Agree with Barry it can go far, I'd like to see some best practices type of posts. I'm on an UNIX platform and a lot of what works in UNIX doesn't apply to Windows.
Administration boils down to configuration and maintence most of the time, what would be helpful are some sub-forums, for the different O.S.'es best practices (that can even break out for flavors of UNIX),
An upgrade forum, I ran into tons of trouble when migrating to 9.2 by myself so it would have helped to have a place dedicated to that, which is where administrators find a lot of difficulty.
kernel changes and sas configuration settings that work in my environment may not work in yours, but they can be good ideas of where to start, so that's the type of information that may be more useful.
SAS Documents how to use it's products incredibly well, but there are a few products where installation is a bit hazy, so installation of additional software may be a third. These are all the things I can think of that an administrator gets challenged with that aren't clearly defined in documentation, because well, the answer is always "it depends".
It goes without saying that any information in a forum has to be taken with a grain of salt, but it's nice to have a place where peers can gather, and SAS Administrators are a very small group... we may just need a place to share war stories of some of the worst practices we've seen.