The SAS Viya platform administrator must update the SAS Viya platform deployment regularly. SAS expects customers to update their SAS Viya platform deployment at least every 4 months on stable or every 6 months on LTS. If the deployment method is using the SAS Deployment Operator or the sas-orchestration command, SAS Viya platform administrator has to ensure that the sas-orchestration tool image that is pulled is the same as the one required by the new SAS Viya platform deployment assets.
In this article, I will show you how to update the sas-orchestration tool and provide you with a script to help you in this task.
SAS Viya platform can be deployed using several deployment methods:
and kubectl
The SAS Viya platform administrator could have to update the sas-orchestration tool before updating the SAS Viya platform deployment if it was deployed using the SAS Deployment Operator or the sas-orchestration command (This de facto includes the DAC method).
When the SAS Viya platform deployment must be updated, the SAS Viya platform administrator must:
The sas-orchestration tool version validation could be done using these two steps:
docker images */*/sas-orchestration | awk -F " " '{print $2}'
grep "docker pull" $deploy/sas-bases/examples/kubernetes-tools/ | awk -F ":" '{print $NF}'
If this sas-orchestration tool validation version is skipped but the sas-orchestration tool update is required, the next time the SAS Viya platform administrator runs a docker run sas-orchestration
command an error message is generated as illustrated below...
Select any image to see a larger version.
Mobile users: To view the images, select the "Full" version at the bottom of the page.
In this case, the SAS Viya platform administrator must update the sas-orchestration tool before re-running the command.
The sas-orchestration tool update process is documented only in the SAS Viya platform deployment assets inside the /sas-bases/examples/kubernetes-tools/
file. This file contains the exact version of the sas-orchestration image and how to pull it into the SAS Viya platform deployment.
Assuming that the new SAS Viya platform deployment assets was downloaded...
file. docker pull[version specific to your deployment]
.docker tag[version specific to your deployment] sas-orchestration
with your mirror repository address in both commands above.Note: If you use a SAS Viya platform docker images mirror repository, you will have to replace
with your mirror repository address in both commands above.
Because you will need to frequently update the sas-orchestration tool, I have written a bash
script that will update the sas-orchestration tool using the same steps I just described.
The script allows you to pass arguments to set:
# This script is to update the sas-orchestration tool in your SAS Viya platform deployment using your latest deployment assets.
# Initialize environment variables
_deploy=~/project/deploy/gelcorp # You can replace this value with your default SAS Viya platform deployment assets path # The default SAS Viya platform docker images repository
_sasTag=sas-orchestration # The default SAS Viya platform sas-orchestration docker image tag
# Define functions
helpMessage () {
printf "
Usage: ./ [arguments]
-d or --debug : To list arguments values for validation, but do not execute the script.
-h or --help : To display the help message
-p or --path : To set your SAS Viya platform deployment assets path
-r or --repository : To set your SAS Viya platform docker images mirror repository
-t or --tag : To set the SAS Viya platform sas-orchestration docker image tag
Other parameters/arguments values are just ignored.
debugMessage () {
printf "
# current parameters values #
Deployment assets path : ${_deploy}
Deployment repository : ${_repository}
sas-orchestration tag : ${_tag}
Other bad arguments are: \"${_otherParameters[*]}\"
# Parse script arguments
while [[ ${#} -gt 0 ]]
case ${key} in
-d|--debug) # To use the debug mode. Nothing executed.
shift # Past argument
-h|--help ) # To see this help message
exit 130
shift # Past argument
-p|--path) # Set the path to the SAS Viya platform deployment assets
shift # Past argument
shift # Past value
-r|--repository) # Set the required SAS Viya platform docker images repository
shift # Past argument
shift # Past value
-t|--tag) # Set the required SAS Viya platform sas-orchestration docker image tag
shift # Past argument
shift # Past value
*) # Unknown option
_otherParameters+=("${1}") # Save it in an array for later
shift # Past argument
# Debug message
if [[ ${_debug} -ne 0 ]]
exit 130
# Error message
if [[ "${_otherParameters[*]}" != "" ]]
exit 130
# Script arguments validation
if [[ -z "${_deploy}" ]] || [[ ! -d "${_deploy}" ]];
echo "You have to pass a valid path for the SAS Viya platform deployment assets."
exit 128
if [[ -z "${_repository}" ]] || [[ ${_repository} != *"."* ]];
echo "You have to pass a valid repository name to access the SAS Viya platform docker images."
exit 128
# Pull the required sas-orchestration tool image
_dockerPullCommand=$(grep "docker pull" ${_deploy}/sas-bases/examples/kubernetes-tools/
echo "${_dockerPullCommand}"
if [[ ${_repository} != ${_sasRepository} ]];
# To use a specific SAS Viya platform docker images mirror repository
_dockerPullCommand=$(echo "${_dockerPullCommand}" | sed "s/cr\.sas\.com/${_repository}/g")
echo "${_dockerPullCommand}"
# Tag the new sas-orchestration tool image as sas-orchestration (creates a kind of alias)
_dockerTagCommand=$(grep "docker tag" ${_deploy}/sas-bases/examples/kubernetes-tools/
echo "${_dockerTagCommand}"
if [[ ${_repository} != ${_sasRepository} ]];
# To use a specific SAS Viya platform docker images mirror repository
_dockerTagCommand=$(echo "${_dockerTagCommand}" | sed "s/cr\.sas\.com/${_repository}/g")
echo "${_dockerTagCommand}"
if [[ ${_tag} != ${_sasTag} ]];
# To use a specific SAS Viya platform sas-orchestration docker image tag
_dockerTagCommand=$(echo "${_dockerTagCommand}" | sed "s/${_sasTag}/${_tag}/g")
echo "${_dockerTagCommand}"
# Validate the docker image tag
docker image ls sas-orchestration*:*
docker images | grep "/sas-orchestration"
I hope this article has been helpful to you.
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