Hi @ravindrrapaal ,
You can configure an event for a flow in RTDM. Once this flow is deployed to the DS Engine then RTDM provides both a SOAP and REST interface.
SOAP uses the WSDL for integration with external systems. REST (using POST method) uses the JSON format for integrating with RTDM to execute the decision flow associated with the underlying decision definition.
URI: SASDecisionServices/rest/runtime/decisions/{decisionId}
Media type: application/vnd.sas.decision.request
Sample URL: http://{{hostname}}:{{port number}}/RTDM/rest/runtime/decisions/GENERIC_RTDM_EVENT
decisionId = The ID or name of the underlying decision definition. (e.g. GENERIC_RTDM_EVENT)
Here's an example of the JSON Body:
Just imagine that INSTR1-INSTR5, ININT1-ININT5, INDATE1-INDATE2 are the input variables in your RTDM event.There are other variable formats that you can use such as Boolean, Character List, or Data Grids.
The other variables in the body such as version, correlationId, clientTimeZone are all required.
"INSTR1":"string1 value",
"INSTR2":"string2 value",
"INSTR3":"string3 value",
"INSTR4":"string4 value",
"INSTR5":"string5 value",