2024 Customer Awards: Department of Statistics Malaysia - Community Uplift Award
Fluorite | Level 6

Company: Department of Statistics Malaysia

Company background: The Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM; Malay: Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia) is a government agency in Malaysia that operates under the Prime Minister's Department. It is responsible for the collection and interpretation of reliable statistics related to the economy, population, society and environment of Malaysia which the government primarily uses to assess, review and implement national public policies.


Title: Statistician

Country: Malaysia

Award Category: Community Uplift Award

Tell how you've used SAS to have a positive impact on your community?
SAS is a software suite used for advanced analytics, business intelligence, data management, and predictive analytics. In a community context, SAS can be applied in various ways: 1. Healthcare Analytics 2. Economic Development 3. Education Analytics 4. Environmental Analysis 5. Public Safety and Law

What SAS products are you using and how are you using them?
SAS VA. SAS VA is designed to help organizations visually explore and analyze data, allowing users to make informed decisions based on data insights..

What was your most surprising discovery about your work?
SAS VA provides a wide range of advanced and interactive visualizations, allowing users to represent data in meaningful ways. This includes charts, graphs, heat maps, and more, facilitating a deeper understanding of complex datasets.