I have been given an EG process flow to maintain, and one of the code segments creates a work table by formatting character data from an input file. I need to create a new column in this table by adding 4 dollar fields to get the value for the new column.
I don't get any errors, but I don't get any output in the new column either (data column shows '.'). My code is:
(Input(put(&importfilename..Disb_1_Net_Amt,$8.),17.2)) FORMAT=DOLLAR17.2 AS Disb_1_Net_Amount,
(Input(put(&importfilename..Disb_2_Net_Amt,$8.),17.2)) FORMAT=DOLLAR17.2 AS Disb_2_Net_Amount,
(Input(put(&importfilename..Disb_3_Net_Amt,$8.),17.2)) FORMAT=DOLLAR17.2 AS Disb_3_Net_Amount,
(Input(put(&importfilename..Disb_4_Net_Amt,$8.),17.2)) FORMAT=DOLLAR17.2 AS Disb_4_Net_Amount,
/* new column */
((CALCULATED Disb_1_Net_Amount) + (CALCULATED Disb_2_Net_Amount)
+ (CALCULATED Disb_3_Net_Amount) + (CALCULATED Disb_4_Net_Amount))
FORMAT=DOLLAR17.2 AS Total_Disb_Net_Amount,
What am I doing wrong? Thanks.