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SAS Viya: Set Default Output Library for SAS Studio Flows

Started ‎02-05-2024 by
Modified ‎02-05-2024 by
Views 1,172

As of the Viya stable 2023.11 release, you have the option to change the default library for the writing of temporary output tables when executing a flow in SAS Studio.  This new option only applies to SAS Studio Flows.


By default, the WORK library is used but you now have the option to set a different library for these temporary tables.  You can set this option for all SAS Studio flows you create or set it for a single SAS Studio flow.


Set for All SAS Studio Flows


In SAS Studio, select Options → Preferences from the menu.  Select Tables to view the table preference options.  The newly added section is Default Output Libraries.



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The application default is the WORK SAS library.  Select the radio button for Output library location and then select mk_1_icon_DefaultLib.jpg and navigate to the library you want to set as the new default for SAS Studio Flows.




Click Save to save the default output library selection.  This sets the default output library for all your SAS Studio Flows.


Set for Single SAS Studio Flow


Open the SAS Studio Flow where you want to set a different default output table library option.  On the right-hand side of the flow, select  mk_2_icon_DefaultLib.jpg to open the Properties pane for the flow.




In the Default output library for intermediate tables section, the application default is the WORK SAS library.  Select the radio button for Output library location and then select  mk_3_1_icon_DefaultLib.jpg and navigate to the library you want to set as the new default for SAS Studio Flows.




Save the flow to save the change to the properties.  This sets the default output library just for this SAS Studio Flow.



You can now change the location where temporary output tables are written when executing a SAS Studio Flow.  For more information, refer to the documentation.


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Version history
Last update:
‎02-05-2024 02:04 PM
Updated by:


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