One of the most popular question we hear is, is it possible to achieve data entry using SAS Visual Analytics 8.3. In the SAS 9 world, there was a simple answer: include a stored process in your report.
Do you think the answer will be the same in the SAS Viya world?
In Part 1 of this series, I explain what a SAS Viya Job is. In Part 2, I explain how to create a SAS Viya Job to perform some data entry using SAS Viya. In this last article of the series, I will add an extra layer and integrate the data entry job (quiz) into a Visual Analytics report.
SAS Visual Analytics (VA) offers different approaches to integrate SAS Viya Jobs into a VA report. Two objects can serve this purpose:
Both objects have the ability to define a URL which will display the content of the web page inside the SAS Visual Analytics report. To define the URL within the object options, we need to get the URL of our SAS Viya Job output covered in Part 2. This can be easily achieved in the SAS Job Execution interface.
Select any image to see a larger version.
Mobile users: To view the images, select the "Full" version at the bottom of the page.
This URL can now be pasted in the Options pane for the Web Content or the Data-Driven Content objects.
How do you choose between Web Content and Data-Driven Content objects?
The answer is quite simple. If you don't need to interact with the data used in the report, the Web Content object is the right option. As soon as you want to get interaction between the data in the report and the job, you should go for the Data-Driven Content object.
Here are a few examples of interactions:
What you can't do when integrating a job in a report is a direct update of the displayed data. In order to update the underlying data of the report, the CAS table(s) used in the report should be updated.
As you know from Part 2, our web page is a quiz that will require interaction from the report viewer; therefore I will use the Data-Driven Content object. If no interaction was needed, we could define the URL option in the Web Content but you don't really need a tutorial for that (more information).
We will start from where we left our quiz application in Part 2. Using the technique mentioned above, you can retrieve the URL of the job and add this URL to the Options of the Data-Driven Content object.
When this is done, we will create a few calculated measures to suit our needs and use the data to enrich the HTML form of the quiz. The Hint button in the form will display the percentage of users who selected a specific answer to the question. So, that means that we will have to update the %html macro and add some extra logic to it.
We have now a report with two objects but the HTML in the Data-Driven Content object does not get data from the report. We need to adapt the HTML code generated by the Job to collect data from the report and display the data in the HTML.
In order to collect data from the report, we should integrate two scripts provided by SAS and jQuery (a JS library easing the DOM navigation).
The SAS provided scripts can be downloaded from GitHub.
The jQuery script can be found here.
You can download those files and store them on the web server installed with SAS Viya. The location to store the files is: /var/www/html. The folder is by default only accessible by root user. You should change the rights on the folder to allow users to copy the files to that location. This can be achieved by a system administrator. As soon as the correct rights are set, you can copy the two contentUtil.js and messagingUtil.js to a folder named util and the jquery-3.3.1.min.js to a folder named libs. The needed files are now available to any user who has access to the web server. You can validate it using URLs similar to:
The next step will be to adapt the HTML macro defined in the Job. The HTML code generated by the macro should contain:
Here is the updated code:
%macro html;
%if %eval(&id > &maxid) %then
/* Call the quizz summary page */
data _null_;
set casuser.questions (where=(ID=&id)) nobs=rows;
file _webout;
by id;
/* Generate the HTML head */
if _n_ = 1 then do;
put '<html lang="en">';
put '<head>';
put '<title>Quizz Programming</title>';
put '<meta charset="utf-8">';
put '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,
put '<meta author="BIZOUX, Xavier">';
put '<style>';
put 'article {padding-left:20px;}';
put '</style>';
/* Add jquery and the utilities for Data-Driven Content object */
put '<script type="text/javascript"
put '<script type="text/javascript"
put '<script type="text/javascript"
put '<script>';
put 'function hint() {
var x = document.getElementById("hint");
if ( === "none") { = "block";
} else { = "none";
/* Define function to handle the data retrieved from
Data-Driven Content Object */
put 'function DDC(messageFromVA) {
var question = $("#id").val();
var html = "Other users gave the following answers:";
html += "<table>"; (d) {
if (d[0] == question) {
html += "<tr><td>" + d[1] + "</td><td>" +
