I'm playing around a little and it is obviously my first fedsql try.
If this program works:
Libname sqlserv ODBC Schema=DBO DSN=sassql;
Proc SQL NoPrint;
Create Table Test_A As
Select Year_Month_Key, Sum(Sales_Group) As Sales_Group
From sqlserv.vFact_Sales_Planning
Where Year_Month_Key>=201401
Group By Year_Month_Key
Order By Year_Month_Key;
why do I get the following error with fedsql:
Libname sqlserv ODBC Schema=DBO DSN=sassql;
Proc FedSQL NoPrint;
Create Table Test_A As
Select Year_Month_Key, Sum(Sales_Group) As Sales_Group
From sqlserv.vFact_Sales_Planning
Where Year_Month_Key>=201401
Group By Year_Month_Key
Order By Year_Month_Key;
ERROR: Table "SQLSERV.VFACT_SALES_PLANNING" does not exist or cannot be accessed
ERROR: ERROR: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Invalid object name
Thanks&kind regards