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Obsidian | Level 7



My SAS profile suddenly got assigned a TEMP folder path and now everything gets reset with each new session.


I tried deleting and adding the user from Management Console but my user specifically gets this path assigned: C:\Users\TEMP\Documents\My SAS Files\9.4


While other Users, new or old, get their own folder name within the shared disk. 


How can I solve this?

Lapis Lazuli | Level 10

Have you created sasv9.cfg file in your user's Documents folder?


It seems like your user specific sasv9.cfg file is overriding the default options.

Obsidian | Level 7

Thank you for your reply Kalind,


I did not manually do that, no.


Do you think an automatic one was created? 


Can you please guide me to where would I find this sasv9.cfg file related to my user, usually?




Lapis Lazuli | Level 10

Run the following command:

proc options; 

And check the following values in output "Config file Name:", that's your sasv9 configuration file location.

Obsidian | Level 7
This is what I get when I search for CONFIG, I looked in the .cfg file and it didn't have anything weird. 
  CONFIG=( "D:\SAS\Config\Lev1\SASApp\WorkspaceServer\sasv9.cfg" "D:\SAS\Config\Lev1\SASApp\sasv9.cfg" 
 "D:\SAS\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.4\sasv9.cfg" "D:\SAS\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.4\nls\en\sasv9.cfg" 
 "D:\SAS\Config\Lev1\SASApp\sasv9_usermods.cfg" "D:\SAS\Config\Lev1\SASApp\WorkspaceServer\sasv9_usermods.cfg" )
                    Specifies the configuration file that is used when initializing or overriding the values of SAS system options.
Super User Tom
Super User

What version of SAS are you using?  Where is SAS running? On your local machine?  Or some windows server?  If not running on a windows then why would you use a path that starts with C:?


Or are you talking about some Enterprise Guide user profile?


Either way it looks a lot like the windows machine has forgotten who you are and so is setting your "home" directory to a temp folder.  The solution might be to fix your account settings for windows and so might not have anything to do with EG or SAS.

Obsidian | Level 7

I believe it's SAS 9.2, and is running on a Windows Server.


C: drive is where they have allocated storage for SAS users in the server. 


I will try talking to IT to explore the possibility that it's a Windows issue, I hope it works (fingers crossed).


Thanks Tom!

Obsidian | Level 7

IT couldn't solve this and they believe it's from the SAS Management Console settings.



Obsidian | Level 7

can anyone help me see if there's anything that can be changed in the Autoexec file below that can solve this issue?


1                                                          The SAS System                            09:14 Tuesday, October 22, 2019

NOTE: Copyright (c) 2016 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. 
NOTE: SAS (r) Proprietary Software 9.4 (TS1M5) 
      Licensed to *****
NOTE: This session is executing on the X64_SRV16  platform.

NOTE: Updated analytical products:
      SAS/STAT 14.3

NOTE: Additional host information:

 X64_SRV16 WIN 10.0.14393  Server

NOTE: SAS Initialization used (Total process time):
      real time           0.01 seconds
      cpu time            0.01 seconds
NOTE: The autoexec file, D:\SAS\Config\Lev1\SASApp\WorkspaceServer\, was executed at server initialization.

1                                                          The SAS System                            09:14 Tuesday, October 22, 2019

1          options validvarname=ANY validmemname=EXTEND;
2                                                          The SAS System                            09:14 Tuesday, October 22, 2019

2          /* -------------------------------------------------------- */
3          /* Check format search path to see if it's the default value
4          	If so, then we'll add EGTASK and SASUSER so that user-defined formats
5          	will work when created with the Create Format task
6          	If FMTSEARCH is already different from the supplied default,
7          	Create Format task might place new formats in a library that won't be searched */
8          /* -------------------------------------------------------- */				
9          %macro checkfmt;
10         %if %UPCASE(%sysfunc(getoption(fmtsearch))) eq (WORK LIBRARY) %then
12         %mend checkfmt;
13         %checkfmt;
17         /* Data access options to allow opening data when we can't find formats */
18         options nofmterr; 						
20         run;quit;
3                                                          The SAS System                            09:14 Tuesday, October 22, 2019

1                                                          The SAS System                            09:14 Tuesday, October 22, 2019

