didn't help, but in the meantime we found out, that proc metalib does not resolve pre-assigned macro variables for the DB user name.
So the statement it generates looks like:
1 proc metalib tl=2;
3 omr (libid="A900000F" repid="A5XBOHFR");
4 report(type = summary);
5 update_rule = (noadd);
7 select (A5XBOHFR.AB0000RH);
9 run;
(MSCMLB) initenvs: Library is preassigned
(MSCMLB) query_connect:db connect options: Datasrc=&DMDatasrc USER='&DBUser' PASSWORD='{SAS002}abcdef'
SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable DMDATASRC resolves to xyzabc
You can see, that the &DBUser is - in opposite to the rest of the parameters not resolved as it is set in ' '. This must have changed since 9.2?
So using a clear text user in the preassigned library should do the trick at this point.
Full of surprises this SAS is... 😉