010ac2.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2008.dpf.00010ac2.2.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
12 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2008.dpf.00010ac2.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2008.dpf.00010ac2.5.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2008.dpf.00010ac2.6.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2008.dpf.00010ac2.1.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2009.dpf.00010ae0.2.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2009.dpf.00010ae0.10.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2009.dpf.00010ae0.12.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2009.dpf.00010ae0.9.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2009.dpf.00010ae0.7.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2009.dpf.00010ae0.3.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2009.dpf.00010ae0.6.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2009.dpf.00010ae0.1.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
13 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2009.dpf.00010ae0.8.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2009.dpf.00010ae0.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2009.dpf.00010ae0.11.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2009.hbxpolicyseq.00010ae0.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2009.idxpolicyseq.00010ae0.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2009.dpf.00010ae0.4.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2009.mdf.0.0.0.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 ! -newermt
2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2009.dpf.00010ae0.5.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2010.hbxpolicyseq.000109ef.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2010.dpf.000109ef.10.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2010.dpf.000109ef.14.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
14 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2010.dpf.000109ef.3.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2010.dpf.000109ef.2.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2010.mdf.0.0.0.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 ! -newermt
2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2010.dpf.000109ef.11.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2010.dpf.000109ef.9.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2010.idxpolicyseq.000109ef.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2010.dpf.000109ef.1.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2010.dpf.000109ef.8.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2010.dpf.000109ef.6.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2010.dpf.000109ef.12.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2010.dpf.000109ef.7.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2010.dpf.000109ef.5.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
15 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2010.dpf.000109ef.4.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2010.dpf.000109ef.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2010.dpf.000109ef.15.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2010.dpf.000109ef.13.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2011.dpf.00010a0d.7.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2011.dpf.00010a0d.12.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2011.dpf.00010a0d.10.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2011.dpf.00010a0d.6.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2011.dpf.00010a0d.9.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2011.mdf.0.0.0.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 ! -newermt
2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2011.dpf.00010a0d.11.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2011.dpf.00010a0d.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
16 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2011.idxpolicyseq.00010a0d.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2011.hbxpolicyseq.00010a0d.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2011.dpf.00010a0d.3.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2011.dpf.00010a0d.1.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2011.dpf.00010a0d.2.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2011.dpf.00010a0d.4.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2011.dpf.00010a0d.8.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2011.dpf.00010a0d.5.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2012.mdf.0.0.0.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 ! -newermt
2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2012.dpf.00010a2b.7.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2012.dpf.00010a2b.1.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
17 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2012.dpf.00010a2b.3.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2012.dpf.00010a2b.4.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2012.dpf.00010a2b.5.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2012.dpf.00010a2b.2.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2012.hbxpolicyseq.00010a2b.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2012.dpf.00010a2b.10.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2012.dpf.00010a2b.11.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2012.dpf.00010a2b.12.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2012.dpf.00010a2b.8.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2012.dpf.00010a2b.13.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2012.dpf.00010a2b.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2012.dpf.00010a2b.9.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
18 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2012.dpf.00010a2b.6.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2012.idxpolicyseq.00010a2b.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.idxpolicyseq.00010a49.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.1.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.12.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.1.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.12.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.11.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.3.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.6.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.9.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
19 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.3.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.mdf.0.0.0.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 ! -newermt
2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.10.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.5.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.idxpolicyseq.00010a49.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.7.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.10.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.hbxpolicyseq.00010a49.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.13.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.8.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.hbxpolicyseq.00010a49.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19
! -newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.7.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
20 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.13.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.2.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.6.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.8.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 89.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 73.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 89.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
21 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 73.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 89.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 89.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 89.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 73.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 89.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
22 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
The minimum record length was 89.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 73.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 89.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 89.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 73.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 89.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
23 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 89.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 73.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
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24 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
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25 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
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26 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
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27 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
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28 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
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29 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
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NOTE: 30 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
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30 The SAS System 14:12 Thursday, October 31, 2024
NOTE: 30 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 30 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: There were 188 observations read from the data set WORK.SASFILE.
NOTE: The data set WORK.WANT has 5449 observations and 13 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set WORK.WANT decreased size by 50.00 percent.
Compressed is 7 pages; un-compressed would require 14 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 19:02.92
cpu time 0.32 seconds
113 data dest1.sasfiles (drop=response);
114 retain owner group permissions;
115 length path $400;
116 set want;
117 path=substr(response,1,length(response)-length(cfname)-1);
118 run;
NOTE: There were 5449 observations read from the data set WORK.WANT.
NOTE: The data set DEST1.SASFILES has 5449 observations and 13 variables.
NOTE: Compressing data set DEST1.SASFILES decreased size by 50.00 percent.
Compressed is 7 pages; un-compressed would require 14 pages.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.02 seconds
cpu time 0.02 seconds
137 ;*';*";*/;quit;run;
141 QUIT; RUN;
I see no problem here. All your steps ran through without WARNINGs or ERRORs, and you get a dataset with 5449 observations.
There are WARNINGs because of strings in the first FILENAME that trigger the macro processor, and there's a NOTE for an uninitialized variable which is never used anyway in that step. Remove the FORMAT statement that causes it, and add a LENGTH statement in the step where the variable is actually set.
Your log is not from the DATA step you posted at the beginning, BTW. That code does not appear anywhere in the log.
I am having a hard time trying to see what purpose this code might be serving.
Can you explain what is the goal of this program?
For example why are you running the LS command on both the directory pass in the DIR macro variable and also the current users home directory?
Why are you generating a lot (a lot a lot) of FIND commands after you just generated an LS command? What is the FIND command providing that the LS command did not? What is the LS command providing that the FIND command could not?
The ls command provides me the owner, group, permission, creation date, creation time and of course, the file size. However, the ls command did not provide me the path. So, in the sasfile, I have about 62 000 file names for which I would like to get their path and in some case, the same could have few different path.
Therefore, I am using the find command to find the various paths for each file. However if we look at the log file it seems that the find command works well for the first two hundreds files and we are not getting any information for the remaining files approximately 61800.
I am trying to find what wrong with the find command because in the log file we can see at the beginning the information related to the find command but after a certain point we can see the note but without the information on the find command as below
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.8.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: The infile DUMMY is:
Pipe command="find /dwh_actuariat/sasdata/ -iname "be_auto_prmaou2013.dpf.00010a49.0.1.spds9" -newermt 2016-07-19 !
-newermt 2016-07-20 2>&1"
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 80.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
The minimum record length was 89.
The maximum record length was 111.
NOTE: 29 records were read from the infile DUMMY.
So I would like to know what to do to get the path of the remaining files (61800).
Any idea how to solve that problem
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