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SAS Visual Analytics stories are data with a soul

Started ‎05-01-2023 by
Modified ‎05-22-2023 by
Views 2,308

*** Note: I’m soliciting feedback/ideas before this webinar even takes places, see Comment section at end of presentation abstract below ***


Dr. Brené Brown's famous quoteDr. Brené Brown's famous quote


SAS Visual Analytics stories are data with a soul


Thursday, June 1st at 11 a.m. Eastern

Registration page -> click here


What does it mean to have a soul?  You'll know soul is evoked when you feel something deeply, for when something touches us deeply, we say it "touches my soul."  Dr. Brené Brown delivered a TEDx (Ted Talks) presentation on the power of vulnerability.  One of her main themes of that presentation is that inspiration is not in delivering data (per se); but rather, inspiration is in telling stories about the data and how the data can help us lead better lives.  Data wrapped in stories can move people, elicit emotion, and inspire people to take action. 


Aristotle claimed that in order to persuade, you need to rely on three complementary argument types: appeal to ethics (ethos); appeal to logic (logos) and appeal to emotion (pathos).  This Ask-the-Expert webinar will address examples of generating emotion with your visualizations, analytics, reports and dashboards.  In this new world of remote work (multi-tasking work and non-work activities) as well as “silent quitting”, it’s much harder to catch the attention of co-workers and management to act on what should be critical work matters.  In turn, you will hopefully make a human connection with your report consumers. 


This Ask-the-Expert webinar will begin with typical visualizations that do not elicit emotion.  It will then showcase seven example areas that could enable you to tell your most impactful story with your data from an emotional persuasion point of view: 

  1. Color Selection 
  2. Bias Detection
  3. Time Perception 
  4. Sentiment Analysis 
  5. Animation, Images and Video 
  6. Call to Action / Why / Because
  7. Can “Generative AI” help evoke human emotion in your report viewers

 The webinar will conclude with what to think about in creating a consumer-centric report that moves people to action specifically within your own organizations.  Webinar follow-up will include resources where to get more details on topics covered. 


Thursday, June 1st at 11 a.m. Eastern

Register Now


If you have ANY feedback regarding above or ANY ideas on what you think would evoke emotion in your visualizations, analytics, reports or dashboards within your own organizations (Visual Analytics for SAS 9.4 or Viya 3.x or Viya 4.x) that is not mentioned above, please do share examples.  Much appreciated.

Some people gave me additional ideas off-line so now it's a "Top 10" list with "Generative AI" being a bonus extra item (instead of just 7 examples) 😊

Hi @TedStolarczyk ,

I like your approach. My idea for additional aspects:

So far I see only examples of story telling(!) in the list. If I think of the mantra of adult education: „participant activation“, I would try to move to a kind of joint story development(!) with the participants (going more with Sokrates than Aristoteles). Visual Analytics provides the necessary tools with its Controls-Objects.




Here is an example, how we used control objects to do the parameterisation of a climate stress test together with the report users:

Beispiel Parametrisierung.png

@MarkusWeick I really like your Socratic Method idea for SAS Visual Analytics.  Obviously this method involves a shared dialogue between teacher and students. The teacher leads by posing thought-provoking questions. Students actively engage by asking questions of their own. The discussion goes back and forth.  Thank you BIG TIME for the suggestion!

and btw ... here's the updated list ...


This Ask-the-Expert webinar will begin with typical visualizations that do not elicit emotion. It will then showcase ten example areas that could enable you to tell your most impactful story with your data from an emotional persuasion point of view:

  1. Color Selection
  2. Bias Detection
  3. Time Perception
  4. Sentiment Analysis
  5. Paint a picture of Impact
  6. Animation, Images and Video
  7. Make the invisible -> visible
  8. Compare/Contrast
  9. Encourage a differences of opinion / collaborative environment
  10. Call to Action / Why / Because


The webinar will conclude with looking at whether “Generative AI” can help evoke human emotion in your report viewers and then regardless, what to think about in creating a consumer-centric report that moves people to action specifically within your own organizations. Webinar follow-up will include resources where to get more details on topics covered.

@TedStolarczyk , yes and the Controls-Objects serve as questions.

Version history
Last update:
‎05-22-2023 10:10 AM
Updated by:


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