*** very important: do not forget to keep baclup until everything is operational and all operational features ***
Hi ...
there are some folders for DataFlux DMS by setting parameters:
\repositories\ -- repository of information;
macros.cfg -- definition of environment variables;
\savedconn\ -- User / Password of ODBC connections previously saved;
ManagementServersEntries.xml -- xml with the definition of application servers (ip, port;) is used;
** copy folder with the repository, which contains folders:
- batch_jobs
- data_services
- Shared Data
- foundations
- process_services
*** not forgetting the <project>.rps file;
if you are moving to a newer version, you may need to upgrade your project, confirm the operation.
so ...
sorry for my poor english (google)
I hope this helps,
good luck, 
Ricardo Benatti