source: 11 +%put LSM NES user: &sysuserid.;
normal: LSM NES user: jdoe
source: 12 +%put LSM NES program: &_PROGRAM.;
warning: WARNING: Apparent symbolic reference _PROGRAM not resolved.
normal: LSM NES program: &_PROGRAM.
source: 13 +
source: 14 +data _null_;
source: 15 + this_guid = cats(put(datetime(),best10.), symget('sysjobid')) ;
source: 16 + call symput('LSMGUID',this_guid);
source: 17 +run;
I have a program that I'm trying to run but before it even gets through the actual program this is the warning I get and I get no output to excel. There are no errors, just this warning. What reason(s) could there be for this? I ran the program before and it ran fine and output data.