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Obsidian | Level 7

The run of infomap's metadata and all other CIS operations are logged in the same log file CICore6.5.log

It is possible modify the logconfig in order to have a separate log file only for metadata run?




SAS Employee

While I can't say I've personally tried changing this, it might be possible depending on how common/unique the logging context is for that activity. The logging is based on log4j, so you can read up on some of the concepts about that technology in general if you want to dig into it more, but the gist is you have to edit "SASCustIntelCore-log4j.xml" (config/Lev1/Web/Log/Common/LogConfig) and:


  1. Define a new output file & asynchronous wrapper (the "<appender ... name=REDIR_FILE>" part at the beginning, which is augmented by the "<appender name=ASYNC_FILE" below it) for your new output file.
  2. Determine the logging context you want in that new file (look at the lines you're interested in in your core log, and find the "<whatever>" for metadata generation).
  3. Add a new <logger> section for the logging context you found in #2 and set the <appender-ref> to the new async output from #1.

This won't work if the context is something common that shows up in lots of other activity, which is probably the case, but it's at least worth having a look. You can have multiple <appender-ref> entries that allow you to keep your normal core log and just have certain types of messages go to other files, too.


The most important advice I can give you is to make a backup of that file before you edit it, and to test this out on a non-production environment since you'll have to bounce SASServer6 after each change.

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Pyrite | Level 9


Teresa, may I ask - what is the reason you are asking for that - why would you need to log "metadata runs" separately in the CICore log?

What are you trying to achieve with that? Are you trying to use the metadata generation process for something it wasn't originally intended for?   And what kind of information are you trying to get from this piece of logs?


Perhaps there are completely other ways to achieve what you're truly trying to achieve?


Best regards, Dmitriy.

Dmitriy Alergant, Tier One Analytics
Obsidian | Level 7

The aim is to have a more readable log in which, the information about campaign opening and rescue are not showed.

We have already desabled the logging properties from the web app interface of CIS but this kind of information are still showed...


Pyrite | Level 9

Hi Teresa,


As Steve mentioned earlier, you control CICore log levels on a context (java class) level using log4j.  Some extraneous information that complicates log analysis for troubleshooting purposes can be exlcluded this way.


However, as you mentioned a desire to get "separate log file only for metadata run" makes me wonder that you may be following some wrong technical way to pursue your original business goal.


If you shared what is your true, original business goal, the community might help you and suggest what is the best practice of achieving this. It may end up into some completely different solution, not relying on CICore logging at all.  Controlling logging and log levels is sometimes a tool to get something done, but I can't believe it is the goal by itself. 




Dmitriy Alergant, Tier One Analytics
Obsidian | Level 7

Hi Dmitri,


thank you for your warnings!

yes, the goal is getting  "separate log file only for metadata run".

I thought about the possibility to modify the CICore logconfig you wrote, maybe it's not the right technical way.

Suggestions are welcome! 🙂


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