d[2].toLocaleString(undefined,{style: "percent",
minimumFractionDigits:2}) +"</td></tr>";
html += "</table>";
/* Add an event listener to define the action
when the Hint button is pressed */
put 'document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",
function (event) { hint(); });';
/* Define the action that is executed when the data are received
from the Data-Driven Content object */
put 'va.messagingUtil.setOnDataReceivedCallback(DDC);';
put '</script>';
put '</head>';
put '<body>';
if then
/* Create the form calling the SAS JobExecution
and the specific job */
put '<form action="/SASJobExecution/">';
put '<input type="hidden" name="_program"
put '<input type="hidden" name="id" id="id" value="' id +(-1)'">';
put '<section>';
put '<header>';
put '<h3>Q ' id "/&maxid : " questions '</h3>';
put '</header>';
put '<article>';
put '<br>';
put '<label> <input type="checkbox" name="' Name +(-1) '" value="'
Correct +(-1) '">' choices +(-1) '</label>';
if then
put '<br><br>';
put '<button type="button" onclick="hint();">Hint</button>';
put '<input type="submit">';
put '<div id="hint"><p>Multiple answers</p>';
put '<div id="superHint"></div>';
put '</div>';
put '</article>';
put '</section>';
put '</form>';
if _n_=rows then do;
put '</body>';
put '</html>';
In the code, you can see the lines that were added in blue.
When the modifications are done, save the job and move back to the Visual Analytics report.
You should now see something like this:
Creating data entry using SAS Viya only is an easy task, you can use CAS to store data, build a data entry application using SAS Viya Jobs and integrate it within a VA report.
In this example, we've seen how to generate the HTML page using SAS code. The data entry application is quite simple a few checkboxes and buttons. To develop more advanced interfaces, you can separate the SAS code from the HTML code. The SAS Viya job can then become a data provider for your HTML page. It can be used to send data in JSON or XML format. The data are then manipulated in the HTML page and displayed. Separation of concerns is always a better approach for more advanced applications. This makes the applications easier to maintain and to split the development between a SAS programmer and a HTML/web programmer.
As discussed in Part 2, you should always have a clear understanding on the impact of your choices. Here are some questions you should ask yourself before starting:
Those questions are quite obvious but they will clearly impact the way the application is developed and how easy it will be to maintain and scale it while in production.
Here is a summary of the series:
Hi @XavierBizoux,
Im having issue on authentication of link when shared to a guest and which require a credential login. My objective is to share my work/project to non-sas user as "guest" that no login is require... Im also, used VA to refer and share the link via web content but there's an error of 403. Were already did made changes in the folder authorization level "as a guest". but still I cannot resolved the issue. Can you help why? Is there additional configuration settings that needed to share jobexecution form directly to non-users. Thank you in advance.
Machine authorization error
reproduce the quiz from the server
Sorry for the late answer to your question.
By default Guest access is designed to provide access to SAS Visual Analytics reports. SAS Job Execution requires specific access for Guest users to access it.
You should add specific Rules into SAS Environment Manager for SASJobExecution. You can find the related entries using the following URI: /jobExecution
I've not tested on my environment. So, I can't really tell you which ones should be updated to grant access for Guest user.
You might want to apply for the Guest user, the same rights as the Authenticated Users. I would nevertheless avoid giving more than Read access to avoid any security issue.
If you need more information or if you need me to investigate further how to set the rights properly, please let me know and I will spend time on it (but it might take a bit of time due to other priorities).
Hi Xavier,
Thanks for replying. By the way I already set the folder location accessible to guest same with authenticated users however it does not allow non-sas users to view the jobexecution link which resulting a 403 error upon access.
Thanks and regards,
Morning Xavier, great article, as with @danilononod I need to be able to share this with guest, I too got the 403 error, I went into Environment manager and changed all but a couple of rules, it got rid of the 403 error but now just says job error. I know my report work for those with access to sas, and the report works for guest but the part of my VA report that kicks off the job doesn't work for guest. is there another management option i need to adjust? The public guest folder is setup properly for access, as our other va reports without any job attached works great.
