How to convert 2000to 2k in SAS dataset
Which function we have to use & also how to convert month number to month name using proc format and strip(put,...) Functions. help in getting this
@Dq1 wrote:
How to convert 2000to 2k in sasdataset
Please help us. Go back to your original post and edit it so that it has a meaningful title/subject. Since this is the SAS community, saying your subject is "Sas" is not helpful or meaningful.
You cannot convert 2000 to 2k, the first is a numeric value and the second is a character value. You could create a new variable that contains the text string "2K". A better solution, in my opinion: you could produce a FORMAT that changes the appearance to 2k.
proc format;
picture thous(round) low-high='000,009.9K' (prefix='$' mult=.01);
data want;
set have;
format yourvariablename thous.;
We help you, but you have to help us.
Go back to your original post and edit it so that it has a meaningful title/subject. Since this is the SAS community, saying your subject is "Sas" is not helpful or meaningful.
proc format;
picture thous(round) low-high='000,009.9K' (prefix='$' mult=.01);
data a;
input name $ age sal;
format sal thous.;
Amir 23 4000
Sonu 34 7000
@Dq1 wrote:
It's not working ..
Make it work.
We help you, but you have to help us.
Go back to your original post and edit it so that it has a meaningful title/subject. Since this is the SAS community, saying your subject is "Sas" is not helpful or meaningful.
How should a value like 100 appear for that variable? 15345?
2000 to 2K is a single example. Coding is about providing general rules.
Same with month number to month name. Do you want the full name of a month? 3-letter abbreviation? something else?
See this example for your format for 2000 as 2K.
Regarding month number to name use MONNAME format which will format a SAS date (not month number) to the month name.
data example;
date = '01Jan2021'd;
demoName = put(date, monname3.);
proc print data=example;
proc print data=example;
format date monname3.;
If you want to convert a month number to a date, I'd probably create a fake date out of it using the MDY() function and use the PUT() function.
data example2;
monthNumber = 2;
monthName = put(mdy(monthNumber, 1, 2021), monname3.);
proc print data=example2;
@Dq1 wrote:
How to convert 2000to 2k in SAS dataset
Which function we have to use & also how to convert month number to month name using proc format and strip(put,...) Functions. help in getting this
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