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SAS Employee

The Juletip of today is simple but useful. When using PROC SQL it is often handy to export the number of observations of the resulting table into a macro variable. The good thing is that SAS does this automatically. The name of this macro variable is “sqlobs”:


Look at this small sample code:


proc sql noprint;
create table extract as
where sex='M'

%put NOTE: No. of males in sashelp.class: &sqlobs;


The resulting log:


2    proc sql noprint;
3    create table extract as
4    select
5    *
6    from
7    sashelp.class
8    where sex='M'
9    ;
NOTE: Table WORK.EXTRACT created, with 10 rows and 5 columns.

10   quit;
NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time):
      real time           0.06 seconds
      cpu time            0.00 seconds

12   %put NOTE: No. of males in sashelp.class: &sqlobs;
NOTE: No. of males in sashelp.class: 10


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Niels-Kenneth Nielsen


Obsidian | Level 7

You need to be a bit careful though... If you use &sqlobs efter a proc sql that doesn't create a table and uses the noprint option you get &sqlobs=1 every time, as I discovered a few years back when trying to find an error in my code... Note sure if this is a bug or a feature 🙂


proc sql noprint;
create table extract as
select *
from sashelp.class
where sex='M';
%put &=sqlobs; /*prints SQLOBS=10*/


proc sql;
select *
from sashelp.class
where sex='M';

%put &=sqlobs; /*prints SQLOBS=10*/


proc sql noprint;
select *
from sashelp.class
where sex='M';

%put &=sqlobs; /*prints SQLOBS=1*/

Obsidian | Level 7

Well, the documentation doesn't cover all situations on this issue, in fact I think it's a little missleading.


Have just spent about 2h figuring this out - and to me it looks like the macrovar SQLOBS delivers value 1 if PROC SQL is able to fill in a value in a (new) macrovar. (eg finds a value from a table), but a 0 (zero) if it is not able to.


It is a little confusing because SQLOBS also, in some situations, can take the value <blank> (that is: no value).

Obsidian | Level 7

Can you give some code examples?