Rules I adjusted just to test:
new error:
Any help you can give would be great.thanks
Hi Xavier, stuck re-creating the Visual. I have the javascripts saved to the recommended folders and tested it with my browser, and all successfully showed the script details, sample:
Before updating the the new html code, I ran the job in sas studio and it worked great, no errors. After updating the html code and building the visual:
I am not getting the section on the data driven content that shows what other users selected as answers and when I submit my first question I get an error:
I clicked on show log and reopened report and here is the log short of the Error saying table already existed, I'm not seeing any other issues:
AS Log
1 %JESBEGIN The SAS System >>> SAS Macro Variables: _ACTION=form,prompts,execute _ADDJESBEGINENDMACROS=true _CASHOST_=AZRSASCASTEST.coastal.local _CASHOSTCONT_=AZRSASCASTEST.coastal.local _CASPORT_=5570 _CLIENTNAME=SASJobExecution _CONTEXTNAME=SAS Job Execution compute context _CSRF=0c961cae-dc54-442a-8d6d-723b261b8e1d _DEBUG=log _GRAFLOC= _HTUA= Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0 Win64 x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/102.0.5005.124 Safari/537.36 Edg/102.0.1245. 44 _MIGRATED_STP= _OMITJSONLISTING=true _OMITJSONLOG=false _OMITSESSIONRESULTS=true _OMITTEXTLISTING=true _OMITTEXTLOG=true _OUTPUT_TYPE=html _PROGRAM=/Users/jwalker/Quiz _REPLAY= _RESULTFILE=_webout.* _RMTADDR= _RMTHOST= _SUPPRESS_MVARS= _TMPCAT= _URL=/SASJobExecution/ _USERLOCALE=en_US _VARIABLEFILTER=eq(name,'_STATUS_MESSAGE') _VERSION=SASJobExecution Version 2.2.62 _XFORWARD= SYS_COMPUTE_DATA=/opt/sas/viya/config/data/compsrv/default SYS_COMPUTE_JOB_ID=2F5DD491-2B08-D945-9CA7-5EECFAD27C0D SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_ID=236f9e19-3719-41c3-94aa-21681920c773-ses0000 SYS_COMPUTE_SESSION_OWNER=jwalker SYS_JES_JOB_URI=/jobExecution/jobs/08785044-1e82-4e28-b4cb-d22e35509665 2 /* Define macro variables for the parameters defined in the URL */ 3 %global id maxid answer01 answer02 answer03 answer04 answer05; 4 5 /* Define CAS server connection, session and CAS libraries */ 6 options cashost="azrsascastest.coastal.local" casport=5570; 7 cas mySession sessopts=(caslib="casuser"); NOTE: The session MYSESSION connected successfully to Cloud Analytic Services azrsascastest.coastal.local using port 5570. The UUID is 3087a34c-bfa7-894a-979f-68469708d201. The user is jwalker and the active caslib is CASUSER(jwalker). NOTE: The SAS option SESSREF was updated with the value MYSESSION. NOTE: The SAS macro _SESSREF_ was updated with the value MYSESSION. NOTE: The session is using 0 workers. NOTE: 'CASUSER(jwalker)' is now the active caslib. NOTE: The CAS statement request to update one or more session options for session MYSESSION completed. 8 libname fintech cas caslib="fintech"; NOTE: Libref FINTECH was successfully assigned as follows: Engine: CAS Physical Name: 3087a34c-bfa7-894a-979f-68469708d201 The SAS System 9 libname casuser cas caslib="casuser"; NOTE: Libref CASUSER was successfully assigned as follows: Engine: CAS Physical Name: 3087a34c-bfa7-894a-979f-68469708d201 10 11 /* Macro invoked at the beginning of the Job execution */ 12 %macro init; 13 %if %symexist(id) and %eval(&id > 0) %then 14 %do; 15 16 /* Call record macro to register the answers */ 17 %record; 18 19 /* Increment question id */ 20 %let id = %eval(&id + 1 ); 21 %end; 22 %else 23 %do; 24 25 /* Code executed when loading the first time */ 26 %let id = 1; 27 28 data casuser.questions; 29 set fintech.quiz_programming; 30 run; 31 proc cas; 32 table.promote /caslib="casuser" name="questions"; 33 quit; 34 %end; 35 36 /* Define the number of questions */ 37 proc sql noprint; 38 create table maxid as select max(id) as maxid from casuser.questions; 39 select maxid into :maxid from maxid; 40 quit; 41 42 %mend; 43 44 /* Macro invoked when last question has been