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Calcite | Level 5

Hi Team, 


I would like to get the details of attributes used by the users in SAS CI studio. 


e.g., lets say a used a date attributes in CI Studio for filtering or for any purpose. How would i capture this information that this particular user used this attributes in CI Studio.


Is it stored anywhere in the metadata? Appreciate some help or ideas in fetching these information. 


I would like to create a job which fetches this information and will send a mail to that user accordingly. 



Pyrite | Level 9

Hi Aravind,


I think the only feasible way to go is to parse CustIntelCore log. It's not easy to fully automate due to some intricacies of the log structure, yet this is possible.  Both of us know what are you looking for (datepart function usage) and it's right there in the log, in the queries SQL text.

The only alternative will require using a monstrous combination of technologies and the solution will be much more complicated:

  1. CustIntelCore log  or SAS Metadata to track which campaigns were recently executed / modified
  2. Campaign extraction to XML with CI Integration Utility, parsing a very complex XML structure
  3. Infomap extraction to XML with proc infomaps, parsing another very complex XML structure
  4. Combining information from #2 and #3 to find out which attributes were "dates" and used a datepart function.

That's an overkill and not feasible for the task.


Good luck!

Dmitriy Alergant, Tier One Analytics
Pyrite | Level 9

This is theoretical... maybe worth investigating.


Teradata has a function called query banding. If you are not using Teradata perhaps it has a similar function. If the user id at the time of the process could be used in the query band metadata you could then see usage from the database end.


So... in SAS (again theoretically... not sure how &ci_user. could be supplied):

libname db teradata user=myusr1 password=mypwd1


In Teradata:

select * from DBC.AccessLogV where queryband like '%SAS_User ID=john_doe%'


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