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Calcite | Level 5
I am failing to run a script in SAS EG 4.2 that works perfectly in SAS 9.2.

Here is the code:

Data Pnet_0_100_COOP;
input Trt $ Loc $ yresp se C_0_10 C_0_13 C_0_16 C_100_10 C_100_13 C_100_16 df;
T_0_10 = (C_0_10-yresp)/se;
T_0_13 = (C_0_13-yresp)/se;
T_0_16 = (C_0_16-yresp)/se;
T_100_10 = (C_100_10-yresp)/se;
T_100_13 = (C_100_13-yresp)/se;
T_100_16 = (C_100_16-yresp)/se;

Proc Print data=Pnet_0_100_COOP;

Not sure what I am doing wrong. SAS EG 4.2 doesn't seem to be reading the data lines the same way SAS 9.2 does. Any suggestions?

Onyx | Level 15
I threw some junk data in and it seems to work fine in the EG 4.1 that I have at home.

Here are the log lines starting at the end of the step:

28 datalines;

NOTE: The data set WORK.PNET_0_100_COOP has 3 observations and 23 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.06 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds

32 Run;
33 Proc Print data=Pnet_0_100_COOP;
34 Run;

NOTE: There were 3 observations read from the data set WORK.PNET_0_100_COOP.
NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT printed page 1.
NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time):
real time 0.20 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds

35 Quit;

Compare it with what you get out of EG; the problem may be apparent.
If not, I would suggest you post the log from EG.
Calcite | Level 5

Thanks Tom. Here is the log I have. The log says my data is invalid for all of the inputs. I am not sure why that would be. The program is directly copied from SAS 9.2.



31         datalines;

NOTE: Invalid data for yresp in line 34 1-61.

NOTE: Invalid data for se in line 35 1-61.

NOTE: Invalid data for C_0_10 in line 36 1-62.

NOTE: Invalid data for C_0_13 in line 37 1-63.

NOTE: Invalid data for C_0_16 in line 38 1-64.

NOTE: Invalid data for C_100_10 in line 39 1-64.

NOTE: Invalid data for C_100_13 in line 40 1-63.

NOTE: Invalid data for C_100_16 in line 41 1-61.

NOTE: Invalid data for df in line 42 1-61.

RULE:      ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7----+----8----+

42  CHAR   R1Head.Suth2009.                  

    ZONE   53466605776333303233032330323303233032330323303233032330332332222222222222222222

    NUMR   21851493548200994E0993E8792E5691E9791E6095E0693E8993E16934E000000000000000000000

NOTE: Invalid data errors for file CARDS occurred outside the printed range.

Message was edited by: Nathan Bestor

Rhodochrosite | Level 12


Maybe you can use some of the new features of the SAS communities to actually include sample code, with data, as an attachment.

Doc Muhlbaier


Calcite | Level 5

Thanks Doc,

See above.


Rhodochrosite | Level 12

When I ran this in batch SAS, I got the same error messages that you did in EGuide.  When I ran in interactive SAS, it ran fine.  (SAS 9.2 TS2M3).

The problem is in the default settings related to tab-delimited data.  I think, but have not tried, that you need to code an explicit INFILE statement for the datalines to include the tab as the delimiter.Alternatively, you could use a text editor to replace the tabs with spaces.

Doc Muhlbaier


Super User

Just as Doc@duck said, maybe it is because of your '09'x delimiter (tab character).