3          %LET _CLIENTUSERID = 'myuser';
4          %LET _CLIENTUSERNAME = 'myname';
5          %LET _CLIENTMACHINE = 'mypc';
6          %LET _CLIENTVERSION = '7';
7          %LET _CLIENTAPP = 'SAS Enterprise Guide';
10         %LET _SASSERVERNAME = 'SASApp';
11         %LET _SASHOSTNAME = 'myremotehost';
13         /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
14         /* Copyright (c) 2005 by SAS Institute Inc, Cary NC 27512 USA	*/
15         /*                                                              */
16         /* This file contains SAS code that will be submitted to a SAS  */
17         /* server whenever a new SAS session is established from        */
18         /* within Enterprise Guide.                                     */
19         /*                                                              */
20         /* DO NOT EDIT this file unless you are sure of the changes     */
21         /* that you are making.  Inappropriate changes to this file     */
22         /* might result in SAS errors during your Enterprise Guide      */
23         /* session.                                                     */
24         /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/
26         /* ---------------------------------- */
27         /* MACRO: enterpriseguide             */
28         /* PURPOSE: define a macro variable   */
29         /*   that contains the file system    */
30         /*   path of the WORK library on the  */
31         /*   server.  Note that different     */
32         /*   logic is needed depending on the */
33         /*   server type.                     */
34         /* ---------------------------------- */
35         %macro enterpriseguide;
36         %global sasworklocation;
37         %local tempdsn unique_dsn path;
39         %if &sysscp=OS %then %do; /* MVS Server */
40         	%if %sysfunc(getoption(filesystem))=MVS %then %do;
41                 /* By default, physical file name will be considered a classic MVS data set. */
42         	    /* Construct dsn that will be unique for each concurrent session under a particular account: */
43         		filename egtemp '&egtemp' disp=(new,delete); /* create a temporary data set */
44          		%let tempdsn=%sysfunc(pathname(egtemp)); /* get dsn */
45         		filename egtemp clear; /* get rid of data set - we only wanted its name */
46         		%let unique_dsn=".EGTEMP.%substr(&tempdsn, 1, 16).PDSE";
47         		filename egtmpdir &unique_dsn
48         			disp=(new,delete,delete) space=(cyl,(5,5,50))
49         			dsorg=po dsntype=library recfm=vb
50         			lrecl=8000 blksize=8004 ;
51         		options fileext=ignore ;
52         	%end;
53          	%else %do;
54                 /*
55         		By default, physical file name will be considered an HFS
56         		(hierarchical file system) file.
57         		*/
58         		%if "%sysfunc(getoption(filetempdir))"="" %then %do;
2                                                          The SAS System                            09:14 Tuesday, October 22, 2019

59         			filename egtmpdir '/tmp';
60         		%end;
61         		%else %do;
62         			filename egtmpdir "%sysfunc(getoption(filetempdir))";
63         		%end;
64         	%end;
65         	%let path=%sysfunc(pathname(egtmpdir));
66             %let sasworklocation=%sysfunc(quote(&path));
67         %end; /* MVS Server */
68         %else %do;
69         	%let sasworklocation = "%sysfunc(getoption(work))/";
70         %end;
71         %if &sysscp=VMS_AXP %then %do; /* Alpha VMS server */
72         	%let sasworklocation = "%sysfunc(getoption(work))";
73         %end;
74         %if &sysscp=CMS %then %do;
75         	%let path = %sysfunc(getoption(work));
76         	%let sasworklocation = "%substr(&path, %index(&path,%str( )))";
77         %end;
78         %mend enterpriseguide;
80         %enterpriseguide
82         /* ---------------------------------- */
83         /* OPTION: TIMEZONE                   */
84         /* PURPOSE: set the server to use     */
85         /*   the same time zone as the client */
86         /* ---------------------------------- */
87         OPTIONS TIMEZONE="GMT+03:00";
89         /* */
91         /* ---------------------------------- */
92         /* OPTION: FORMCHAR                   */
93         /* PURPOSE: use simple ASCII line     */
94         /*   chars for text plots             */
95         /* ---------------------------------- */
96         OPTIONS FORMCHAR="|----|+|---+=|-/\<>*";
98         /* ---------------------------------- */
99         /* OPTION;                            */
100        /* PURPOSE: Turn off overprint for    */
101        /*   log and listing output.          */
102        /* ---------------------------------- */
103        OPTIONS NOOVP;
105        /* ---------------------------------- */
106        /* OPTION;                            */
107        /* PURPOSE: Prevent missing formats   */
108        /*   from causing data to be          */
109        /*   inaccessible.                    */
110        /* ---------------------------------- */
111        options NOFMTERR;
114        /* ---------------------------------- */
115        /* TITLE;                             */
116        /* PURPOSE: Clear the default title.  */
3                                                          The SAS System                            09:14 Tuesday, October 22, 2019

