Hey everyone,
Quick question. Is it possible to use two different data sets to produce the same report on the same tab? My output is an XML file using ODS.
Data set 1 contains data from 3/21 - 3/27.
Data set 2 contains data from 2/1 - 3.27.
The chart I want to build has grouping and analysis variables... so the column headers would be
Market......Var1.... Var2.... Var3.... etc....
And I would want my data to be grouped as:
(from data set 1)
Market 1.....4........54......2.8.....etc..
Market 2.....3........48......3.2.....etc...
Market 3.....5........55......1.8.....etc...
(from data set 2 in a separate table)
Market 1.....4.8.....49......3.8....etc...
Market 2.....3.1....54.......3.3....etc....
Market 3.....4.4....49.......2.3....etc....
Is this possible? Or will it just always be produced on another tab within the output file? Or can I create a subset of data within the PROC REPORT statement?