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Quartz | Level 8



I have run the code and it created new variables for me with no error.  I am using SAS EG 5.1


Run the same code again and I am getting errors now. Not sure which variable is initialised wrong. I highlighted the errors at the bottom of the code, it says it could be some symbol or syntax issue,  this code ran with no errors at the first time and now 2nd time it has this error so I am not sure whats changed and how to pinpoint the error in the particular line,  I am not sure what is the problem I need your help to mitigate this.





15 data tk.SBOS_final;

16 set tk.application_fj;

17 where final_decision_flag not in ('Withdrawn');




21 format Final_Decision $10. ;

22 Format ast 1.;

23 Format bureau 1.;

24 Format affordability 1.;

25 Format collatoral 1.;

26 Format fraud 1.;

27 Format general 1.;

28 Format internalconduct 1.;

29 Format purpose 1.;

30 Format borrower 1.;

31 Format forcerefer 1.;

32 Format expense 1.;

33 Format collatoral_refer 1.;

34 Format character_refer 1.;

35 Format policy_refer 1.;

36 Format capacity_refer 1.;


38 format sdate date9.;

39 Format SI_Final $25.;


41 ast = 0;

42 bureau = 0;

43 affordability = 0;

44 collatoral = 0;

45 fraud = 0;

46 general= 0;

47 internalconduct = 0;

48 purpose = 0;

49 borrower =0;

50 forcerefer= 0;

51 expense= 0;

52 collatoral_refer = 0;

53 character_refer = 0;

54 policy_refer = 0;

55 capacity_refer = 0;

2 The SAS System 11:20 Friday, January 26, 2018


57 ac11= 0;

58 db21= 0;

59 ra03 = 0;


61 av11= 0;

62 db23 = 0;

63 ra01 = 0;

64 rb21 = 0;

65 rb91 = 0;

66 rb95 = 0;

67 rb96 = 0;

68 rc01 = 0;

69 re51 = 0;

70 rf01 = 0;

71 rf90 = 0;

72 rg01 = 0;

73 rg15 = 0;

74 rg16 = 0;

75 rg17 = 0;

76 ri01 = 0;

77 ri02 = 0;

78 ri04 = 0;

79 ri25 = 0;

80 ri31 = 0;

81 ri33 = 0;

82 ri45 = 0;

83 ri46 = 0;

84 rp03 = 0;

85 rp06 = 0;

86 rp07 = 0;

87 rp08 = 0;

88 rp10 = 0;

89 rp12 = 0;

90 avxx = 0;

91 rfxx = 0;

92 rg18 = 0;

93 rg19 = 0;


95 F_Medico = 0;

96 Franchiseflag_f = 0;




100 array RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[21] RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_01 - RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_21;


102 /*Application level*/


104 do i = 1 to 21;

105 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('AC11') then ac11 = 1;

106 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('DB21') then db21 = 1;

107 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RA03','RA93') then ra03 = 1;

108 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RA84','DB23') then db23 = 1;

109 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RA51','RA83','RA92','RA93','RR12','RR13','RA03') then ra01 = 1;

110 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RA97','RK01','RK02','RK03','RK04','RK05','RK06','RK07','RB21') then rb21 = 1;

111 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RB91') then rb91 = 1;

112 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RB95') then rb95 = 1;

113 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RB96') then rb96 = 1;

3 The SAS System 11:20 Friday, January 26, 2018

114 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RC01') then rc01 = 1;

115 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RF01', 'RF02', 'RF03','RF90', 'RK10','RK11','RF91', 'RF92', 'RF95') then rfxx = 1;


117 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RA96','RE51') then re51 = 1;


119 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RA01') then rg01 = 1;

120 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RG18') then rg18 = 1;

121 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RG19') then rg19 = 1;


123 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RA29','RG15') then rg15 = 1;

124 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RA21','RR11','RG16') then rg16 = 1;

125 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RA48','RA49','RA52','RG17') then rg17 = 1;

126 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RA50','RR16') then ri01 = 1;

127 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RI02','RR16') then ri02 = 1;

128 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RI03') then ri03 = 1;

129 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RI04','RA54') then ri04 = 1;

130 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RI25') then ri25 = 1;

131 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RI31') then ri31 = 1;

132 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RA89','RI33') then ri33 = 1;

133 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RI45') then ri45 = 1;

134 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RI46') then ri46 = 1;


136 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RP01','RP02','RP04','RP05','RP06','RP07','RP08','RP03','RA99') then rp03 = 1;

137 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RA54','RA55','RA56','RP06') then rp06 = 1;

138 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RA57','RP07') then rp07 = 1;

139 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RP08') then rp08 = 1;

140 if proposedTBL > 1000000 then rp08 = 1;

141 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RA85','RP10') then rp10 = 1;

142 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RA14','RP12') then rp12 = 1;

143 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RA94','RA90','RA88','RA95','AV16','AV15','AV11','AV12','AV13','AV14','AV17') then

143 ! avxx = 1;