117        /* ---------------------------------- */
118        TITLE;
120        /* ---------------------------------- */
121        /* Make sure LISTING really closes    */
122        /* for 8.2 servers.                   */
123        /* ---------------------------------- */
127        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
128        /* These two functions, eclibassign and eclibunassign, are intended        */
129        /* to be used when establishing or clearing LIBREFs on an OS/390 server.   */
130        /* They check the state of the LIBREF before actually defining or clearing */
131        /* the library.  They use the LIBNAME function to do the work.             */
132        /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
133        %macro eclibassign(libtoassign, libpath, libeng, libopt);
134          %local success;
135          %if "&libopt" ne "" %then
136          	%let success = %sysfunc(libname(&libtoassign, &libpath, &libeng, &libopt));
137          %else %if "&libeng" ne "" %then
138          	%let success = %sysfunc(libname(&libtoassign, &libpath, &libeng));
139          %else
140           	%let success = %sysfunc(libname(&libtoassign, &libpath));
142          %if %eval(&success > 0) %then
143              %put WARNING: Libref &libtoassign could not be assigned;
144          %else
145            %put NOTE: Libref &libtoassign was successfully assigned;
146        %mend;
149        /* free the library if it is currently assigned */
150        %macro eclibunassign(libtofree);
151          %if %sysfunc(libname(&libtofree)) ne 0 %then
152            %put WARNING: Libref &libtofree could not be unassigned;
153          %else
154            %put NOTE: Libref &libtofree has been unassigned;
155        %mend;
158        /* Conditionally delete set of tables or views, if they exists          */
159        /* If the member does not exist, then no action is performed   */
160        %macro _eg_conditional_dropds /parmbuff;
162           	%local num;
163           	%local stepneeded;
164           	%local stepstarted;
165           	%local dsname;
166        	%local name;
168           	%let num=1;
169        	/* flags to determine whether a PROC SQL step is needed */
170        	/* or even started yet                                  */
171        	%let stepneeded=0;
172        	%let stepstarted=0;
173           	%let dsname= %qscan(&syspbuff,&num,',()');
174        	%do %while(&dsname ne);	
4                                                          The SAS System                            09:14 Tuesday, October 22, 2019

175        		%let name = %sysfunc(left(&dsname));
176        		%if %qsysfunc(exist(&name)) %then %do;
177        			%let stepneeded=1;
178        			%if (&stepstarted eq 0) %then %do;
179        				proc sql;
180        				%let stepstarted=1;
182        			%end;
183        				drop table &name;
184        		%end;
186        		%if %sysfunc(exist(&name,view)) %then %do;
187        			%let stepneeded=1;
188        			%if (&stepstarted eq 0) %then %do;
189        				proc sql;
190        				%let stepstarted=1;
191        			%end;
192        				drop view &name;
193        		%end;
194        		%let num=%eval(&num+1);
195              	%let dsname=%qscan(&syspbuff,&num,',()');
196        	%end;
197        	%if &stepstarted %then %do;
198        		quit;
199        	%end;
200        %mend _eg_conditional_dropds;
202        /* save the current settings of XPIXELS and YPIXELS */
203        /* so that they can be restored later               */
204        %macro _sas_pushchartsize(new_xsize, new_ysize);
205        	%global _savedxpixels _savedypixels;
206        	options nonotes;
207        	proc sql noprint;
208        	select setting into :_savedxpixels
209        	from sashelp.vgopt
210        	where optname eq "XPIXELS";
211        	select setting into :_savedypixels
212        	from sashelp.vgopt
213        	where optname eq "YPIXELS";
214        	quit;
215        	options notes;
216        	GOPTIONS XPIXELS=&new_xsize YPIXELS=&new_ysize;
217        %mend _sas_pushchartsize;
219        /* restore the previous values for XPIXELS and YPIXELS */
220        %macro _sas_popchartsize;
221        	%if %symexist(_savedxpixels) %then %do;
222        		GOPTIONS XPIXELS=&_savedxpixels YPIXELS=&_savedypixels;
223        		%symdel _savedxpixels / nowarn;
224        		%symdel _savedypixels / nowarn;
225        	%end;
226        %mend _sas_popchartsize;
228        %*--------------------------------------------------------------*
229         * Tests the current version against a required version. A      *
230         * negative result means that the SAS server version is less    *
231         * than the version required.  A positive result means that     *
232         * the SAS server version is greater than the version required. *
5                                                          The SAS System                            09:14 Tuesday, October 22, 2019

