Hi All,
I found a macro in the forum to calculate the missing data percentage for each variable in the data set. I tried it and it works, but for some reason the last variable in the data set will be get rid of, I wonder how to fix this macro. Is there anybody can help? Thank you!
1) Macro
%macro missing_data(library=,dataset=,xoutdataset=);
proc sql noprint;
select name into :allvars separated by " " from dictionary.columns
where libname="%upcase(&library.)" and memname="%upcase(&dataset.)";
proc sql noprint;
create table &xoutdataset. as
%let firstspace=%sysfunc(find(&allvars.,%str( )));
%do %while (&firstspace.>0);
%let var=%substr(&allvars.,1,&firstspace.);
sum(missing(&var.))/count(*) as &var.,
%let allvars=%substr(&allvars.,&firstspace.);
%let firstspace=%sysfunc(find(&allvars.,%str( )));
'Y' as done_successfully
from &library..&dataset.;
%mend missing_data;
2) The output variable list after macro used:
Name Sex Age Height done_successfully
3) The variable list in the data set:
Name Sex Age Height Weight
Compare 2) and 3), we can see the weight variable is gone after using the macro. I wonder how this macro be fixed to include every variables in the data set.
Something in the looping over the variables gets screwed up by this code. I will leave it to others to figure out exactly where the error is (if understanding the exact error is of interest). However, the code below doesn't have this problem
%macro missing_data(library=,dataset=,xoutdataset=);
proc sql noprint;
select name into :allvars separated by " " from dictionary.columns
where libname="%upcase(&library.)" and
proc sql noprint;
create table &xoutdataset. as select
%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&allvars));
%let var=%scan(&allvars,&i,%str( ));
sum(missing(&var.))/count(*) as &var.
%if &i<%sysfunc(countw(&allvars)) %then , ;
from &library..&dataset.;
%mend missing_data;
Thank you Paige! Your macro worked!
There is no blank space at the end of &ALLVARS, so the FIND function can't locate one to determine when the last variable name ends.
Consider modifying here:
%let allvars=%substr(&allvars.,&firstspace.+1);
%let firstspace=%sysfunc(find(%str(&allvars. ),%str( )));
The first change removes the leading blank from &ALLVARS. Then the second change adds a blank to the end of &ALLVARS. (Not sure that the first change is required, but you can test it and report back to the group.)
Try this code.
data have;
set sashelp.class;
call missing(age ,sex);
/*firstly get variable name*/
proc transpose data=have(obs=0) out=vname;
var _all_;
/*then know missing percent*/
proc sql noprint;
select catx(' ','nmiss(',_name_,')/count(*) as',_name_) into :vnames separated by ','
from vname;
create table want as
select &vnames from have;
When you use %substr, the resulting macro variable has no blanks for padding (as opposed to what you have in a data step), so the resulting value for firstchar is zero when there's one item left.
The way the loop is built, someone out-thunk him/herself when working around the non-existent %countw() function.
The proper method for such loops has been posted by @PaigeMiller: use %sysfunc(countw()) and a simple iterative do loop.
And support my suggestion for the introduction of a %countw macro function:
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