answered */ 45 %macro finish; 46 %if %eval(&id > &maxid) %then 47 %do; 48 /* Generate the data set to be loaded into the Global CASLib used for reporting */ 49 data casuser.toLoad; 50 set casuser.questions (drop= questions choices hint justification); 51 userid = "&sysuserid"; 52 datetime = datetime(); 53 format datetime datetime16.; 54 run; 55 /* Load data into the CASLib used for reporting and perform some cleanup activities */ 56 proc cas; 57 table.tableExists result=res/caslib='fintech' name='quiz_answers'; 58 59 if res.exists > 0 then 60 do; 61 datastep.runcode result=dsResult /code="data fintech.quiz_answers (append=yes); set casuser.toLoad; run;"; 62 end; 63 else The SAS System 64 do; 65 table.promote / caslib='casuser' name='toLoad' target='quiz_answers' targetlib='fintech'; 66 table.promote / caslib='fintech' name='quiz_answers'; 67 end; 68 / caslib='fintech' name='quiz_answers' table={caslib='fintech' name='quiz_answers'} replace=true; 69 table.dropTable / caslib='casuser' name='questions'; 70 table.deleteSource / caslib='casuser' source='questions'; 71 table.dropTable / caslib='casuser' name='toLoad'; 72 table.deleteSource / caslib='casuser' source='toLoad'; 73 quit; 74 /* Terminate the CAS session */ 75 cas mySession terminate; 76 %end; 77 %mend; 78 79 /* Macro invoked to record the answers */ 80 %macro record; 81 proc cas; 82"questions"; 83 84 do i=1 to 5 by 1; 85 name_i=put(i, z2.); 86 varName='Answer'||name_i; 87 88 if symget(varName) > "" then 89 do; 90 questionsTbl.where="&id = id and name ='"|| varName ||"'"; 91 table.update / table=questionsTbl set={{var='selected', value="1"}}; 92 end; 93 end; 94 quit; 95 96 %mend; 97 98 /*Macro generating the html pages */ 99 %macro html; 100 %if %eval(&id > &maxid) %then 101 %do; 102 /* Call the quizz summary page */ 103 %html_result; 104 %end; 105 %else 106 %do; 107 data _null_; 108 set casuser.questions (where=(ID=&id)) nobs=rows; 109 file _webout; 110 by id; 111 /* Generate the HTML head */ 112 if _n_ = 1 then do; 113 put '<html lang="en">'; 114 put '<head>'; 115 put '<title>Quizz Programming</title>'; 116 put '<meta charset="utf-8">'; 117 put '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, 118 initial-scale=1.0">'; 119 put '<meta author="BIZOUX, Xavier">'; 120 put '<style>'; 121 put 'article {padding-left:20px;}'; The SAS System 122 put '</style>'; 123 /* Add jquery and the utilities for Data-Driven Content object */ 124 put '<script type="text/javascript" 125 src="/libs/jquery-3.3.1.min.js"></script>'; 126 put '<script type="text/javascript" 127 src="/util/messagingUtil.js"></script>'; 128 put '<script type="text/javascript" 129 src="/util/contentUtil.js"></script>'; 130 put '<script>'; 131 put 'function hint() { 132 var x = document.getElementById("hint"); 133 if ( === "none") { 134 = "block"; 135 } else { 136 = "none"; 137 } 138 }'; 139 /* Define function to handle the data retrieved from 140 Data-Driven Content Object */ 141 put 'function DDC(messageFromVA) { 142 var question = $("#id").val(); 143 var html = "Other users gave the following answers:"; 144 html += "<table>"; 145 (d) { 146 if (d[0] == question) { 147 html += "<tr><td>" + d[1] + "</td><td>" + 148 d[2].toLocaleString(undefined,{style: "percent", NOTE: The quoted string currently being processed has become more than 262 bytes long. You might have unbalanced quotation marks. 