233         * A result of zero indicates that the SAS server is exactly    *
234         * the version required.                                        *
235         *                                                              *
236         * NOTE: The parameter "maint" is optional.                     *
237         *--------------------------------------------------------------*;
238        %macro _SAS_VERCOMP(major, minor, maint);
240        	%local CurMaj;
241        	%local CurMin;
242        	%local CurMnt;
244        	%* Pull the current version string apart.;
245        	%let CurMaj = %scan(&sysvlong, 1, %str(.));
246        	%let CurMin = %scan(&sysvlong, 2, %str(.));
247        	%let CurMnt = %scan(&sysvlong, 4, %str(.ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ));
249        	%* Now perform the version comparison.;
250            %if %eval(&major NE &CurMaj) %then
251        	  	%eval(&CurMaj - &major);
252        	%else
253        		%if %eval(&minor NE &CurMin) %then
254        		    %eval(&CurMin - &minor);
255        		%else
256        		    %if "&maint" = "" %then
257        			    %str(0);
258        			%else
259        				%eval(&CurMnt - &maint);
260        %mend _SAS_VERCOMP;
262        %*--------------------------------------------------------------*
263         * This macro calls _SAS_VERCOMP() with the passed version.    *
264         * If the current server version matches or is newer, then the  *
265         * true code (tcode) is executed, else the false code (fcode)   *
266         * is executed.                                                 *
267         * Example:                                                     *
268         *  %let isV92 =                                                *
269         *     %_SAS_VERCONDCODE(9,2,0,                                 *
270         *         tcode=%nrstr(Yes),                                   *
271         *         fcode=%nrstr(No));                                   *
272         *--------------------------------------------------------------*;
273        %macro _SAS_VERCONDCODE( major, minor, maint, tcode=, fcode= );
274            %if %_SAS_VERCOMP(&major, &minor, &maint) >= 0 %then
275                %do;
276                &tcode
277                %end;
278            %else
279                %do;
280                &fcode
281                %end;
282        %mend _SAS_VERCONDCODE;
284        /* Build where clauses from stored process parameters */
285      ! MATCH_CASE=1);
287          %local q1 q2 sq1 sq2;
288          %local isEmpty;
289          %local isEqual isNotEqual;
6                                                          The SAS System                            09:14 Tuesday, October 22, 2019

290          %local isIn isNotIn;
291          %local isString;
292          %local isBetween;
294          %let isEqual = ("%QUPCASE(&OPERATOR)" = "EQ" OR "&OPERATOR" = "=");
295          %let isNotEqual = ("%QUPCASE(&OPERATOR)" = "NE" OR "&OPERATOR" = "<>");
296          %let isIn = ("%QUPCASE(&OPERATOR)" = "IN");
297          %let isNotIn = ("%QUPCASE(&OPERATOR)" = "NOT IN");
298          %let isString = (%QUPCASE(&TYPE) eq S or %QUPCASE(&TYPE) eq STRING );
299          %if &isString %then
300          %do;
301        	%if "&MATCH_CASE" eq "0" %then %do;
302        		%let COLUMN = %str(UPPER%(&COLUMN%));
303        	%end;
304        	%let q1=%str(%");
305        	%let q2=%str(%");
306        	%let sq1=%str(%');
307        	%let sq2=%str(%');
308          %end;
309          %else %if %QUPCASE(&TYPE) eq D or %QUPCASE(&TYPE) eq DATE %then
310          %do;
311            %let q1=%str(%");
312            %let q2=%str(%"d);
313        	%let sq1=%str(%');
314            %let sq2=%str(%');
315          %end;
316          %else %if %QUPCASE(&TYPE) eq T or %QUPCASE(&TYPE) eq TIME %then
317          %do;
318            %let q1=%str(%");
319            %let q2=%str(%"t);
320        	%let sq1=%str(%');
321            %let sq2=%str(%');
322          %end;
323          %else %if %QUPCASE(&TYPE) eq DT or %QUPCASE(&TYPE) eq DATETIME %then
324          %do;
325            %let q1=%str(%");
326            %let q2=%str(%"dt);
327        	%let sq1=%str(%');
328            %let sq2=%str(%');
329          %end;
330          %else
331          %do;
332            %let q1=;
333            %let q2=;
334        	%let sq1=;
335            %let sq2=;
336          %end;
338          %if "&PARM" = "" %then %let PARM=&COLUMN;
340          %let isBetween = ("%QUPCASE(&OPERATOR)"="BETWEEN" or "%QUPCASE(&OPERATOR)"="NOT BETWEEN");
342          %if "&MAX" = "" %then %do;
343            %let MAX = &parm._MAX;
344            %if &isBetween %then %let PARM = &parm._MIN;
345          %end;
347          %if not %symexist(&PARM) or (&isBetween and not %symexist(&MAX)) %then %do;
7                                                          The SAS System                            09:14 Tuesday, October 22, 2019

