Objective: To demonstrate the functionality of API calls to perform operations on LASR servers.
If you administer SAS platform with LASR Analytic Server, you might be aware that you need to login to SAS Visual Analytics Administrator using LASR Administrator account to start the server process.
One way to automate this process is to use PROC LASR and start the server process. In my post I am going to share how to automate this process via API calls using PROC HTTP.
This demonstration is based on SAS Visual Analytics Ver. 7.5 and SMP deployment which is on SAS 9.4 M6 release. There are a few changes in this release where SAS administration functionality has been extended to web based SAS Environment Manager.
You can read more about what's new on the documentation link https://go.documentation.sas.com/?cdcId=bicdc&cdcVersion=9.4&docsetId=evadmfun&docsetTarget=evadmfun...
This code can be integrated with sas.servers script available on LAX/UNIX/zOS environments via a shell wrapper for seamless experience.
For Windows environments this code should be executed manually or if you use an automated batch file you can call this program as well.
Check this community article on how to Start/Stop all SAS Services in Windows using Batch File
Below is the preview of how it looks when integrated with sas.servers
1) Check status
Status of the services
2) Stop services
stopping sas services
3) Start services
start sas services
Below is the preview of the shell wrapper called by sas.servers script. You can call this wrapper directly as well to perform operations on LASR servers.
Execution in the background happens via the LASR Administrator account 'lasradm'. I have given sudo permissions to SAS Installer account 'sas' to perform this without asking for a password.
4) Check status
5) Stop services
6) Start services
It has some intelligence as well in-case you try to start the server if it's already started.
Using this approach would make the system start the LASR server in exactly the same way as you do via the user interface. This helps to apply all the enabled property options that you have made on the LASR servers.
For example, If you have set the reload-on-start option enabled, tables would be loaded back as the server starts.
I have tested this code on 3 different environments, two LAX and one WINX64 and it works error free. You should be ready to go once you provide the user, pass and operation (start/stop/status). Please download the code and script from the attachment.
Comments, Feedback and Suggestions are welcome!
Anand Vyas
Thakral One
Nice post @AnandVyas ;
One more idea popping up in my mind,
how's about running runsas.sh/bat file instead of calling it through API to start servers? if we've autoload configured, this runsas.sh/bat file also starts the LASR Servers if autoload configuration has been done.
Thanks @Kalind_Patel . Yes, that could be one possible way to automate start of LASR servers.
I'm having problems downloading the zip file. Is there another location?
Regards, jhc
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