I am trying to connect SAS 9.3 over Windows 2008 64 Bit to Hadoop 2.4.0 Apache distribution. I can run the following command successfully
proc hadoop username='hadoop' password='mypassword' verbose;
hdfs mkdir='/tmp/d';
But when I try to use libname, I get the following error.
proc sql;
connect to hadoop (user="myuser" pw=XXXXXXX server=hxpduped);
ERROR: The HADOOP engine cannot be found.
ERROR: A Connection to the hadoop DBMS is not currently supported, or is not installed at your
libname hdp hadoop BL_PORT=9001 server="xx.xx.xx.xx" port=10000 subprotocol=hive2
! schema=default
user=hadoop password=XXXXXXXX verbose;
ERROR: The HADOOP engine cannot be found.
ERROR: Error in the LIBNAME statement.
Is something missing in the jar files? I have setup SAS_HADOOP_JAR_PATH and SAS_HADOOP_CONFIG.