149 minimumFractionDigits:2}) +"</td></tr>"; 150 }}); 151 html += "</table>"; 152 $("#superHint").html(html); 153 }'; 154 /* Add an event listener to define the action 155 when the Hint button is pressed */ 156 put 'document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", 157 function (event) { hint(); });'; 158 /* Define the action that is executed when the data are received 159 from the Data-Driven Content object */ 160 put 'va.messagingUtil.setOnDataReceivedCallback(DDC);'; 161 put '</script>'; 162 put '</head>'; 163 put '<body>'; 164 end; 165 if then 166 do; 167 /* Create the form calling the SAS JobExecution 168 and the specific job */ 169 put '<form action="/SASJobExecution/">'; 170 put '<input type="hidden" name="_program" 171 value="/gelcontent/Jobs/Quiz">'; 172 put '<input type="hidden" name="id" id="id" value="' id +(-1)'">'; 173 put '<section>'; 174 put '<header>'; 175 put '<h3>Q ' id "/&maxid : " questions '</h3>'; 176 put '</header>'; 177 put '<article>'; 178 end; The SAS System 179 put '<br>'; 180 put '<label> <input type="checkbox" name="' Name +(-1) '" value="' 181 Correct +(-1) '">' choices +(-1) '</label>'; 182 if then 183 do; 184 put '<br><br>'; 185 put '<button type="button" onclick="hint();">Hint</button>'; 186 put '<input type="submit">'; 187 put '<div id="hint"><p>Multiple answers</p>'; 188 put '<div id="superHint"></div>'; 189 put '</div>'; 190 put '</article>'; 191 put '</section>'; 192 put '</form>'; 193 end; 194 if _n_=rows then do; 195 put '</body>'; 196 put '</html>'; 197 end; 198 run; 199 %end; 200 %mend; 201 202 /*Macro generating the summary page */ 203 %macro html_result; 204 data _null_; 205 length cssClass $200; 206 set casuser.questions nobs=rows; 207 file _webout; 208 by id; 209 /* Generate the HTML head */ 210 if _n_=1 then 211 do; 212 put '<html lang="en">'; 213 put '<head>'; 214 put '<title>quiz Programming</title>'; 215 put '<meta charset="utf-8">'; 216 put 217 '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">'; 218 put '<meta author="BIZOUX, Xavier">'; 219 put '<style>'; 220 put 'article {padding-left:20px;}'; 221 put '.valid {display:block; background-color: lightgreen; width:400px;}'; 222 put '.invalid {display:block; background-color: red; width:400px;}'; 223 put '</style>'; 224 put '</head>'; 225 put '<body>'; 226 end; 227 /* Generate the card for each question */ 228 if then 229 do; 230 put '<section>'; 231 put '<header>'; 232 put '<h3>Q ' id "/&maxid : " questions '</h3>'; 233 put '</header>'; 234 put '<article>'; 235 end; 236 The SAS System 237 if correct=1 then 238 cssClass=' class="valid" '; 239 else 240 cssClass=' class="invalid" '; 241 put '<label ' cssClass '>'; 242 put; 243 244 if selected=1 then 245 do; 246 put '<input type="checkbox" checked disabled>'; 247 end; 248 else 249 do; 250 put '<input type="checkbox" disabled>'; 251 end; 252 put choices +(-1) '</label>'; 253 254 if then 255 do; 256 put '</article>'; 257 put '<br>'; 258 put '<article>'; 259 put '<header> <h4>Answer</h4> </header>'; 260 put '<p>' justification '</p>'; 261 put '</article>'; 262 put '<br>'; 263 put '</section>'; 264 end; 265 266 if _n_=rows then do; 267 put '</body>'; 268 put '</html>'; 269 end; 270 run; 271 272 %mend; 273 274 /* Call the different macros */ 275 %init; NOTE: Running DATA step in Cloud Analytic Services. NOTE: The DATA step will run in multiple threads. NOTE: There were 10 observations read from the table QUIZ_PROGRAMMING in caslib Fintech. NOTE: The table questions in caslib CASUSER(jwalker) has 10 observations and 8 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.02 seconds user cpu time 0.00 seconds system cpu time 0.00 seconds memory 1409.87k OS Memory 26148.00k Timestamp 07/18/2022 04:02:48 PM Step Count 7 Switch Count 2 Page Faults 0 Page Reclaims 82 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 68 Involuntary Context Switches 0 Block Input Operations 0 The SAS System Block Output Operations 0 NOTE: Active Session now MYSESSION. ERROR: The target table questions of the promotion already exists. Please specify a different name. ERROR: The action stopped due to errors. NOTE: PROCEDURE CAS used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds user cpu time 0.01 seconds system cpu time 0.00 seconds memory 10658.03k OS Memory 35980.00k Timestamp 07/18/2022 04:02:48 PM Step Count 8 Switch Count 0 Page Faults 0 Page Reclaims 1166 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 10 Involuntary Context Switches 0 Block Input