Title1 "Eg 4.2 Problem";
Data Pnet;
infile datalines dlm=' ' expandtabs;
input Trt $ Loc $ yresp se C_0_10 C_0_13 C_0_16 C_25_10 C_25_13 C_25_16 df;
T_0_10 = (C_0_10-yresp)/se;
T_0_13 = (C_0_13-yresp)/se;
T_0_16 = (C_0_16-yresp)/se;
T_25_10 = (C_25_10-yresp)/se;
T_25_13 = (C_25_13-yresp)/se;
T_25_16 = (C_25_16-yresp)/se;

a     Central1     0.72572564     2.04     2.562     1.970769231     1.60125     5.062     3.893846154     3.16375     34
a     Central2     4.49     1.71     2.562     1.970769231     1.60125     5.062     3.893846154     3.16375     34
a     SW1     1.77     1.63     2.562     1.970769231     1.60125     5.062     3.893846154     3.16375     28
a     SE1     0.61     1.84     2.562     1.970769231     1.60125     5.062     3.893846154     3.16375     34
a     SE2     -0.73     1.97     2.562     1.970769231     1.60125     5.062     3.893846154     3.16375     34
a     SW2     2.15     2.27     2.562     1.970769231     1.60125     5.062     3.893846154     3.16375     34
a     N1     8.67     4     2.562     1.970769231     1.60125     5.062     3.893846154     3.16375     34
a     NE1     3.62     10.23     2.562     1.970769231     1.60125     5.062     3.893846154     3.16375     28
a     NE1     3.2     4.14     2.562     1.970769231     1.60125     5.062     3.893846154     3.16375     34
a     NW1     1.74     1.92     2.562     1.970769231     1.60125     5.062     3.893846154     3.16375     28
a     NW2     4.09     3.87     2.562     1.970769231     1.60125     5.062     3.893846154     3.16375     34
b     Central1     4.99156649     2.04     2.562     1.970769231     1.60125     5.062     3.893846154     3.16375     34
b     Central2     6.27     1.71     2.562     1.970769231     1.60125     5.062     3.893846154     3.16375     34
b     SW1     1.66     1.63     2.562     1.970769231     1.60125     5.062     3.893846154     3.16375     28
b     SE1     4.92     1.84     2.562     1.970769231     1.60125     5.062     3.893846154     3.16375     34
b     SE2     0.35     1.97     2.562     1.970769231     1.60125     5.062     3.893846154     3.16375     34
b     SW2     4.81     2.27     2.562     1.970769231     1.60125     5.062     3.893846154     3.16375     34
b     N1     6.67     4     2.562     1.970769231     1.60125     5.062     3.893846154     3.16375     34
b     NE1     5.25     10.23     2.562     1.970769231     1.60125     5.062     3.893846154     3.16375     28
b     NE1     3.69     4.14     2.562     1.970769231     1.60125     5.062     3.893846154     3.16375     34
b     NW1     7.27     1.92     2.562     1.970769231     1.60125     5.062     3.893846154     3.16375     28
b     NW2     -0.35     3.87     2.562     1.970769231     1.60125     5.062     3.893846154     3.16375     34
c     Central1     -1.64692377     2.04     2.591     1.993076923     1.619375     5.091     3.916153846     3.181875     34
c     Central2     5.81     1.71     2.591     1.993076923     1.619375     5.091     3.916153846     3.181875     34
c     SW1     2.37     1.63     2.591     1.993076923     1.619375     5.091     3.916153846     3.181875     28
c     SE1     -1.24     1.84     2.591     1.993076923     1.619375     5.091     3.916153846     3.181875     34
c     SE2     0.54     1.97     2.591     1.993076923     1.619375     5.091     3.916153846     3.181875     34
c     SW2     0.23     2.27     2.591     1.993076923     1.619375     5.091     3.916153846     3.181875     34
c     N1     0.92     4     2.591     1.993076923     1.619375     5.091     3.916153846     3.181875     34
c     NE1     4.01     10.23     2.591     1.993076923     1.619375     5.091     3.916153846     3.181875     28
c     NE1     3.94     4.14     2.591     1.993076923     1.619375     5.091     3.916153846     3.181875     34