348            %if &IS_EXPLICIT=0 %then %do;
349        		not &MATCHALL_CLAUSE
350        	%end;
351        	%else %do;
352        	    not 1=1
353        	%end;
354          %end;
355          %else %if "%qupcase(&&&PARM)" = "%qupcase(&MATCHALL)" %then %do;
356            %if &IS_EXPLICIT=0 %then %do;
357        	    &MATCHALL_CLAUSE
358        	%end;
359        	%else %do;
360        	    1=1
361        	%end;	
362          %end;
363          %else %if (not %symexist(&PARM._count)) or &isBetween %then %do;
364            %let isEmpty = ("&&&PARM" = "");
365            %if (&isEqual AND &isEmpty AND &isString) %then
366               &COLUMN is null;
367            %else %if (&isNotEqual AND &isEmpty AND &isString) %then
368               &COLUMN is not null;
369            %else %do;
370        	   %if &IS_EXPLICIT=0 %then %do;
371                   &COLUMN &OPERATOR
372        			%if "&MATCH_CASE" eq "0" %then %do;
373        				%unquote(&q1)%QUPCASE(&&&PARM)%unquote(&q2)
374        			%end;
375        			%else %do;
376        				%unquote(&q1)&&&PARM%unquote(&q2)
377        			%end;
378        	   %end;
379        	   %else %do;
380        	       &COLUMN &OPERATOR
381        			%if "&MATCH_CASE" eq "0" %then %do;
382        				%unquote(%nrstr(&sq1))%QUPCASE(&&&PARM)%unquote(%nrstr(&sq2))
383        			%end;
384        			%else %do;
385        				%unquote(%nrstr(&sq1))&&&PARM%unquote(%nrstr(&sq2))
386        			%end;
387        	   %end;
388               %if &isBetween %then
389                  AND %unquote(&q1)&&&MAX%unquote(&q2);
390            %end;
391          %end;
392          %else
393          %do;
394        	%local emptyList;
395          	%let emptyList = %symexist(&PARM._count);
396          	%if &emptyList %then %let emptyList = &&&PARM._count = 0;
397        	%if (&emptyList) %then
398        	%do;
399        		%if (&isNotin) %then
400        		   1;
401        		%else
402        			0;
403        	%end;
404        	%else %if (&&&PARM._count = 1) %then
405            %do;
8                                                          The SAS System                            09:14 Tuesday, October 22, 2019