146 /*category level*/




150 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in

150 ! ('AC11','AV11','AV12','AV13','AV15','AV16','AV17','RC01','RE51','RG16','RA90','RA88','RR11','RA21','RA94','RA95') then

150 ! collatoral_refer = 1;

151 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in

151 ! ('DB01','DB23','RB21','RB91','RB95','RB96','RF01','RF02','RB03','RF90','RF91','RF92','RF95','RG19','RI01','RI02','RI04','

151 ! RI25','RI31','RI33','RI45','RI46','DA01','RA50','RA84','RA97','RK01','RK02','RK03','RK04','RK05','RK06','RK07','RK10','RK

151 ! 11')then Character_refer = 1;

152 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in

152 ! ('SB05','AV14','MG04','RG15','RG18','RP03','RP04','RP06','RP07','RP08','RP09','RP10','RP11','RP12','RW21','RP05','RA98','

152 ! RA14','RA29','RA54','RA55','RA56','RA57','RA99','RP01','RP02')then Policy_refer = 1;

153 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RA01','RA03','RA51','RA83','RA92','RA93','RR12','RR13') then Capacity_refer = 1;


155 /*Category 2 Level */


157 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('AC11','AV11','AV12','AV13','AV14','AV15','AV16','AV17') then ast = 1;

158 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('DB21','DB23','RB21','RB91','RB95','RB96') then bureau = 1;

159 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RA01','RA03') then affordability = 1;

160 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RC01') then collatoral = 1;

161 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RF01','RF02','RF03','RF90','RF91','RF92','RF93') then fraud = 1;

162 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RG15','RG16','RG17','RG18','RG19') then general = 1;

163 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RI01','RI02','RI04','RI25','RI31','RI33','RI45','RI46') then Internalconduct = 1;

4 The SAS System 11:20 Friday, January 26, 2018

164 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RP03','RP04','RP05','RP06','RP07','RP08','RP09','RP10','RP11','RP12') then purpose =

164 ! 1;

165 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RW21') then borrower = 1;

166 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('MG03','MG04','RG01') then forcerefer = 1;

167 if RB_PostBurReasonCdeTable_[i] in ('RE51') then expense = 1;


169 sdate = datepart(submitted_date);

170 month = month(sdate);

171 year = year(sdate);

172 datestamp = year*100+month;


174 if AssessmentDecision in ( 'Approved') then Final_Decision = 'Approved';

175 else Final_Decision = final_decision_flag;



178 end;


180 If CH_ANZSIC in ( 8621, 8622, 8623 , 8640, 8635) then F_Medico = 1 ;


182 if proposed_si in ('A','B','C') then SI_final = 'Fully Secured';


184 else if proposed_si in ('D','E','F') then SI_final = 'Partially Secured';


186 else SI_final = 'Unsecured';


188 if AppSystem in ('SBLoans', ‘SBOS’ ) then do;




ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: a quoted string, a numeric constant, a datetime constant,

a missing value, iterator, (.

ERROR 76-322: Syntax error, statement will be ignored.


190 if ApplicationNature = 'ANZ Preferred Franchising Loan' or AC_OPERATEASAFRANCHISEFLAG = "Y" then FranchiseFlag_f = 1





ERROR 390-185: Expecting an relational or arithmetic operator.

ERROR 200-322: The symbol is not recognized and will be ignored.

ERROR 76-322: Syntax error, statement will be ignored.


192 end;



195 RUN;

NOTE: Character values have been converted to numeric values at the places given by: (Line):(Column).


NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.

WARNING: The data set TK.SBOS_FINAL may be incomplete. When this step was stopped there were 0 observations and 189 variables.

WARNING: Data set TK.SBOS_FINAL was not replaced because this step was stopped.

NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):

5 The SAS System 11:20 Friday, January 26, 2018

real time 4.58 seconds

cpu time 0.01 seconds


Accepted Solutions
Super User

And immediately before @FredrikE's catch, there's

if AppSystem in ('SBLoans', ‘SBOS’ ) then do;

Look at the second pair of single quotes, these are actually UTF characters, most probably caused by some text copied from Word or similar.

Posting that text here as code would have made that more easily visible.

View solution in original post

Super User

Please re-post the log from line 180 to line 195, using the {i} button (6th icon in the Rich Text posting window), so that no content is changed and the formatting is preserved.

Rhodochrosite | Level 12

Seemes lke you are missing a semicoloN?

190 if ApplicationNature = 'ANZ Preferred Franchising Loan' or AC_OPERATEASAFRANCHISEFLAG = "Y" then FranchiseFlag_f = 1;



Super User

And immediately before @FredrikE's catch, there's

if AppSystem in ('SBLoans', ‘SBOS’ ) then do;

Look at the second pair of single quotes, these are actually UTF characters, most probably caused by some text copied from Word or similar.

Posting that text here as code would have made that more easily visible.

Quartz | Level 8
You are absolutely right, I have fixed the quotes and it worked, thanks for your help in pinpointing that ..,
Quartz | Level 8
Yes you are right ; was missing....thanks a lot..

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