c     NW1     2.69     1.92     2.591     1.993076923     1.619375     5.091     3.916153846     3.181875     28
c     NW2     -2.94     3.87     2.591     1.993076923     1.619375     5.091     3.916153846     3.181875     34
d     Central1     2.42152079     2.04     2.591     1.993076923     1.619375     5.091     3.916153846     3.181875     34
d     Central2     6.47     1.14     2.591     1.993076923     1.619375     5.091     3.916153846     3.181875     34
d     SW1     2.83     1.63     2.591     1.993076923     1.619375     5.091     3.916153846     3.181875     28
d     SE1     2.05     1.84     2.591     1.993076923     1.619375     5.091     3.916153846     3.181875     34
d     SE2     1.52     1.97     2.591     1.993076923     1.619375     5.091     3.916153846     3.181875     34
d     SW2     0.37     2.27     2.591     1.993076923     1.619375     5.091     3.916153846     3.181875     34
d     N1     4.93     4     2.591     1.993076923     1.619375     5.091     3.916153846     3.181875     34
d     NE1     3.64     10.23     2.591     1.993076923     1.619375     5.091     3.916153846     3.181875     28
d     NE1     3.29     4.14     2.591     1.993076923     1.619375     5.091     3.916153846     3.181875     34
d     NW1     4.55     1.92     2.591     1.993076923     1.619375     5.091     3.916153846     3.181875     28
d     NW2     -1.16     3.87     2.591     1.993076923     1.619375     5.091     3.916153846     3.181875     34
e     Central1     -2.63402407     2.04     1.9     1.461538462     1.1875     4.4     3.384615385     2.75     34
e     Central2     -0.79     1.71     1.9     1.461538462     1.1875     4.4     3.384615385     2.75     34
e     SW1     -0.1     1.63     1.9     1.461538462     1.1875     4.4     3.384615385     2.75     28
e     SE1     1.53     1.84     1.9     1.461538462     1.1875     4.4     3.384615385     2.75     34
e     SE2     -1.46     1.97     1.9     1.461538462     1.1875     4.4     3.384615385     2.75     34
e     SW2     0.36     2.27     1.9     1.461538462     1.1875     4.4     3.384615385     2.75     34
e     N1     2.78     4     1.9     1.461538462     1.1875     4.4     3.384615385     2.75     34
e     NE1     2.22     10.23     1.9     1.461538462     1.1875     4.4     3.384615385     2.75     28
e     NE1     0.73     4.14     1.9     1.461538462     1.1875     4.4     3.384615385     2.75     34
e     NW1     1.45     1.92     1.9     1.461538462     1.1875     4.4     3.384615385     2.75     28
e     NW2     -0.46     3.87     1.9     1.461538462     1.1875     4.4     3.384615385     2.75     34
f     Central1     -1.21100871     2.04     1.9     1.461538462     1.1875     4.4     3.384615385     2.75     34
f     Central2     1.37     1.71     1.9     1.461538462     1.1875     4.4     3.384615385     2.75     34
f     SW1     1.32     1.63     1.9     1.461538462     1.1875     4.4     3.384615385     2.75     28
f     SE1     2.39     1.84     1.9     1.461538462     1.1875     4.4     3.384615385     2.75     34
f     SE2     0.02     1.97     1.9     1.461538462     1.1875     4.4     3.384615385     2.75     34
f     SW2     0.86     2.27     1.9     1.461538462     1.1875     4.4     3.384615385     2.75     34
f     N1     0.83     4     1.9     1.461538462     1.1875     4.4     3.384615385     2.75     34
f     NE1     1.95     10.23     1.9     1.461538462     1.1875     4.4     3.384615385     2.75     28
f     NE1     -1.66     4.14     1.9     1.461538462     1.1875     4.4     3.384615385     2.75     34
f     NW1     2.52     1.92     1.9     1.461538462     1.1875     4.4     3.384615385     2.75     28
f     NW2     0.36     3.87     1.9     1.461538462     1.1875     4.4     3.384615385     2.75     34


Proc Print Data=Pnet;


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