406              %let isEmpty = ("&&&PARM" = "");
407              %if (&isIn AND &isEmpty AND &isString) %then
408                &COLUMN is null;
409              %else %if (&isNotin AND &isEmpty AND &isString) %then
410                &COLUMN is not null;
411              %else %do;
412        	    %if &IS_EXPLICIT=0 %then %do;
413        			%if "&MATCH_CASE" eq "0" %then %do;
414        				&COLUMN &OPERATOR (%unquote(&q1)%QUPCASE(&&&PARM)%unquote(&q2))
415        			%end;
416        			%else %do;
417        				&COLUMN &OPERATOR (%unquote(&q1)&&&PARM%unquote(&q2))
418        			%end;
419        	    %end;
420        		%else %do;
421        		    &COLUMN &OPERATOR (
422        			%if "&MATCH_CASE" eq "0" %then %do;
423        				%unquote(%nrstr(&sq1))%QUPCASE(&&&PARM)%unquote(%nrstr(&sq2)))
424        			%end;
425        			%else %do;
426        				%unquote(%nrstr(&sq1))&&&PARM%unquote(%nrstr(&sq2)))
427        			%end;
428        		%end;
429        	  %end;
430            %end;
431            %else
432            %do;
433               %local addIsNull addIsNotNull addComma;
434               %let addIsNull = %eval(0);
435               %let addIsNotNull = %eval(0);
436               %let addComma = %eval(0);
437               (&COLUMN &OPERATOR (
438               %do i=1 %to &&&PARM._count;
439                  %let isEmpty = ("&&&PARM&i" = "");
440                  %if (&isString AND &isEmpty AND (&isIn OR &isNotIn)) %then
441                  %do;
442                     %if (&isIn) %then %let addIsNull = 1;
443                     %else %let addIsNotNull = 1;
444                  %end;
445                  %else
446                  %do;		
447                    %if &addComma %then %do;,%end;
448        			%if &IS_EXPLICIT=0 %then %do;
449        				%if "&MATCH_CASE" eq "0" %then %do;
450        					%unquote(&q1)%QUPCASE(&&&PARM&i)%unquote(&q2)
451        				%end;
452        				%else %do;
453        					%unquote(&q1)&&&PARM&i%unquote(&q2)
454        				%end;
455        			%end;
456        			%else %do;
457        				%if "&MATCH_CASE" eq "0" %then %do;
458        					%unquote(%nrstr(&sq1))%QUPCASE(&&&PARM&i)%unquote(%nrstr(&sq2))
459        				%end;
460        				%else %do;
461        					%unquote(%nrstr(&sq1))&&&PARM&i%unquote(%nrstr(&sq2))
462        				%end;
463        			%end;
9                                                          The SAS System                            09:14 Tuesday, October 22, 2019

464                    %let addComma = %eval(1);
465                  %end;
466               %end;)
467               %if &addIsNull %then OR &COLUMN is null;
468               %else %if &addIsNotNull %then AND &COLUMN is not null;
469               %do;)
470               %end;
471            %end;
472          %end;
473        %mend _eg_WhereParam;
475        %macro _eg_hidenotesandsource;
476        	%global _egnotes;
477        	%global _egsource;
479        	%let _egnotes=%sysfunc(getoption(notes));
480        	options nonotes;
481        	%let _egsource=%sysfunc(getoption(source));
482        	options nosource;
483        %mend _eg_hidenotesandsource;
485        %macro _eg_restorenotesandsource;
486        	%global _egnotes;
487        	%global _egsource;
489        	options &_egnotes;
490        	options &_egsource;
491        %mend _eg_restorenotesandsource;
493        /* ---------------------------------------------------- */
494        /* DATA step to determine whether certain products      */
495        /* are licensed/installed.                              */
496        /* ---------------------------------------------------- */
498        /* Note: Use 'n' parameter to tslvl function if 9.4 M2
499        or later to avoid unnecessary warning. */
500        %macro GetTslvlParam2;
501        	%if %_SAS_VERCOMP(9,4,2) >= 0 %then , 'n';
502        %mend;
504        data _prodsavail;
505        	length name $ 8 fullname $ 30 prodcode $ 10 prodmod $ 10 installed $ 12;
506        	input fullname 1-30 name 32-39 prodcode prodmod;
507        	licensed=sysprod(prodcode);
508        	installed = tslvl(prodmod%GetTslvlParam2);
509        cards;

NOTE: The data set WORK._PRODSAVAIL has 8 observations and 6 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.02 seconds
      cpu time            0.03 seconds

518        ;
519        run;
521        %let _EG_WORKSPACEINIT=1;
Obsidian | Level 7


from SAS's Administrators' Guide:

How to Set Up Different Root Directories
SAS Studio users access their files and folders from the Server Files and Folders
section in the navigation pane. The root directories in this section are determined by the
settings in SAS Management Console.
To set up different root directories:
1. Open SAS Management Console.
2. On the Plug-ins tab, expand the Server Manager folder, and then expand the nameof-workspace-server folder.
3. Right-click the name-of-workspace-server – Workspace Server folder and select
Properties. The Properties dialog box appears.
4. Click the Options tab and click Advanced Options. The Advanced Options dialog
box appears.
5. Click the File Navigation tab to set these options:
• SAS User Root displays your home directory (for UNIX and z/OS
environments) or your My Documents folder (for Windows environments) from
the Server Files and Folders section. SAS User Root is the default setting.



To recap: 

My issue is that my user's "User Root" is set to TEMP (Temporary folder that gets deleted after each session) for some reason while all other users get their own User Folders and are permanent. 



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