Operations 0 Block Output Operations 0 NOTE: Table WORK.MAXID created, with 1 rows and 1 columns. NOTE: PROCEDURE SQL used (Total process time): real time 0.03 seconds user cpu time 0.01 seconds system cpu time 0.01 seconds memory 5467.50k OS Memory 31268.00k Timestamp 07/18/2022 04:02:48 PM Step Count 9 Switch Count 0 Page Faults 0 Page Reclaims 315 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 42 Involuntary Context Switches 0 Block Input Operations 0 Block Output Operations 136 276 %html; NOTE: The quoted string currently being processed has become more than 262 bytes long. You might have unbalanced quotation marks. NOTE: The file _WEBOUT is: Filename=_webout.html, URI path=/files/files/68090848-ba38-442d-80b3-bf9df3c73b3c, File Identifier=68090848-ba38-442d-80b3-bf9df3c73b3c, Content Type=text/html, Parent URI=/jobExecution/jobs/08785044-1e82-4e28-b4cb-d22e35509665, Encoding=UTF-8,RECFM=V,LRECL=32767, File Size (bytes)=0, Last Modified=18Jul2022:16:02:48, Create Time=18Jul2022:16:02:48 The SAS System NOTE: 45 records were written to the file _WEBOUT. The minimum record length was 4. The maximum record length was 376. NOTE: There were 4 observations read from the data set CASUSER.QUESTIONS. WHERE ID=1; NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.32 seconds user cpu time 0.06 seconds system cpu time 0.01 seconds memory 912.50k OS Memory 26400.00k Timestamp 07/18/2022 04:02:48 PM Step Count 10 Switch Count 0 Page Faults 0 Page Reclaims 623 Page Swaps 0 Voluntary Context Switches 92 Involuntary Context Switches 1 Block Input Operations 0 Block Output Operations 8 277 %finish; 278 %JESEND
So found one issue that I fogot to do, when replacing the html from part two with the new html from part three forgot to change the line with the gel content to my directory where the job is
171 value="/gelcontent/Jobs/Quiz">';
So I can submit the quiz now with now apparent errors however the section in the data driven content, still doesn't show what other users responses are and I now get new errors:
NOTE: Active Session now MYSESSION. NOTE: Cloud Analytic Services saved the file quiz_answers.sashdat in caslib Fintech. {caslib=Fintech,name=quiz_answers.sashdat} NOTE: Cloud Analytic Services dropped table questions from caslib CASUSER(jwalker). ERROR: The source data questions could not be removed from caslib CASUSER(jwalker) of Cloud Analytic Services. ERROR: The action stopped due to errors. NOTE: Cloud Analytic Services dropped table toLoad from caslib CASUSER(jwalker). ERROR: The source data toLoad could not be removed from caslib CASUSER(jwalker) of Cloud Analytic Services. ERROR: The action stopped due to errors.
Not sure if it an issue? Also is it supposed to look like i have five contents inside each other, each time I answer a question looks like its opening up a new data driven object?
Sorry for the late answer, I was off for a few weeks enjoying summertime.
Regarding the troubles you are facing, I'm not sure about the issue but you can check the content of the casuser.questions in SAS Studio. The table has been promoted and should be available across sessions. You can check the content of the table after assigning the casuser libname.
cas mySession;
libname casuser cas caslib="casuser";
If the table is empty, you may have trouble earlier in the SAS code. If the table is available, you can try to execute the last part of the code which should "load data into the CASLib used for reporting and perform some cleanup activities". Let me know if that works in SAS Studio.
If not, please send me the resulting log.
Thanks @XavierBizoux , so data is available to report on, and the part of capturing the data in the tables is working, so at least i know that works which is what I really care about. I'm sure I'll have more question now that I am trying to build my own. Thanks for getting back to me.
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